Chapter 2815
Wang Haibo laughed, yes, he did, he wanted this kind of result, killing a dog traitor is really not worth it, killing a devil's official is serious.

Little soldiers are meaningless, and dog traitors are even more meaningless. If you want to kill them, kill devils and officers.

No, the opportunity has come, this little devil fell for it.

Looking at Xiao Ben's exposed head, Wang Haibo waved his hand, and suddenly, a bullet shot out, directly into Xiao Ben's head!
Xiao Ben was shocked, his eyes were blank, and he fell backwards.

Maybe, this Xiaoben didn't expect that he came here to persuade him to surrender, so how could he die here.

Unfortunately, this has become a reality.

The bullet pierced through Xiao Mu's head, and a flower of blood splashed on Qian Tang's face!

Sen Tang was terrified, he had never experienced this before, this was blood, this was Xiao Ben's blood, devil's blood!This is all I want, play big!

He turned his head and looked at the devils, "Hurry up, hurry up, tell Your Excellency, and let everyone make a decision!"

Poor little Ben was shot in the head just before he showed his head.

Carrying Xiaoben's body back to the temporary camp, seeing Xiaoben's body, Yongshan Wanggao was furious, "Bagaya Road!"

He turned to look at Sento, who was trembling and did not dare to look up.

"Qiantang-kun, you have to tell me what happened!" Yongshan Wanggao shouted.

"Back, back to Taijun's words, the Eighth Route Army is very cunning. They said they would surrender, but it turned out... As a result, your Excellency Xiaoben was shot and killed by the Eighth Route Army just as soon as he showed up! Fortunately, fortunately, I ran fast... No, fortunately I ran ...No... Oops, Your Excellency, you must avenge your Excellency Xiaoben! Kill all the Eighth Route Army, kill all the Eighth Route Army!" Qian Tang trembled and couldn't speak at all.

"Bagaya Road, such a thing happened, it is a great shame for us, come here, reorganize the army, I am going to meet this ignorant Eighth Route Army!"

After Yongshan Wanggao finished speaking, he immediately returned to the tent, and after getting ready, he led the troops to the small highland!

On the small high ground at this time, Wang Haibo and everyone were working happily, and the soldiers kept praising Wang Haibo.

"Haha, it's a joke, we don't know who this is killing, but, in my opinion, the devil's army is coming, you all cheer me up, and beat me hard when you see the devil! "Although Wang Haibo spoke seriously, he was still very excited and happy.


After a while, a soldier shouted, "Look, platoon leader!"

After finishing speaking, in the narrow valley, I vaguely saw the devils coming, there were quite a few of them, it seemed that they really came for revenge!
"Damn it, it came pretty fast, everyone is in your position, when the devils come, follow the instructions of the battalion commander, throw all the grenades out for me, kill as many as you can, I'm going to let go and kill today! After finishing speaking, Wang Haibo shouted.

Before he could finish speaking, a few shells hit the Eighth Route Army's position, the loess flew up, and Wang Haibo's ears were deafened for a while.

"I'll go!" Wang Haibo shook his head, and a lot of loess fell from his head.

"Everyone is very clear to me. If you see a devil, beat them hard. Don't be polite. Our Eighth Route Army will not follow their tricks!" Wang Haibo shouted again!
However, the devils didn't seem to give them this preparation, and all the shells hit them.

All of a sudden, the casualties came out.

They haven't seen the shadow of the devil yet, but they have already suffered a lot of casualties. This makes Wang Haibo unacceptable!

"Squad leader!" Wang Haibo shouted loudly.

A squad leader ran over from the front of the position, "Platoon leader, call me!"

"Where is the portrait that was seized when we attacked the devil's stronghold last time?" Wang Haibo asked hastily.

"It's on me! You said it was useful, so I put it on my body!" said the squad leader.

"Take it out, give it to me, this portrait is nothing else, I found out clearly, this is the devil's emperor, damn it, if you dare to call it up, I will hang up the portrait of the devil's emperor and let them call it , I don’t believe it, the devils dare to open fire on the portrait of their emperor!” After speaking, he took over the portrait of the first class leader and unfolded it.

The proud Wang Haibo laughed, and the squad leader next to him also laughed, "Platoon leader, I really have you!"

"In extraordinary times, we must use extraordinary means. Today, I just got on with the devil for nothing else. We have a chance to fight a tough battle before the row. Today, the opportunity has come. Comrades, when you see the devil, fight me. They Don't dare fight back!"

After a round of shelling, the devils stopped shelling as expected, and then the infantry rushed towards the small high ground.

Seeing the devils attacking, Wang Haibo shouted, "What are you waiting for? Hit, grenade, throw it over for me, the life of the little devil is very cheap, hit, hit!"


"Da da da……"


Grenades and machine guns aimed at the devil's assault troops and began to fight back.

For a while, the devil actually backed away, and the portrait of the emperor in Wang Haibo's hand was useless.

The first squad leader said regretfully, "Platoon leader, they retreated, retreated!"

"Take a risk, don't worry, the little devil retreated one wave, and there will be a second wave and a third wave. This time, when they catch up, I really want to hang a portrait of the emperor, hahaha!" Wang Haibo finished.

Immediately afterwards, the devils really started the second wave of attacks.

There was another burst of shelling, and after the shelling, the assault troops began to rush upwards desperately!

When they arrived at the point of retaliation, the Eighth Route Army still unswervingly took out grenades to fight back.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and a small highland turned into a purgatory on earth.

Only then did Wang Haibo realize that the charging devils were not just the people in front of him, they were all from the east and west. Unexpectedly, the devils really cared about his small high ground.

Wang Haibao hung up the portrait of the devil emperor with a wooden stick, and then shouted, "Little devil, open your eyes and see clearly, who is this? Come on, come on!"

For a moment, the devils who rushed up were stunned. The portrait of the emperor suddenly appeared on the Eighth Route Army's position. What did the Eighth Route Army do?
Could it be that the Eighth Route Army has already surrendered?

However, these devils thought too simply, it was too simple, they didn't dare to shoot, but the Eighth Route Army dared. "Shoot, what are you dawdling about?"

Wang Haibo shouted, and immediately, shells from all directions on the left and right began to hit the devil!


The little devil had never seen such a battle before, so he immediately retreated, and all of a sudden, he was quiet!

Wang Haibo breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems that the little devil is still afraid of hitting the portrait of their emperor, haha, I have found a weakness, then I will give him a hard pinch!"

The retreating devil told Yongshan Wanggao about the incident on the mountain, and Yongshan Wanggao was also stunned. The old devil directly cursed in his heart: The Eighth Route Army... The Eighth Route Army...too shameless!

How many years of fighting has this **** fought, and I have never seen such a shameless person!
Anyway, no matter how many times Yongshan Wanggao charged, the emperor's portrait of their devils rushed up, which made Yongshan Wanggao's anger even more furious.

If you don't shoot, Xiaoben will die in vain. If you shoot, the bullet will hit the portrait of His Majesty the Emperor, which is disrespectful.

When Qian Tang saw the eyes, his heart was burning with anxiety, "Taijun, Taijun, what should we do?"

Yongshan Wanggao stared at him, "You ask me? How could I know?"

After finishing speaking, Yongshan Wanggao drew out his command saber and chopped it heavily on the nearby trees.

"Baga Yalu, the Eighth Route Army is too cunning. I never thought that they would come up with such a way to deal with me!"

Yongshan Wanggao can only be angry at this time, and there is no other way!
"Taijun, the Eighth Route Army is so cunning, what should we do? We can't just waste it like this!" Qian Tang shouted.

"What are you shouting for?" Yongshan Wanggao asked Qiantang angrily, "How could I not know that delaying is not good? The Eighth Route Army should have moved by now, and they can outflank our retreat at any time! This small highland is temporarily If you can’t take it down for a while, how can you take down nine strongholds in one day?”

Yongshan Wanggao was angry and angry.

"Report!" A ghost ran over in a hurry.

Yongshan Wanggao looked at him, "What's wrong?"

"Your Majesty, I found that the Eighth Route Army is coming from the south!" The devil hurriedly reported.

"How many people? How far away?" Yongshan Wanggao asked.

"There is probably a company, five miles away from us!" After the devil finished speaking, Yong Shan was stunned.

Wulidi, this is about to arrive at once.

"Hurry up and order, the whole army retreats, retreats!"

After fighting for such a long time, not even a small highland was captured, and the soldiers were lost. Being trapped here is really useless, but there is no way to do it.

After a while, the devil left completely.

The siege of the small highland was lifted, and Wang Haibo laughed.

The squad leaders ran over one by one, "Platoon leader, you are really there, that devil has evacuated!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect this either. Go, pack up the portrait of the devil's emperor for me. When the devil dares to come over again, we are hanging it out!"

Wang Haibo clapped his hands and said happily.

"Platoon leader, how do you know that devil will stop when he sees the portrait of their emperor?" asked the squad leader.

"Haha, this is very simple. Devils believe in the emperor. When they die, they will say that they are ashamed of the emperor. When they see the portrait of the emperor, they must not be respectful? This is their weakness. The so-called "beating a snake and hitting seven inches" is the portrait of the emperor. It's their seven inches!" Wang Haibo said proudly.

"Platoon leader, you really have it!" said the first squad leader in admiration.

"Platoon leader, there is a situation, our reinforcements are here!" A soldier ran over and said.

"Reinforcement? Grandma's, do you know it's the support army? They came only after we won the battle. Isn't this playing us in a different way?" Wang Haibo asked with a smile, looking at several squad leaders.

"It's too far away, I can't see clearly!" said the soldier.

"Okay, there's nothing else to do with you. I'll see who is here!" Wang Haibo finished speaking, looking into the distance.

After a while, a company came, and the leader was Su Fuguo.

When Su Fuguo arrived, he was shocked to see the corpse of the devil on the small high ground. He went up to the small high ground and looked at Wang Haibo, and immediately asked, "Wang Haibo, what's the situation? The devil has retreated?"

"Hey, who am I to say? So it's you, Company Commander Su." Wang Haibo said with a smile.

"Don't be so hippie!" Su Fuguo looked at him, "I heard that the devils sent a large army to attack you, and it seems that they want to take down this small highland. Unexpectedly, the devils actually withdrew their troops!"

"Company commander, you don't know, our platoon leader Wang is so arrogant that he hung a portrait of the devil emperor, and the devil dare not fight, hahaha!" the squad leader asked with a smile.

"Yes? Is there such a situation?" Su Fuguo asked in surprise.

"Isn't it? After fighting for a long time, the devil just couldn't hit it. The portrait of the emperor of the devil is simply a what? What is it called? Yes, yes, it is called a tank, that is a tank, the devil can't fight Come up!" The squad leader laughed loudly.

"Hahaha!" Su Fuguo also laughed out loud. It's not easy, yes, it's not easy. He, Su Fuguo, has been fighting for so long and has never encountered such a situation. It's not easy. If the devil is really like this , Wouldn't it be easy to fight in the future?
"I said Wang Haibo, you have a lot of ghost ideas, you can think of such a good way, what about the devil's portrait? Come, show me!" Su Fuguo asked.

"Haha, come on, show the portrait of the devil emperor to the platoon leader, and ask the platoon leader to talk about whether the portrait of the devil emperor is a little boy." Wang Haibo said.

When he gave the portrait to Su Fuguo, Su Fuguo unfolded it and saw that it was indeed the portrait of the devil emperor. Unexpectedly, this ordinary portrait would make the devil stop. It is really unheard of!
"Dog thing, there are such good things, it's really a waste to give them to you!" After Su Fuguo finished speaking, he rolled up the portrait, "I want this portrait!"

After Su Fuguo finished speaking, Wang Haibo was stunned, and hurried to grab it.

"Company commander, this is not allowed. This is the patron saint of our small highland. Don't look like the emperor of the devils, but the devils really dare not come to take the small highland!" Wang Haibo said.

"Stingy!" Su Fuguo smiled, and then gave him the portrait.

"This thing treats the symptoms but not the root cause. The devils won't show up in the open, but it will be over if you launch a surprise attack. Your platoon must cheer up no matter day or night, and don't let the devils take advantage of it." Su Fuguo warned.

"Don't worry, company commander, our platoon has also fought battles. Don't look at the number of recruits, but they are all brave and fearless warriors. At critical times, they can still be taken!" Wang Haibo quickly put the portrait behind him the first squad leader.

The squad leader hurriedly put it away and wrapped it again in kraft paper.

"Hey, you kid!" Seeing this scene, Su Fuguo actually laughed.

"Since there's nothing else to do, I'm leaving!" After speaking, Su Fuguo left with his people.

After leaving, Wang Haibo breathed a sigh of relief, "This company commander even snatched the devil's portrait from me, shameless!"

The first squad leader and several squad leaders had black lines all over their faces, "Platoon leader, don't dare to say that!"

"If you don't dare, tell your comrades to defend carefully. Although the devils have retreated, we are the front line, the forward position!"

(End of this chapter)

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