Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2818 The Battle of Huanghuagang Begins

Chapter 2818 The Battle of Huanghuagang Begins

It takes a lot of courage for a battalion to eat up a division!
Anyway, no matter how you look at it, it is unrealistic and impossible.

Now the land of Hedong is facing the oppression of the devils at any time, how to survive under the suppression, it must eliminate the new force of the devils.

In this case, no matter what, you can still have a breath.

"Battalion Commander, I don't know how many people from the devil's vanguard have come, and we don't know if even one of our companies can hold it!" Cao Zhengde said worriedly.

"It's normal to be worried, but I want to tell you that no matter how many devils there are, our main task is to eliminate them. No matter how many devils come, I don't care about the others. You Cao Zhengde must stand up for me!"

Zhao Qifa said.

In this way, Cao Zhengde is in a good mood, in fact, Cao Zhengde has been with Zhao Qifa for the longest time, and he is also Zhao Qifa's capable leader. Regardless of others, Cao Zhengde must earn back this face. Ma Xiaokun of the second company, although He is young, but he has also fought many battles. In these respects, Cao Zhengde believes that his advantage over Ma Xiaokun lies in his richer experience.

"Battalion Commander, don't worry, if the devil wants to pass through Huanghuagang, he must step over my corpse. I, Cao Zhengde, swear to live and die with the camp!"

He has determination, and he also has perseverance. In order to fight devils, he is not afraid of death!

"Save your life! Take the soldiers to fight hard, the devil will not be destroyed, and you will not die!" Zhao Qifa said.

At 29:[-] in the evening, the devil's motorcycle troops entered the ambush circle of the Eighth Route Army first. After entering the ambush circle, they didn't stop at all, and they went straight to the No. [-] stronghold!

Seeing that the devil was in such a hurry, Zhao Qifa immediately ordered, "Did you see that, as the vanguard of the devil's motorcycle team, it is bound to draw a distance from the infantry behind, Cao Zhengde, attack immediately!"


After the devils completely entered the encirclement, the landmines buried nearby were the first to explode. The motorcycles speeding ahead were blown up, and the devils in the cars behind were injured. They immediately got out of the cars and hid.

"Comrades, beat me hard. The devils have been arrogant for so long, yet they dare to come here. I tell you, today is the day to destroy these devils!" Cao Zhengde shouted.

All of a sudden, a company of soldiers ambushing around began to shoot wildly at the devils down the mountain.

Although it was late, but fortunately the moonlight was good, with a good moonlight, the devil seemed to have nowhere to escape.Cao Zhengde became bigger and more fierce, and more than 20 cars of the forward were all blown up, and those devils who couldn't hide in time also became dead ghosts under the gun.

The battle here started, and Nakano Koji who was behind was immediately surprised, "Did you encounter an ambush from the Eighth Route Army in front?"

After speaking, he took out the map and looked at it himself.

At this time, a ghost ran in, "Report to Your Excellency, there are gunshots ahead, it seems that we have encountered the Eighth Route Army!"

"This is unbelievable. Could it be that the devils have divided their troops? Is it the fifth stronghold and Huanghuagang?" Nakano Koji asked.The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't understand what it meant that the Eighth Route Army dared to divide up again at this time.It means that they can annihilate the enemies in Huanghuagang first, and then go on to besiege the fifth stronghold!
"Report! The motorcycle squad in front was shot and killed by the Eighth Route Army ambushes. Your Excellency, what should we do now?" A devil ran in and asked.

"Since the Eighth Route Army thinks highly of me, pass on my order and order Captain Ando Xi to attack the Eighth Route Army in front, hold them back, and then the large troops will detour into the No. [-] stronghold!"


Although Nakano Koji also wanted to destroy the Eighth Route Army in front of him, he also knew that the Eighth Route Army had the advantage in Huanghuagang, so he had to send troops to attract the Eighth Route Army, and then lead the large troops into the fifth stronghold to meet Yongshan Wanggao, and then went to fight in the daytime. At that time, the Eighth Route Army in Huanghuagang can be attacked again.

After the order went down, Ando Xi led the brigade to the place where the accident happened, but when he passed by, he realized that the position of the Eighth Route Army had a geographical advantage, and his brigade had no room to play at all.

"Towards the mountain to the east, launch a fierce attack. Our task is to occupy a high ground, mediate with the Eighth Route Army, and give the large troops time to move!" Ando Xi ordered.

The well-trained little devils are really strong enough to move. They wanted to wait for the devils' reinforcements to enter the ambush circle again, but they didn't expect them to stop advancing halfway and instead stormed towards the east position!
Cao Zhengde immediately sent the second platoon to reinforce, and the other units he belonged to stayed where they were. He was worried that this was also a trick of the devil, and the devil would definitely come again.

And Zhao Qifa saw it in his eyes, and thought to himself, "This devil didn't enter the encirclement, but turned to attack the eastern position. What is their combat purpose?"

When the battle started, the tyrannical devils once rushed to the position, and the Eighth Route Army soldiers in three rows were forced to fight hand-to-hand with the devils when they attacked in a different place.

This is not what Zhao Qifa thought.

"No!" Zhao Qifa suddenly thought that Huanghuagang is the shortest way to enter the No. [-] stronghold, and the mountain road here is also the best. If they don't go here and take a detour, then their combat goal will lose its meaning.

"Go, order Ma Xiaokun to detour to Jinfengling from the foot of the mountain. There is a possibility that devils will pass by this place. If you really encounter devils, you will block their way if you die!" What are the consequences of joining forces with Yongshan Wanggao.

Since they have been used as a nail, then this nail must play a role!


shouted the guard.

"Three companies, let the three companies support the three rows in a row. The purpose of the devil must be to take down the eastern position and then confront us!" Zhao Qifa understood, because it is meaningless for the devil to win the eastern position , it is better to directly attack the small lane defense where the first row and the second row are located.


Suddenly, Zhao Qifa's entire battalion began to mobilize.

The most difficult thing was Ma Xiaokun's army. From here to Jinfengling, not to mention the distance, just talking about the mountains and mountains along the way, I don't know how much crime I will suffer.But Ma Xiaokun also understood that Zhao Qifa did this for a certain reason, so he didn't ask too much, if he said there might be devils here, then there must be devils!
Actions were quickly launched from all sides, and the entire Huanghuagang defense line was mobilized with the mobilization of the devils.But, no matter what, the Eighth Route Army's defense line is like that soft Tai Chi, which looks soft, but actually has a lot of meaning.

On the unnamed hillside, the sudden sound of gunfire made Yu Hanyuan understand that Zhao Qifa should have met Nakano Koji's division. It was not surprising that they exchanged fire. One had been defending for a long time, and the other was eager to join forces. Of course, there will be a fight, but as for who gets rich, Yu Hanyuan has no idea, but he naturally hopes that Zhao Qifa will win.

The second squad leader heard the gunshots, and then looked at Yu Hanyuan, "Platoon leader, are you shooting? It's time for that fool to light it up!"

Yu Hanyuan also wanted to shoot, but he actually had another idea in his heart, that is, Nogayama Wangaka sent troops to support Nakano Koji.

Yes, if this is the case, the defense here must be empty, and the chaos caused will naturally be great!
"Wait!" Yu Hanyuan said.

"Wait?" The second squad leader was surprised, "platoon leader, why wait? Defense line, no one to command, what should we do if we fail? Think twice!"

Of course, the second squad leader hoped to go back early. What they were facing was military punishment, and they didn't even have enough brains to take the blame.

"Hehe! The first squad leader must have been released. I understand this. The company commander must also know about our coming out. Maybe the battalion commander also knows. Does the regimental commander know that I am not prepared. Since I was let out, then I definitely want to give the devil some color!"

"Platoon leader, now is the time. If we don't act again, the devils will definitely guard against themselves when they hear the gunshots. By then, it may be too late for us to act again!"

The second squad leader said worriedly.

"Wait!" Yu Hanyuan still said the same thing, "I will be responsible for the soldiers, if I really miss this opportunity, I will be responsible!"

The second squad leader sighed, who is not for the victory, who has selfish motives?The second squad leader also understands now, he came out anyway, if he goes back to be punished, then he will be punished, he will not be able to return to being a soldier after a squad grows up!

After waiting for a while, I suddenly found that the devils at the bottom of the mountain were gathering. After assembling a small team, they immediately headed towards the front line.

At this time, the defenders below became puppet troops.

This is an unexpected happy event.

Not long after, a soldier ran over, "Platoon leader, platoon leader, the devils are moving!"

Yu Hanyuan looked at him, "What action? Say it!"

"Platoon leader, the devils have assembled a lot of people to go to the place where the gunshots were fired! It seems that they are going to support!"

"Hehe, it's really God's favor. How long has it been?" Yu Hanyuan asked.

"About 10 minutes!"

After the soldier finished speaking, Yu Hanyuan nodded, "Don't be in a hurry for 10 minutes. Let's fight again after they walk for 10 minutes!"

The second squad leader was very excited when he heard these words, "Platoon leader, what a great time!"

"I know, wait another 10 minutes!" Yu Hanyuan said.

The second squad leader nodded, "Yes, yes, yes!"

These 10 minutes, waiting is like a day.

The ignorant people at the foot of the mountain had already held up the torches, and now there is not a devil in the logistics department, they are the puppet soldiers who are in charge.

"Muzi, is it true or not? Are you really going to burn this place down?" a puppet soldier asked.

Muzi sneered, "I also wondered if they were lying to me at the time, but now I understand why they lied to me? I am a worthless person, so it is meaningless to lie to me!"

"Come over here!"

Muzi yelled, and the borrowed and puppet soldiers on the side came over with guns, all of them tilted their hats and used their rifles as crutches. These people can fight with some fighting power, but the current devils can't Same day, in a so-called division, most of the people are puppet soldiers, and there are very few devils.

"I'm telling you, I'll hear gunshots in a while, think about the gunshots, light up all these tents in the logistics department, don't care about the strong artillery and ammunition in them, burn them!"

Muzi ordered.

"Muzi, I'm still worried, is this really the devil's order?"

A puppet soldier looked at Muzi and asked.

"Why are you lying to me? Did you hear the gunshots just now? It must be that the Eighth Route Army and the Nakano Koji Division fought. Do you understand what this means?" Muzi looked at them like his elder brother.

"I don't understand! What does it mean?"

"This means that the Eighth Route Army will definitely take advantage of the fire and attack us. No, sneak attack us. You should know just now that Captain Hanada Mitsui has brought people to support the front line!" After finishing speaking, Muzi looked at them with a smile.

"Do you think you are really going to support it?"

The big guys didn't understand, they looked at each other, and didn't know what to say. "Muzi, if you have anything, just say it!"

"Captain Hanada Mitsui must have brought someone to support him on the surface. In fact, he is lying in ambush nearby. Once the Eighth Route Army appears and the gunshots are fired, let's take it here! Haha, the Eighth Route Army will be fooled!"

Muzi looked at everyone with a smile and said.

"Muzi, are you coaxing ghosts? These things are all materials. Without the materials, what should we do?" asked a puppet soldier.

"There are a lot of words to save you. Let me tell you the truth. The supplies inside have actually been transported away, and the inside is empty. Otherwise, the devil would easily let us fight?" Muzi sat and took it out of his pocket. He took out a handful of melon seeds, shared some among them, and then started eating the melon seeds.

"Ours, this fate is not ours anymore, we can do what they say! If you want to get ahead, you have to rely on them!" Thinking of his elder brother who had died in battle, Muzi felt a little sad in his heart. There is also an old father, an old mother, and the two depend on each other for life. If he dies again, the two old people in the family will not even have a deathbed. This is not what the ignorant thinks.

Born in troubled times, like duckweed, it can only swing with the waves.

The others nodded their heads when they heard this, "Gao Ming, you are really smart. In my opinion, the Eighth Route Army has been defeated this time!"

"Hey, if you fall, you will fall. Our brothers don't ask for anything else. It's enough to survive. To tell you the truth, when the time comes, each of you will have a big ocean, which is rewarded by the emperor! " Muzi said.

"Come on, that man has money to do things, we understand this!" A puppet soldier said with a smile.

"That's it!" Muzi stood up, "Brothers, wait until the battle is over, and I'll invite everyone to drink!"

"Okay, with your words from Muzi, one of the brothers counts as one, brother Muzi treats you!"

A few puppet soldiers chattered and laughed, not knowing that they were being used.

(End of this chapter)

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