Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2820 Ma Xiaokun Injured

Chapter 2820 Ma Xiaokun Injured

That's it, what can really test you is how to survive in adversity.

The enemy's firepower was sent out from here, and it was unknown how many bullets were swallowed in the narrow canyon.

Ma Xiaokun felt more and more powerless, the devil's firepower was too fierce.Countless bullets shuttled through the canyon, "Grandma, the bullets of devils don't cost money, so many bullets! How many follow-up troops are there? Are you here?"

The guard was shot in the arm, and he covered his arm with his hand, "Company commander, our soldiers are coming one after another, and now a platoon is here!"

"A platoon? So few? The devils are charging here, how many people do we have left?" Ma Xiaokun asked.

"Company commander, there are more than 100 people in our current position. However, the devil's firepower is too strong, and we have no way to give an effective counterattack!" The guards were very nervous. resistance.

It can be said that the Eighth Route Army at this time was retreating steadily.

Such a situation made the guards have to consider Ma Xiaokun's current situation. After all, this is the commander of a company, and the entire company has not yet fully joined the battle.

"Company Commander, Company Commander!" The guard shouted, "Company Commander, let's retreat first, retreat first, find a better terrain, and then fight the devils, how about it?"

"Bastard!" Ma Xiaokun yelled, "Retreat now? Isn't it just to make the devil laugh? When did our Eighth Route Army retreat with difficulty?" Ma Xiaokun only participated in the revolution last year. Captain, squad leader, but Ma Xiaokun has fought with Yang Fei, and he has a lot of combat experience. What's even more commendable is that he, Ma Xiaokun, has an extremely firm revolutionary belief and an obsession with communism that no one else has.

This is also the reason why Yang Fei made him the company commander. Like Zhao Junjie, he is a young talent.

Some people were dissatisfied, but after a series of battles in Zhangjiakou, no one could say that Ma Xiaokun had no combat experience, and he was still able to lead troops well.

Zhao Qifa praised Ma Xiaokun many times, and also wanted to let him know from his heart what an excellent commander needs to do.

"Company commander, the devil is powerful now, we can only fight against the devil if we preserve our own strength!" the guard still said.

"Xiao Li, in Ma Xiaokun's company, there has never been a precedent of leaving our own fighters to go first. You should know why we came here, and what is the purpose of our raid so far? To prevent the devils from going north and Yongshan Looking high and joining forces together is for the victory of the whole battle situation, we can lose, but the whole battle situation cannot afford to lose, we can sacrifice, but it is for the overall situation!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"Company commander, but...but..." The guard wanted to say something, but Ma Xiaokun interrupted, "Okay, don't say any more, we are not at the end of our rope, and the enemy is rampant, and it is only a moment. Stop the devils here, and the battalion commander will send reinforcements, we are not fighting alone!"

"Yes!" The guard said loudly, he was doing it for Ma Xiaokun's benefit, but what Ma Xiaokun said was unreasonable, Xiao Li quietly put a grenade in his clothes, and at critical times, he still wanted their company to Chang Ma Xiaokun left, at this moment, the grenade can stop the devil for a while, right?

"Since this is the case, then obey my order, order to go down, let the soldiers find a good bunker, we will continue to sit on the sidelines, if they dare to come, the grenade will meet them, we must have the determination to die, to ensure our survival in the east of the river Survive." After Ma Xiaokun finished speaking, the guard Xiao Li immediately went to deliver the order.

More than 100 people is what Ma Xiaokun is worried about so far. He really hopes that the follow-up troops will come quickly. Only a steady stream of superior troops can stop the devil's attack. However, he does not expect too many people to come. I hope, These more than 100 people can stop the devil's crazy attack!

After the order was conveyed, the guard came to Ma Xiaokun's side again, "Company Commander, the conveyance has been passed on, the soldiers are full of enthusiasm, and if the devils charge again, they will not do anything to us!"

"That's good!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"Company commander, let me ask... Are you the only child in your family?" Xiao Li also relaxed at this time, it is true that the devils are coming, but who would be afraid of them?The company commander is not afraid, and the soldiers are not afraid, so he has no reason to be afraid of the little devil. Before the little devil comes over, Xiao Li thinks of the company commander and talks about the commonplace.

"That's right, my family saved me a child!" At this point, Ma Xiaokun felt homesick, and his parents didn't know how they were doing now. For the revolutionary cause, he did not regret joining the Eighth Route Army.However, how could he control this intense homesickness?

The guard Xiao Li said with a smile, "Commander, I have an older brother, two younger brothers, and a younger sister in my family. When I joined the army, my family told my younger sister to kiss me. It's been so long. I think my younger sister is already married." Right?" Xiao Li smiled when he said this, as if this was a happy event.

"Xiao Li, when the war is over, I'll give you a vacation. You can go back and reunite with your family. How about a ten-day vacation?" Ma Xiaokun said.

"Really? Thank you, company commander!" Xiao Li said happily.

"Do not lie to you!"

Ma Xiaokun said, "However, the premise is to repel the devils!"

"Company commander, I can't guarantee anything else. What I guarantee is that if any devil approaches you, I will kill him!" Xiao Li said.

"Hahaha!" Ma Xiaokun laughed.


Suddenly, an explosion sounded, and the huge shock wave made Ma Xiaokun and the guard not far away rush five or six meters away.

All of a sudden, the sky and the earth were spinning, and there were stars in his eyes. Ma Xiaokun opened his eyes.

The guard Xiao Li suddenly became alert, and then hugged Ma Xiaokun with both hands, "Company commander, company commander, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"I didn't expect that the devil's bomb is so powerful. Today, I have learned a lesson!" After Ma Xiaokun finished speaking, he stood up. When he stood up, the guard Xiao Li was stunned, and bright red blood flowed from Ma Xiaokun's chest!
"Company commander, you are injured!" Xiao Li hurriedly took out a roll of gauze from his body, which was specially taken by Xiao Li and the health worker, saying it was to prevent accidents!
"Don't say anything!" Ma Xiaokun said, "Don't say anything, don't say anything!"

Xiao Li's hands trembled several times and he couldn't even hold the gauze firmly.

Ma Xiaokun hid behind a tree, and then sat down slowly. After sitting down, he took off a pair of coats.

Then he took off the shirt with the frayed collar. This shirt was worn by Ma Xiaokun when he was in school, and he has been wearing it until now.

"Company commander, I have to find a doctor, I have to take out the shrapnel for you!" Xiao Li said.

"Don't worry!" Ma Xiaokun leaned against the tree, "Don't say anything now, don't let the soldiers know that I'm injured, otherwise the morale of the army will be unstable!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"I understand, I understand!" The guard Xiao Li quickly wrapped the gauze around Ma Xiaokun's chest several times with the gauze.The gauze that was just wrapped turned bright red! "No, too much blood!"

Xiao Li still said worriedly.

"No! I'm fine!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"Company commander, we must find a doctor!" The guard was about to cry, he didn't want anything to happen to Ma Xiaokun, it was because he, a guard, didn't fulfill his duty.

"Listen to my order and return to the team immediately. Listen, the devil's gunfire, the gunfire has started, they are going to attack! I can't retreat, and everyone can't!" After finishing speaking, Ma Xiaokun buttoned his shirt, and then Button up your coat as well.

He stood up forcefully, and then pointed to the trench in front of him, "Xiao Li, come from this trench with me!" After finishing speaking, the two of them went to the trench, and the soldiers in the trench saw the company commander fighting side by side with them, and everyone fought Twelve points from the idea.

"Comrades, the company commander is fighting with us. What we can do is to repel the devil's attack. As many devils come, we can repel as many devils as we are wondering!" The guard Xiao Li didn't want the company commander to talk, he was worried about Ma Xiaokun As soon as you use force, the wound will bleed again!


Ma Xiaokun turned his head to look at Xiao Li. He understood Xiao Li's intentions, but it was impossible for him not to speak, "Comrades, if there are enemies, we will fight them. The Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army will not abandon their comrades in arms, will they? It will harm the interests of the common people. We must guard this road. When the devils arrive at a certain village, their lives will be ruined. If the devils want to pass by, unless they step on our bodies, it means that we are incompetent. If we can't protect our parents, our family members, our married man, our wife and children, we are not men!"

The guard hurriedly said, "Kill the devil!"

"Kill the devil!"

"Kill the devil!"

All of a sudden, the enthusiasm of the soldiers was mobilized. When the devils charged over, the first thing to greet them was the grenade, which exploded on the ground, leaving many big holes, and five or six devils were blown away.

The devil's charge was very rhythmic. When they came up, they were like a pack of hungry wolves, which made many soldiers a little nervous. However, fortunately, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army quickly adapted to the devil's style of play. He just greeted him with bullets. Now Ma Xiaokun understands that the most powerful thing is none other than real Eighth Route Army soldiers. Once the devils really charge up, they must start hand-to-hand combat.

"Da da da!"



All kinds of voices mingled in his ears. The guard Xiao Li fired his gun and looked at Ma Xiaokun from time to time. He was really worried about what happened to Ma Xiaokun's body suddenly.

"Fight with peace of mind!"

Ma Xiaokun said softly.

"Yes!" Xiao Li could only speak in a low voice, he was afraid that others would hear something wrong.

The devil charged once, maybe it was just a test, but he quickly retreated!
After watching the devils retreat, Ma Xiaokun breathed a sigh of relief. Xiao Li was worried that Ma Xiaokun turned his head and looked, his lips turned white, and his spirit was a little depressed. In addition, his hands were still shaking.


Xiao Li hurried over to support him, "Company commander, sit down and rest for a while!"

Ma Xiaokun shook his head lightly, "No, no! Hold on, the devil will come again!"

"Company commander, rest for a while, I'm here!" The guard Xiao Li frowned, but in fact he was about to cry.

Ma Xiaokun shook his head. Only he knew that he could not move freely at this time. His chest was bleeding now. He was lying in the trench because he kept pressing the wound with his hand to slow down the outflow of blood. If he let go He knows what the consequences will be. He has to cheer up now, at least he has to wait for the devils to retreat three times. Yes, three times.

When the guard Xiao Li saw him like this, he immediately put him in the trench, "Company commander, sit on my back, sit on my back!"

"stand up!"

Ma Xiaokun is a little weak in speaking now, he has no way to yell again.

Xiao Li said, "Company Commander, I know you are in trouble, but I don't want to make it difficult for you either!"

The Eighth Route Army doesn't know how to sit on people like this, and he, Ma Xiaokun, can't even do it. All people are created equal, no matter how good Ma Xiaokun is, he can't sit on people.

"stand up!"

Ma Xiaokun's voice became louder.

The guard Xiao Li got up quickly.

"Beat devils, don't embarrass me here, okay?" Ma Xiaokun asked.

"Good, good!"

Lilian said a few good words.

The other soldiers saw it and didn't know what they were doing. Why did the guards get down?

They really can't figure it out, but if they continue to think about it, there is no time and opportunity.

So, hurry up and get ready, otherwise, who knows what will happen next?
But before they could think any more, a wave of devils charged again.

This time, they charged in a scattered manner, and several points were provoked by the devils. Mortars fired wanton shells below, and the Eighth Route Army soldiers hid in the trenches to avoid large-scale casualties.

When the gunfire ended, Gang looked up and saw the devils rushing halfway. The soldiers of the Eighth Route Army quickly responded with grenades.

This time the devil had the temptation just now, and this time he obviously knew the direction of the attack.

The Eighth Route Army on the opposite side took a feint attack posture, and the Eighth Route Army on the left and right suffered more violent artillery attacks from the devils.

Soon, all the changes on the battlefield came to the devil's side. The Eighth Route Army soldiers on both sides were no match for the large number of devils.

At this time, only 46 Eighth Route Army soldiers, including Ma Xiaokun, remained!
This is only the devil's second wave of attack!
Ma Xiaokun is ready to die, devil, then come here and die with you!If you want to pass, just step on my body!
(End of this chapter)

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