Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2817 You are so smart

Chapter 2817 You are so smart
Along the foot of the mountain, Yu Hanyuan led the second squad to the rear of Yongshan Wanggao's team quietly. Looking from the top to the bottom, he found that the devil's defense was somewhat flawed. This is fatal. Don't the devil pay attention to this place?

However, now that the arrow is on the string, it has to be done. Yu Hanyuan never thought of retreating when he came out.

Otherwise, the loss will be great.

The second squad leader watched Yu Hanyuan staring at the devil's camp at the foot of the mountain, and asked, "Platoon leader, is this going to be fought?"

"Second squad leader, I didn't ask the company commander for instructions when I came out this time. Let me tell you, if the company commander blames me, neither of us can afford to walk around. Unless we bite such a piece of meat on the devil, how dare you?" Is it?" Yu Hanyuan asked.

"Platoon leader, tell me how to fight!" The second squad leader didn't answer clearly, but his answer made Yu Hanyuan understand that now those worries are superfluous, and we have to see how to play wild on the devils.

"Second squad leader, look, we are now in the hinterland of the devils. It is quite dangerous here. Anyway, if the devils kill my people, this revenge will be avenged. I watched how many ordinary people the devils killed. Now Seeing that they are still doing whatever they want on our Chinese territory, I cannot remain indifferent."

Yu Hanyuan said, "Looking at Wang Haibo's military achievements, I'm jealous!"

This is what Yu Hanyuan wanted to say, and the second squad leader actually understood that when the whole battalion praised him, he could already see that there was something wrong with Yu Hanyuan's expression.

"Platoon leader, devils are ferocious, but being ferocious doesn't mean they have no flaws. Tell me, what do you want me to do?" The second squad leader is a typical person who talks less and does more.

"Okay, look, the devil's rear is not defended, this is probably the devil's logistics supply point!" Yu Hanyuan said a little more.

"So close?" The second squad leader was a little puzzled. In terms of reasoning, he had no idea that the devil's supply point was just behind the Chinese army's tent. In fact, the supply point should be located in a certain village, not far away, but even more so. too close.

"Do you know why?" Yu Hanyuan asked.

"not understand!"

The second squad leader was also outspoken.

"I guess, the devils are running out of time to attack the No. [-] stronghold, so they want to take down the No. [-] stronghold in one fell swoop, and then press the whole army to Zhangjiakou. Therefore, this logistics supply point has been exposed!"

This only shows that Yu Hanyuan's guess is not wrong at all, and it is completely correct.

"Platoon leader, tell me how to do it specifically!" the second squad leader asked.

"In a while, you and I will sinter the devil, and the clothes of the devil on our boat will quietly approach the devil's tent, and light him a fire, so that the devil's food and grass will catch fire, which means that the meaning of the devil's consumption here will be reduced. I I don't know whether the devils will retreat or attack more violently after the incident is completed, but I want to say that logistics is the lifeblood of devils!" Yu Hanyuan said.

"Platoon leader, you get what you say!" After finishing speaking, the second squad leader was ready!
"The devils below will patrol here every 10 minutes, we just want to take advantage of this gap, and then quietly approach the devil's camp." Yu Hanyuan said.

After finishing speaking, Yu Hanyuan said, "You and I go, let's go down and guard, wait for the devils to come, kill a few, and take off your clothes!"

After speaking, Yu Hanyuan and the second squad leader quietly went to the devil's camp after ordering the rest of the soldiers to stand by.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, a three-member devil patrol team came over, they walked casually, and then talked and laughed.

Just at this inadvertently, Yu Hanyuan had already pulled the air bow, and the arrow flew over with a "swoosh", piercing through the devil's neck!

The other two devils were so surprised that they didn't yell. Yu Hanyuan and the second squad leader jumped over and covered their mouths, and the small knife appeared in their hands and cut their necks.

Drag them to safety, strip them off and start a second ambush.

After going back and forth like this several times, the clothes of a dozen of them were all there!
The second squad leader sighed, "Platoon leader, your archery skills are too good!"

"If you want to learn, someday I will teach you!"

Yu Hanyuan said.


The second squad leader also hurriedly said.

A dozen soldiers wore devil's clothes, and Yu Hanyuan checked their clothes carefully, until there were no flaws at all, and they quietly went down the mountain.

After descending the mountain, Yu Hanyuan walked in front, and a dozen of them went directly to the camp.

But at this time, a ghost patrol team suddenly came towards him, and the leader of the team looked at Yu Hanyuan a little strangely, he had never seen this person before.

When he walked up to Yu Hanyuan, the devil captain asked, "Stop, what department are you from? Why haven't I seen you before?"

A dozen soldiers were extremely nervous. They couldn't understand the devil's words, so naturally they didn't know what he was familiar with?Yu Hanyuan was ready to fight the devil in front of him, and the second squad leader quietly put his hand in his pocket, and decided to take out a knife to kill the opponent.

But at this critical moment, before Yu Hanyuan could speak, a devil ran over, "Little Captain Hanada Mitsui, Chief Commander Nakano Koji is here!"

"Nani?" After finishing speaking, Hanada Mitsui laughed, "In this way, taking down the fifth stronghold is just around the corner!"

After finishing speaking, a ghost came over, "Are you from Yongshan Wanggao's team?"

"I am Nozomi Nagayama, Mitsui Hanada, may I ask your Excellency!" Mitsui Hanata asked.

"I'm the vanguard officer under Koji Nakano, and I want you to tell Mr. Nagayama Wang Taka immediately when I come here this time, so that we can come here to discuss how to win the No. [-] stronghold!"

"It's a good thing, but, I don't know where Koji Nakano's army went?" Hanata Mitsui asked.

"Arrive at Huanghuagang immediately!" said the visitor.

"Sao Kar, I'm going to tell our Excellency, you have worked hard all the way, come in and have a cup of tea!" Hanada Mitsui said politely.

"No need, in order not to let the Eighth Route Army know that we are here, please proceed in secret!" After finishing speaking, the man turned around and left!
At this moment, Hanada Mitsui had already forgotten about Yu Hanyuan who was behind him, and while they were talking, Yu Hanyuan immediately led them away.

When Hanada Mitsui found out that the stranger behind him was gone, he felt a little nervous, but soon he was approached by Nakano Koji's people and disappeared.

Yu Hanyuan led the people and started walking again, the heart of the second squad leader was about to jump out!
Not to mention Yu Hanyuan, his back was covered in cold sweat.Don't come and die before you get out of the teacher?

The second squad leader looked at Yu Hanyuan and stammered, "Platoon...platoon leader, devil...what did you just say?"

Yu Hanyuan shook his head, "How could I know? I'm not a devil..."

Well, upon hearing this, the second squad leader suddenly felt betrayed.

"What... what should we do?" The second squad leader asked again.

Yu Hanyuan didn't answer him directly, "It's hard to say that, the devil seems to have suspected us just now, will he look for us?"

"It's possible." The second squad leader wanted to die now.It would have been perfect if you had done your defensive work well, but you had to come out, which is great. Once the devils find something, aren't they here to die?

"Forget about it, there are so many big tents, hide first, and leave two people standing at the door. If there is any situation, tell me right away." Yu Hanyuan said.

"Platoon leader, why don't we act now? After burning the tents, let's evacuate quickly." The second squad leader asked.

"You also saw it just now. Although the devil is weak here, there are still some stuck points. How could the devil leave a gap?" Yu Hanyuan said.

"Okay, then let's hide." The second squad leader was about to sneak into the tent after speaking.

Suddenly, there was a sound from behind, Yu Hanyuan and the others did not dare to act rashly until they heard rustling footsteps approaching.


Yu Hanyuan turned his head and saw that it turned out to be a puppet soldier, with his hat tilted, his eyes squinted, and a flattering smile on his face.

"Where are you working?" Yu Hanyuan pretended to be a devil cultural person
"Taijun, don't get excited, I'm Muzi, take a closer look." The puppet army called Muzi approached, and let Yu Hanyuan look at it.

"Yaoxi, it really is you, you, what do you want me for?" Yu Hanyuan asked
"Taijun, I heard that Yongshan Wanggao is going to join forces with us, is it true that we are going to charge forward again?" After finishing speaking, Mu Zi whispered, "Taijun, my elder brother died in the attack on the small high ground just now. , I can't die anymore."

"It''s useless for you to tell me..." When Yu Hanyuan heard Muzi say this, he had to deny it.

"Hey, Captain Hanada Mitsui ignored me, hey." The puppet soldier named Muzi bowed his head and was about to leave
All of a sudden, Yu Hanyuan shouted, "Wait."

Muzi stopped and turned to look at him, "Taijun..." After finishing speaking, he trotted over again.

"I see that you are loyal to Huang Jun, so you don't need to go to the front line to charge."

"Really?" Muzi became excited.

"However, there is something I need you to do." Yu Hanyuan said.

"Taijun, just give me an order if you need anything. As long as I can do it, I will definitely not let you down." Muzi quickly put on that flattering smile again.

"It's nothing. According to the latest news, the Eighth Route Army is likely to launch a surprise attack tonight. In order to wipe out the eighth route army in one fell swoop, you must find someone to burn these large tents." Yu Hanyuan wanted to use the hands of the puppet army to make it. this matter.

When he heard that his camp was going to be burned, Muzi was even more confused, "Taijun... This is our big tent, have we burned it ourselves?" Muzi wanted to confirm.

"What? Is it difficult? If you don't want to, then I will replace you."

Yu Hanyuan also threatened, "Then you go to the front line!"

"Ah? Taijun, this is not feasible. Tell me, to what extent does it burn?" Muzi also knew that people would die if they charged into battle, and he would die if he was skinny. However, his old mother meant that It is necessary for the white-haired person to send the black-haired person.

"Yuxi." Yu Hanyuan said. "All the materials inside, including guns and ammunition, were burned by me..."

"What? Majesty, don't you let go of food and grass?" Muzi asked.

"Of course I don't want it. For me, these are burdensome. Only by acting like the Eighth Route Army can the Eighth Route Army be fooled. When the time comes when you hear the gunshots, you instinctively set up the tent for me." Yu Hanyuan said.

Muzi's eyes lit up, "Taijun, then...I..."

Yu Hanyuan smiled, "I know what you mean, I will come to you after the matter is over, one hundred oceans is enough for you to marry a wife?"

A hundred oceans?

Upon hearing this, Mu Zi immediately stood at attention, "Thank you Majesty!"

"Haha, don't thank me! If you want to thank me, then thank you for coming at the right time! If you want to thank me, thank you His Majesty the Emperor!" Yu Hanyuan turned around and led the people away after speaking.

Mu Zi looked at their backs as they walked away, as happy as if they had won a big prize.Hahaha, when Muzi thinks that there will be a hundred oceans soon, his feeling of comfort is beyond words. However, there are so many tents here, and he can’t order them all by himself. Solved it?

Thinking of this, the ignorant child became even more energetic, and immediately contacted a few of his fellow villagers. When he heard that there was money to take, he just ordered his own tent, which is much better than being a soldier.

Without thinking too much, five or six people immediately agreed!
After Yu Hanyuan left, the second squad leader immediately asked, "Platoon leader, can you rest assured that the puppet army can handle things?"

"I don't know either. Let's see tonight. Tonight, if the puppet army doesn't light the fire, let's think of a way. If the puppet army ignites it, then it will be done?" Yu Hanyuan said.

"That's the only way to go!" After finishing speaking, the second squad leader became nervous, "I just heard Muzi say that Yongshan Wanggao is here, and I'm really worried that if they really join forces, can the fifth stronghold be defended?" live!"

"Worrying about these unnecessary things, let's just do what's in front of us. Second squad leader, don't forget that if Koji Nakano wants to join forces with Nagayama Wang Gao, he must pass through Huanghuagang, and Battalion Commander Zhao Qifa is in that area. At that time, let's see if they can join forces smoothly." The corners of Yu Hanyuan's mouth rose, almost wanting to laugh at Nakano Koji's idea of ​​joining forces.


The group of them went to the mountain to hide again, watching the sky slowly darken, they felt excited all of a sudden.


At this moment in Huanghuagang, Zhao Qifa also got that Nakano Koji's men were about to pass through Huanghuagang, and they were marching in a hurry, with no intention of stopping at all.

Zhao Qifa thought about it, the devil must not have thought that their ambushes would be ambushed here, if so, it would be easy to catch them by surprise.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Qifa immediately ordered Cao Zhengde's first company to enter the ambush circle and prepare to defend against the enemy. Eat up their division.

(End of this chapter)

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