Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2819 Huanghuagang wipes out the enemy

Chapter 2819 Huanghuagang wipes out the enemy

Just when the ignorant people were joking.

Suddenly a shot rang out on the mountain.


A sound, crisp and loud.

Muzi laughed, "That's the sound of gunfire. The Eighth Route Army is coming. Brothers, light up these tents! Hurry up!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Zi took the lead in lighting up the tent in front of him, and the other puppet soldiers immediately set up the remaining tents.

There is no suspense.All the tents in this logistics suddenly burst into flames.

The flames were so high that the thick smoke suddenly became like wolf smoke.

"Okay, brothers, just wait to receive the reward!" Muzi had just finished saying this when suddenly one of the tents exploded with a "boom".

The few puppet soldiers who got off immediately lay on the ground, crawled and went to the distance.

Muzi was also stunned, isn't this unscientific?This is not what they thought at all, didn't they mean that everything in the tent was transferred?Didn't it say that it was intended to confuse the Eighth Route Army?How did it become real all of a sudden?
Besides, the tents are all lit, so why don't you see the Eighth Route Army?

The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became, and the puppet soldiers didn't dare to stay here anymore, "Brothers, let's run, it looks like we were fooled!"

Mu Zi froze in place, his one hundred oceans, one hundred oceans have not been obtained yet, how could it be like this?

Do not!Do not!Do not!
There were footsteps not far away. The other puppet soldiers must have seen that something was wrong. They set fire to the supplies. How many lives did they have?
Let's run, all of a sudden, more than half of the dozen or so puppet troops ran away.

"Muzi, tell me, the devil really asked us to burn it?" a puppet soldier asked unwillingly.


Now the ignorant child doesn't dare to confirm it anymore, there is no way for him to confirm it.

If it can be confirmed, then just see if the person coming here is the devil you have seen before. Yes, the fool who thought of this took a few steps forward, and suddenly saw many devils coming, "Firefighting, what are you doing in a daze? "

Fire fighting?

Why fight a fire?

Didn't you set it on fire?
While hesitating, a few devils had just approached the tent, and another explosion occurred inside, and those devils were immediately blown away.

The sound of the explosion completely woke Muzi sober. He understood at this moment that he had been fooled. If he didn't run away and was caught by the devil, his life would be over.

Thinking of this, the ignorant turned around and ran away, what are you waiting for if you don't run?

The fire raged, and the entire logistics supplies were eroded by the fire. The devils who wanted to fight the fire watched their own supplies burn like this, and they could only stare blankly like this.

Yu Hanyuan on the Weiming small high ground saw it, and he was so happy, the second squad leader was also very happy, "Platoon leader, it's done, can we go?"

"Of course, let's go!" After finishing speaking, they moved quietly to their own positions.

Hanada Mitsui was walking with people, when suddenly a devil came to him, "Captain Hanada Mitsui, look behind you!"

The fire behind him was obvious, and the smoke was dense, "What's going on? Why is there such a big fire?"

"It seems that there is something wrong with our logistics department!" said the devil.

"Hurry up and take a look, the rest of you will follow me to support Nakano Koji!"

Originally, Mitsui Hanada should not have gone to support this time, but Nagayama Wanggao felt that if the forward troops went to support, the Eighth Route Army would definitely find out their whereabouts, so they could only let Mitsui Hanada and two more teams go, and the result was what happened right now. thing.



The emergence of the third company gave the disadvantaged first and second platoons a turn for the better. With the arrival of the Yuanyuan army, their combat effectiveness was naturally improved a lot.

Cao Zhengde, who was waiting for a long time, did not see the devils coming, and immediately shouted, "First row, go to support, and completely wipe out the devils who are trying to climb to the top, and don't let them succeed!"

All of a sudden, the Eighth Route Army surrounded it from three sides, and Ando Xi didn't expect that he just wanted to take down a small position, but he encountered such tenacious resistance from the Eighth Route Army, so how could they fight back?
"Retreat, retreat!"

Ando Xi could only give the order to retreat.

However, Zhao Qifa didn't intend to let him go, and quickly ordered Sanlian to chase them quickly. If he could kill one more devil, he would never let him go!
All these bastards have to be killed, and none of them can be spared.

In a bloody battle, the Eighth Route Army sacrificed many people, and no one wanted to fall behind if they could kill devils.The officers and soldiers of the third company gave up all the excessive supplies, and chased the devils at full speed.

An Tengxi has never seen such a desperate Eighth Route Army, he has already withdrawn, but he did not expect that the Eighth Route Army is still biting him like a dead dog.

"Bagaya Road!"

Ando Xi was angry.

"Since the Eighth Route Army wants to fight me, I won't be polite anymore. We will destroy their prestige at this time!"

After speaking, he immediately asked the rear team to defend on the spot. If the Eighth Route Army dared to come, he would dare to fight the Eighth Route Army again.

Then let the front team turn around and pile up machine guns and mortars, and the guns are waiting for the Eighth Route Army to come.

The speed of the three consecutive pursuits was very fast, that is, after Andoxi prepared everything, the Eighth Route Army came.

Unexpectedly, the bayonet of the Eighth Route Army was on the gun. After rushing into the encirclement, they immediately fought with the devils.

This tactical excellence also avoided excessive casualties of soldiers.

Seeing that his defense was about to fail, Ando Xi gritted his teeth unwillingly, "Mortars, heavy machine guns, shoot me!"

"Captain Ando Xi, there is still our imperial army ahead, if heavy machine guns fire, it is very likely to accidentally injure one of our own!" said a devil.

"There is no way, the Eighth Route Army is getting more and more courageous in the war, so we will shoot indiscriminately. I believe that after their death, they will be considered as loyal to His Majesty the Emperor!" Ando Xi said.

The difficult decision was clear, Ando Xi closed his eyes listening to the sound of "da da da" bullets.He understood that the infamy he would bear for this shooting would be hard to wipe out in his lifetime, so let's make the crime even bigger.


After finishing speaking, "Boom!"

With a bang, it exploded at the junction of the two armies. The huge sound caused both the Eighth Route Army and the devils to pay a heavy price.

The third company commander immediately asked the charging soldiers to withdraw from the battle.

When the gunfire and gunshots were over, during the pursuit, it was found that the devil had already run away.

The third company commander gritted his teeth, "This devil is really shameless, for the sake of victory, he even disregarded the lives of his own people!"

"Chasing, I don't believe it, how much they can pay!"


The Eighth Route Army, which received the order, was divided into three units, and the three units directly detoured and quickly pursued the devils.


This place was destined to be unusual from the very beginning.

Walking at night, you still cross mountains and mountains. Although the Eighth Route Army is marching fast, it may be difficult to arrive before the devils pass through.Many soldiers still wore straw sandals, and many soldiers rushed forward with bare feet.

The soles of the feet were worn out, but none of the fighters refused.

Ma Xiaokun took the lead, and his order was very clear, that is, to complete the ambush at Jinfengling at all costs, which meant that at least one platoon must occupy Jinfengling.

Soon, the soldiers of a company opened up the distance. Those who joined the army early were already used to such high-intensity marches, but the recruits slowed down as if they were walking, but no one stopped.

No matter how many rows of soldiers, there are people rushing forward desperately.



Only by seizing the time can the task be completed and the devil's vitality be wiped out.

When the leading troops of the Eighth Route Army arrived at Jinfengling, Ma Xiaokun received the news, "Company commander, the devils are coming soon!"

"What?" Ma Xiaokun looked at him in surprise, "It's so fast, the little devil is hard enough!"

"Tell comrades, set up an ambush where the devils come, and greet them with grenades first!"

Ma Xiaokun directly ordered, no matter what the result is, it is enough to do our best.

He believes that the result will not be bad!

After speaking, the soldiers immediately set up an ambush in Jinfengling.

Jinfengling is very big, but there is only one road. The devils marched fast, and a large part of the reason was because of the mobile troops. The cars came to Jinfengling with their lights on, and the sound of the engine seemed out of place in this dark night.

Nakano Koji was sitting in the car, his eyes blurred. He hoped that Ando Xi could hold the Eighth Route Army, and then their large troops could safely pass through Jinfengling and reach the No. [-] stronghold.

Only by reaching the No. [-] stronghold can we have a chance to attack Zhangjiakou.

The correspondent with the devil in the same car received the news from the front, and he immediately said, "Master Nakano Koji, Mr. Yongshan Wanggao sent a message from the front. The Eighth Route Army has infiltrated them, and all the logistics supplies have been burned!"

"Nani?" All of a sudden, Koji Nakano opened his eyes, "The Eighth Route Army is moving so fast?"

"They have already sent three teams!" the devil continued.

"You call back Mr. Yongshan Wanggao, and say that I will definitely arrive at the No. [-] stronghold in one hour!" Nakano Koji said.


Looking at the two high mountains in front of him, Koji Nakano laughed, "No matter how powerful the eight roads are, no matter how cunning they are, we never thought that we would not go from Huanghuagang, but via this Jinfengling to the No. [-] stronghold. Although it took a detour, but, This does not interfere with our overall plan."

Nakano Koji is smart, and he also feels that time is more precious to them than anyone else, and only when the time is ahead, can they exert the most terrible effect in various battles in the future.

"At Jinfengling in front, if the Eighth Route Army deploys a surprise soldier, it can have a surprise effect. However, why does the Eighth Route Army have such strength? There are not many people in the first place. Some are in the No. [-] stronghold, and some are in Huanghuagang. Some people may be separated to come to Jinfengling!"

Just after saying this, I suddenly heard a "boom".

All of a sudden, a car walking in front suddenly exploded.

Nakano Koji, who had closed his eyes to rest his mind, quickly opened his eyes and got out of the car quickly!
The sound of "da da da" machine guns rang out immediately!

"Bagaya Road, could it be possible that there is also the Eighth Route Army here?" Nakano Koji was angry, yes, very angry!
"Okamoto-kun, you lead people forward immediately, you must make a way!"


Captain Okamoto immediately rushed forward with a group of devils. In fact, Koji Nakano had no idea how many people there were in the Eighth Route Army, but he could tell from the sound of the gunfire that the number of the Eighth Route Army should not be many. The gunfire will be very dense, which only shows that the number of Eighth Route Army in front is not large, and it should not be difficult to rush over.

I saw that Captain Okamoto rushed over with his people, and the narrow passage was guarded by the heavy machine guns of the Eighth Route Army. Anyway, to put it bluntly, if you want to fight here, you have to pay a price.

Captain Okamoto immediately brought the mortar, isn't it just a heavy machine gun?I'll blow you away with one shot, and see if you still have the ability to guard there again.


With an explosion, the shell landed in front of the machine gun, and the soldier in front of the machine gun immediately fell into a pool of blood.


Captain Okamoto pulled out his command knife and shouted loudly.


This brigade charged forward as if they had eaten chicken blood!
The number of people in a platoon is obviously much smaller, and many soldiers have not had time to come, and the devils have already launched a charge.

In the narrow valley, countless voices echoed, including shouts and gunfire.

Ma Xiaokun asked people to ambush, anyway, to keep the devils on the other side. If the devils really charged, it meant that they had to start hand-to-hand combat. Although Ma Xiaokun was not afraid of hand-to-hand combat, but premature hand-to-hand combat was bad for morale. , it is difficult to gather.

Besides, there are still many soldiers who have not come here. They must delay the time and let the soldiers come over, not to mention all of them, so they have to come and live in two rows.Only then can we draw a tie with the devils, right?

Okamoto Tai-kun's charge was very violent. Although the canyon was easy to defend and difficult to attack, Ma Xiaokun didn't bring many heavy machine guns because he was in a hurry.

"The devil is about to rush over, prepare the grenade, the current position must avoid hand-to-hand combat, throw the grenade to me!"

Ma Xiaokun shouted loudly.


"whoosh!" |
The grenades were thrown one by one and exploded, killing many devils!
Koji Nakano frowned, "The Eighth Route Army is cunning, but there are not many people in front of the Eighth Route Army, please inform and let Master Watanabe lead the charge to continue!"

"Hi Yi!"

After finishing speaking, Watanabe led the people to the canyon.

The orders received by the two brigades were to destroy the Eighth Route Army in front. The situation of the Eighth Route Army was becoming more and more dangerous, and they might be annihilated by the devils at any time.

Ma Xiaokun had a premonition, if the army of devils really came, how would he face it?If he retreats, he will not be able to complete the task assigned by the battalion commander. If he does not retreat, how can he be an opponent with so few people in front of him?
But no matter what, Ma Xiaokun didn't dare to retreat, and couldn't, because there were still many fighters who would come in continuously.

He roared, "Comrades, we can't take a step back even if we die. Many soldiers are still joining us slowly. If we retreat, those soldiers will be in danger!"

(End of this chapter)

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