Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2816 Surprised

Chapter 2816 Surprised

When Su Fuguo went back and told Liu Jiyi about Xiao Gaodi, Liu Ji was also surprised, "Is it really so effective?"

Grandma, if this is true, then if you get some more portraits of the emperor, can you kill a lot of little devils.

Thinking of this, Liu Ji's heart suddenly became happy.

"Really, that boy Wang Haibo is notoriously slippery. He doesn't play cards according to common sense in wars. He is a talent that can be cultivated!" Su Fuguo said.

After all, this time is a good example.

"Well, it doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it's a good cat. Strengthen the defense. Our goal is to guard this place and prevent all chaos." Liu Ji said.

"Battalion Commander, tell me, can we implement this in the whole army?" Su Fuguo asked.

"It's not feasible. If you hang up the portrait of the devil emperor, you can win the battle. Are you still training soldiers? Are you still assassinating?" Liu Ji saw the disadvantages immediately.

"Yes, I understand!" Su Fuguo said.

"It's good to understand. Let me tell you, it's okay to be smart about some things, but it's not okay to be smart about some things. It's okay for that kid Wang Haibo to be smart. He can make me feel better, but fighting is still the best thing to do." You have to fight with real knives and guns, I hope you understand this, I believe that the leader thinks so too!"

Liu Ji said.

"I understand!" Su Fuguo nodded immediately.

"However, since Wang Haibo took the lead in winning a battle, well, then the whole battalion should praise him. There is no such tradition in our battalion anymore!" Liu Ji said.

"Praise from the whole battalion?"

Su Fuguo was surprised, you know, it is the highest honor to be praised by the whole camp, but this kid Wang Haibo actually got a commendation from the whole camp?
What the hell, this kid is lucky.

"Yes, for such deeds, we lack the opportunity to reward. In the past, the brigade commander would give us medals, but now, there are fewer such opportunities, so we should take this matter seriously, of course. , I will record it for you in my military merit book, and when the time comes, it will be clear at a glance who won the battle and who lost the battle." Liu Ji said.


Su Fuguo stood at attention and said.

After he left, Su Fuguo's heart became excited. You must know that this was a commendation from the whole battalion. great merit.

Sure enough, as he said, when Su Fuguo told the whole battalion about this matter, the mood of the whole battalion became more enthusiastic now. If you think about it, a platoon was praised, and the first card was played to win more with less Such a big battle, such a platoon leader will be unlimited in the future, who can shake the position of this platoon in the future?

"I didn't expect the three companies and one row to be so powerful? They are three companies!"

"Yes, to be honest, the third company didn't fight too many tough battles. The first battalion fought the most tough battles, followed by the second battalion. After all, the third battalion is a recruit battalion!"

"Haha, you can't say that, and recruits can't be underestimated. You have to understand that this blue is better than blue. I'm afraid that the three companies and one platoon will be more handy in future battles. Listen to me, these three battalions and one The victory of the platoon is commended by the whole battalion, do you want to give a commendation from the whole battalion as well?"

"Of course I do!"

"Okay, now that I think about it, my emotions will warm up. When I see the devils, I will get excited, and then I will become ruthless when I beat the devils. Do you understand?"

shouted one of the rows.

When the news of the whole battalion's praise spread to the second platoon, the leader of the second platoon was quite shocked.He is Yu Hanyuan.

Because of Feng Chunqiu's sacrifice, Su Fuguo came to the company as the company commander, and the position of the second company was vacated. Yang Fei felt that Yu Hanyuan was really brave. Besides, under Su Fuguo's careful guidance, Yu Hanyuan was also very capable, although he disappeared last time However, Yu Hanyuan also has his own purpose.

Therefore, Su Fuguo felt that it was feasible for Yu Hanyuan to be the platoon leader, and Yang Fei also agreed, so Yu Hanyuan became a platoon leader of the second platoon.

When he heard that the third platoon leader, Wang Haibo, had made military achievements and was praised by the whole battalion, his inner restlessness had already begun.

Others were happy for Wang Haibo, but Yu Hanyuan felt that he did not have military merits as a platoon leader, and that he had to have a good record in order to convince the crowd.

His face began to turn red slowly, Wang Haibo belonged to the third battalion, and their second battalion claimed to have fought many battles, but this battle let Wang Haibo win first, and he began to worry.

Yu Hanyuan's position is even more on the front line. This position is at an angle with Wang Haibo. Once Wang Haibo is attacked, he can attack the devils from the rear. It stands to reason that he can be the first to get military merit in this position.

However, Yu Hanyuan's mood has changed at this time. If the devil is useless in this battle, then the devil will definitely think about what to do next. If he goes to fight Wang Haibo again, Wang Haibo will hold up the portrait of the devil's emperor again, so it will be the same In vain.

Thinking of Yu Hanyuan here, he immediately shook his head, "It seems that the devil can't attack Wang Haibo all at once. Taking advantage of this gap, he can definitely attack the devil!"

However, if he wanted to take the initiative to attack the devil, he had to get the approval of the company commander. I'm afraid it would not be so easy, so he had to create a motive.

"Come on!"

Yu Hanyuan shouted.

A soldier ran over, "Platoon leader!"

"Go over there and check what the devil is doing now!" Yu Hanyuan said.

"Platoon leader... now go to see the devil... what are you doing?" the soldier asked.

"If you are told to go, just go, don't ask so many questions, we don't have enough time now!" Yu Hanyuan said.

The soldier was stunned for a moment, and didn't dare to ask any more questions. He nodded and said directly, "Platoon leader, I'll go right away, I'll go right away!"

After speaking, the soldier left.

Anyway, Yu Hanyuan has to prepare now, if he finds any weakness in the devil, he can't wait to fight this battle.

It was very boring. During the waiting time, Yu Hanyuan asked a squad leader to check the equipment of weapons and ammunition first. Although everyone was surprised that he didn't meet the devil, why did he check the weapons and ammunition in advance?Even so, Yu Hanyuan is the platoon leader, if he said something, do he still have to explain it to you?
At this time, the soldier who was sent out ran back, looking at Yu Hanyuan panting.

Yu Hanyuan was even more excited, he hurried over, "How is it?"

The soldier panted and said, "Platoon leader, I found out that the devils are divided into three parts in the rear. The first part is to defend our sneak attack, and the second part is the big tent of the devil's central army. The devils here are distributed too much." Many, it may be very difficult to take this place!"

"What?" Yu Hanyuan was a little surprised. He wanted to see if there were any mistakes in the devil's defense, but he never thought that the devil's defense was so tight!

"Isn't there three parts? Two parts, what about the third part?" Yu Hanyuan asked.

"Platoon leader, I guess the third part should be the devil's logistics force!" said the soldier.

"Guess?" Yu Hanyuan asked. In fact, he already felt a little annoyed in his heart. Guessing is about logistics. Can this war be based on guessing?If guessed, how to fight this battle?
Perhaps seeing Yu Hanyuan's worry, the soldier hurriedly said, "Platoon leader, don't worry, because I can see the defense in the third part. The defense is dedicated to the side close to the battlefield, but there is no defense at the rear!"

"There is no defense in the rear?" Yu Hanyuan asked in surprise.

"Yeah, there is no defense in the rear, platoon leader, you don't want to spank their butts, do you?" the soldier looked at Yu Hanyuan and asked.

"What's wrong? Since the devil dares to face us with his bare buttocks, I dare to pee on his ass!" Yu Hanyuan said.

"Ah?" The soldier looked at him and wanted to laugh, but he really held back.

"Where is the squad leader?" Yu Hanyuan asked.

The squad leader ran over, "Platoon leader, are you looking for me?"

"Squad leader, now follow me and let's go ahead and have a look. If possible, here is a great achievement for you!" Yu Hanyuan said with a smile.

"Platoon leader, what's the matter?" The first squad leader asked happily.

"The devil exposed his ass to us. This trick is disgusting to us. In my opinion, we will use the gun in our hand to poke his asshole!" Yu Hanyuan said.


The first squad leader immediately denied, "Platoon leader, this is not acceptable. If we fight devils, we have to tell the company commander, and the company commander agrees before we can act!"

"The record is fleeting. If we don't act, the devils will come back to defend, but it won't do any good. I've seen that kid Wang Haibo. He can praise the whole battalion for running the train with his mouth full. Let me tell you, our platoon is not bad. We are the second battalion and the second company, what about them? They belong to the third battalion, and the third battalion can do this, so we can do it even more!"

Yu Hanyuan said.

"Platoon leader, I'm afraid you haven't been in the company for a long time. This is a matter of resisting military orders. I don't think we should do it well. In my opinion, I will go and talk to the company commander now and let the company commander decide. If you can Let's fight, it's not too late for us to fight!" The squad leader disagreed, making Yu Hanyuan look bad.

"When you tell the company commander, the day lily is cold. If you don't go, I can take the second squad. Where is the second squad leader?" Yu Hanyuan asked.

"Platoon leader, this matter is about the lives of all soldiers, you can't do this!" the first squad leader shouted.

"Haha, coward!" Yu Hanyuan said, he tidied up his bow and arrow, and the rifle in his hand, and when the second squad leader came, he said, "Second squad leader, follow me!"

The second squad leader didn't know why, so the first squad leader shouted, "Platoon leader, you can't do this!"

"Come on, tie me up, and untie him when I come back!" After Yu Hanyuan finished speaking, the two soldiers immediately tied up the squad leader.

This is a big event, a squad leader was tied up casually, if it really got to the ears of the company commander, battalion commander or regimental commander, would it be okay?
Originally, Yang Fei was such a master, which gave Li Jiguang a headache, but now Yu Hanyuan also has such a personality, not only Yu Hanyuan, but even Wang Haibo is a bit of a ruffian, this...

"The platoon leader!"

The squad leader shouted loudly.

"Gag his mouth!"

Yu Hanyuan frowned and left with the second squad leader.



This Huanghuagang is different from that Huanghuagang. This Huanghuagang is in Beihai. It has been here quietly for many years. The only thing that has experienced wind and rain is that it lacks the fighting here.

At this time, Zhao Qifa led people to ambush here. This is a road directly leading to No. [-] stronghold. Nakano Koji was leading people to No. [-] stronghold at this time, and the superior ordered him to lead people to attack Zhangjiakou. To reach Zhangjiakou, the No. [-] stronghold is a thorn that must be taken down.

The action was so fast, no one dared to make any mistakes at this time, including Nakano Koji.

He carefully calculated along the way that the Eighth Route Army's battalion in Zhangjiakou, except for a part of the troops to defend Zhangjiakou, the rest of the troops were scattered in nine strongholds. In this way, the troops were too scattered, and they happened to be defeated one by one. If you are lucky, you can occupy them first. If the No. [-] stronghold is destroyed, then the Eighth Route Army in at least three strongholds will not be able to return to the fifth stronghold in time. It is a perfect way to defeat the Eighth Route Army one by one!

At this time, a ghost ran over, "Your Excellency!"

"Say, what's going on now?"

Koji Nakano asked.

"Report to Your Excellency, Master Yongshan Wanggao, who pursued the Eighth Route Army all the way to the No. [-] stronghold. Now, the Eighth Route Army has occupied the No. [-] stronghold and formed a confrontation with His Excellency Yongshan Wanggao. Now, the real battle has not yet begun!" As soon as the devil finished speaking, Nakano Koji sighed, "This Yongshan Wanggao has no brains, what a great way to defeat them one by one!"

After thinking about this, Nakano Koji also understood that there are nothing more than two roads before the Eighth Route Army. One road is to stick to the No. [-] stronghold, relying on the No. [-] stronghold to delay their attack, and Zhangjiakou can be preserved; No. [-] stronghold, and then retreated to Zhangjiakou. In this way, all the troops can form a fist to fight them.

Thinking of this, Nakano Koji shook his head, "No, no, if it were me, I would definitely stick to the No. [-] stronghold. In this war, if the line of defense is in Zhangjiakou, once Zhangjiakou falls, it means that the Eighth Route Army has no base. Yes, this is perfectly fine. It doesn't make sense, only by sticking to the No. [-] stronghold can we survive!"

So, here comes the question, can the Eighth Route Army really fight them with less than a battalion of troops?
Whether it is to defeat each of them, or dare to bring all the Eighth Route Army together, the purpose is to annihilate the Eighth Route Army. At that time, if he and Yongshan Wanggao join together like this, is it possible for the Eighth Route Army to still have a battalion?
Can they withstand the bombardment of the artillery?

"Give me an order, go forward at full speed, and quickly head towards Yongshan Wanggao, where the two soldiers meet!" After Nakano Koji finished speaking, he got into the car again, and the car drove forward in a hurry on the still muddy road.

Koji Nakano had made many plans to eliminate the Eighth Route Army, but they were not eliminated at all. On the contrary, the Eighth Route Army still showed signs of gaining momentum.

(End of this chapter)

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