Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2821 Speed ​​up

Chapter 2821 Speed ​​up

on the way.

As Mitsui Hanada walked, he felt a bad premonition in his heart. When he came, he confirmed that there were no enemies around. Besides, it was impossible for the Eighth Route Army to sneak into their rear, right?
He had asked people to go back to see what happened, but it had been so long and they still hadn't heard any news, which made Hanada Mitsui even more anxious.

Although Hanada Mitsui was only in charge of the logistics, he was dispatched this time to prevent the Eighth Route Army from finding out, but there were not a few troops he mobilized in the entire logistics. If he really met the Eighth Route Army, it was none of his business. Is something wrong?He has already left, and it is because of him that there are logistics problems!

Besides, there is Yongshan Wanggao in the rear, and he is not the only one?

Hanada Mitsui is sure of this responsibility, and it really has nothing to do with him.

"How long will it take to reach Nakano Koji's battlefield?" Hanada Mitsui wanted to get there as soon as possible, as long as he made meritorious service, he would be sure that he would not be punished.

"Listening to the gunshots, there are two places. The first place is a bit far away, but now it sounds like the battle is over, and the second place is about ten kilometers ahead!" A devil stepped forward and said.

"Ten kilometers, it's not far away, pass the order, and immediately speed up and rush forward!"

The arrow is on the string and has to be launched. He Hanada Mitsui really wants to take care of both sides, but is this possible?
All of a sudden, the devils started to attack.

After running for about 15 minutes, suddenly a bright spot appeared behind.

Hanada Mitsui told the large troops to stop, and after getting out of the car, they saw that they were their own.

A devil got out of the car and immediately ran to Hanada Mitsui, "Captain Hanada, all the logistics supplies in the rear have been burned!"

"Nani?" Hanada Mitsui prepared for the worst, but he was still a little lucky in his heart. Who would admit failure?
"How is this possible? No matter how bad the rear is, with the help of the Imperial Assistance Army, how could it be possible that all the supplies are gone so quickly?"

"Report to Captain Huatian, that's true!" the devil said unhurriedly.

"Is this a sneak attack by the Eighth Route Army? Have you fought with the Eighth Route Army? How is the battle going?" He asked quickly.

"The Eighth Route Army was not found, and there was no movement of the Eighth Route Army, and the Eighth Route Army was not even found at the No. [-] stronghold in the east!" said the devil.

"Baga!" Hanada Mitsui didn't believe that there was such a thing at all, "How is it possible? If it wasn't the Eighth Route Army, who else would it be?"

"Preliminary conclusion, it should be the Imperial Association Army!" said the devil.

"Impossible!" Hanada Mitsui shook his head, "How could it be the Imperial Army, they are respectful to the Imperial Army, how could there be a fire in the backyard? It must be the Eighth Route Army!"

"Yes, that's right, it must be the Eighth Route Army!" Hanada Mitsui concluded that the Eighth Route Army must have done it, but none of the Bella Army found out, how is this possible?

He didn't believe that the Imperial Association Army had such great courage. This was the supplies of the entire Yongshan Wanggao Division. It was all in his hands, and it would be gone in a fire?

"Little Captain Huatian, most of the Imperial Association Army has disappeared. Logically speaking, it should be them! However, after my necrosis, Master Yongshan Wanggao has sent people to put out the fire. How many supplies can be rescued? Not sure!" said the devil.

"Imperial Association Army? Disappeared?" Hanada Mitsui shook his head, "Impossible, how could it be them? They must not dare to be so arrogant! This..."

"Captain Huatian, my subordinates feel that it is too late for us to go back now, so why not... we should go ahead and attack the Eighth Route Army. Anyway, this mistake has nothing to do with us at all!"

said the devil.

Huatian really wanted to curse, but he said, this is not his fault at all, is it?Besides, what they said is not wrong, all of this is all because of the Imperial Association Army, if he was there, the Imperial Association Army should not be so arrogant.

"Yes, yes, with Your Excellency in the rear, it should be safe. Now, we can only speed up and wipe out the Eighth Route Army before we can make meritorious service!" After Hanada Mitsui finished speaking, he quickly ordered, "The whole army attacks at full speed, hurry up! Rush to the battlefield!"


In the night, there was a troop advancing rapidly. They thought they had walked for a long time and they should join forces, but after so long, they still didn't. The leader was not someone else, but Cao Zhengde.

Cao Zhengde was sweating profusely. If it wasn't for the moonlight, he would have lost his way a long time ago, but now it looks like he is indeed lost.

"Damn it, what's going on?" Cao Zhengde asked, wiping off his sweat.

"Company commander, listen to the voice, it should be in the southwest direction, we should be almost there!" said the guard.

"What about us? Why did we deviate so far?" Cao Zhengde also asked.

"I'm not sure, the roads here are a bit different. We came from Huanghuagang, and we have always followed the same road. We haven't even considered other roads. I think we can meet Company Commander Ma Xiaokun." The guard said again.

Cao Zhengde sighed, "Okay, I understand, but we still have to move forward, we don't have much time!"

"Okay!" said the guard.

Cao Zhengde really doubted whether this path was right. If it was wrong, where would this path lead?If so, why did it deviate so far?
At this time, the gunfire from the southwest direction was a little weak, and Cao Zhengde was really worried about whether Ma Xiaokun would be able to withstand it.

"Go fast, fast, fast, fast!"

The flying dust could not be seen on the path, and the crickets that hadn't rested played a slow nocturne. At this time, everyone's heads were full of doubts. Why did Ma Xiaokun set up defenses so far away?

In addition to the sound of footsteps, there was also the sound of rustling flying insects vibrating their wings. When the cricket heard so many footsteps, it immediately stopped and looked curiously at where these strange people were going.


At this time, the entire army was still advancing at an accelerated pace.

When a soldier came over, Cao Zhengde stopped immediately, "Say, what's wrong?"

"Report to the company commander, a devil has been found ahead!"

The soldier shouted immediately.

"Devil? Ahead? How far? How far?" Cao Zhengde asked quickly.

"Report to the company commander, no... it's not far away, that's 600 meters!" After the soldier reported, Cao Zhengde was stunned when he heard it. At such a short distance, he could meet the devil at once, and told the soldiers in front to hide immediately , Immediately hide!Just as Cao Zhengde thought of it, another soldier came!

The soldier ran over in shock, and Cao Zhengde immediately shouted, "Say!"

"Report! Company commander, we have encountered devils ahead!"

So fast?
Before Cao Zhengde had time to order the soldiers to hide, what happened?
"How many devils are there?" Cao Zhengde asked.


The soldier thought about it, but he couldn't say it. Who can see it at night?As soon as you encounter a devil, you come to report. There is no way to estimate this!

"What?" Cao Zhengde asked loudly.

"Reported to the company commander, it was too dark, so I couldn't see clearly, but there are about [-] troops of the vanguard devils!" said the soldier.

"Okay!" Cao Zhengde gritted his teeth, "Since you have found the devil, you can't miss it. Pass my order, and the troops behind will rush up immediately to fight the devils in front. Two hundred devils in the forward army, I will eat it today." deal!"

When Cao Zhengde had just finished speaking, the sound of gunshots and cannons immediately rang out.

Many shells exploded in the surrounding crop fields, and the grown farms were flattened by the shells, and several large pits were even blown out.

"Go! Go! Go!"

After Cao Zhengde shouted, he rushed forward with a pistol.

The guards followed immediately, but soon, he and Cao Zhengde got separated, there were too many people.

Meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.If nothing else happened, Cao Zhengde felt that this was a devil trying to outflank Ma Xiaokun. Once the encirclement posture really formed, it was impossible for Ma Xiaokun to come out.

Soon, the exchange of fire turned into a hand-to-hand exchange, with the devils and the Eighth Route Army fighting together.

Among the devils, half of the imperial association army, they all know that the rear logistics have changed, and who can't see that their place in the rear is on fire?

As soon as they exchanged fire with the Eighth Route Army, these Imperial Association troops immediately faltered. Some lay down and pretended to be dead, some ran away, and some fired a few bullets but were unlucky and hit the devil in the back.

Hanada Mitsui never thought that he would meet the Eighth Route Army's ambush here, and they had a face-to-face meeting with the Eighth Route Army, and they didn't realize that it was the Eighth Route Army.

"Captain Huatian, the Eighth Route Army is in front of us, blocking our way, what should I do now when I open the door?" a devil asked.

"It's the Eighth Route Army again, kill, don't be polite to the Eighth Route Army!" Hanada Mitsui shouted.

At this time, a ghost ran over, "Report to Captain Huatian that the Eighth Route Army is already fighting hand to hand!"

"Nani?" Hanada Mitsui asked in surprise, "How is that possible? How could the Eighth Route Army's ambushes engage in hand-to-hand combat before fighting? There is only one reason for this, and that is that the Eighth Route Army has few soldiers and wants to fight to the death!"

Yes, it must be so!

However, Hanada Mitsui was still wrong, it was because both of them were more stupid and didn't know that they would meet each other, it was like meeting an enemy around the corner!

"Then fight, fight hard, isn't the Eighth Route Army going to fight hand-to-hand? Since when have the warriors of the empire been afraid of knives?" Hanada Mitsui drew out his saber after finishing speaking.

"Kill!" Hanada Mitsui screamed and ran over, fighting with the Eighth Route Army.

It's almost this time, who can still have the heart to finish with you, because the Eighth Route Army's bayonets have been grabbing and hanging, so the Eighth Route Army still has a clear advantage, after the devils in the rear fired the stimulating shells towards the front They didn't dare to shoot anymore, the Eighth Route Army and them had already mixed together, and now that one shot passed, I don't know how many Japanese people would die. This is what they wanted to see.

Cao Zhengde has already rushed to the front at this time. Cao Zhengde has experienced this kind of battle many times. He has passed by the devil before, and the devil has walked side by side. Now, encountering the devil is also what God wants to see Who is stronger among them.

Almost ordinary puppet soldiers pretended to shoot, and after firing a few shots, they were coerced by the devils and rushed over.

Fear of death, the puppet army is afraid of death after all, if they are not afraid of death, if they don't want to sit back and reap the rewards, they will definitely join the Eighth Route Army, but they don't, as a puppet army, they can only eat and wait for death, oppressing the good people.

For the puppet army, the Eighth Route Army has never had much favor.


Cao Zhengde slashed left and right with his machete, knocking many devils to the ground.

Cao Zhengde didn't give them a chance to beg for mercy for the puppet soldiers who came out, so he hacked them to death directly.

"Oh my god. No way!"

A puppet soldier shouted, turned around and ran away.

However, he was not able to run, and the devil behind him stabbed the puppet soldier to death with one stroke of his bayonet.

The rest of the puppet soldiers were in panic. They never took the war seriously. Yes, if you take it seriously, you will lose.Now, let these puppet troops take the war in front of them seriously. They are blind and can't see clearly at all.

Several puppet soldiers in a row were not killed by the Eighth Route Army, but were stabbed to death by devils. They risked their lives to work for you devils. In the end, they died either at the hands of the Eighth Route Army or at the hands of devils. Immediately, some of the puppet soldiers turned against each other. !

Yes, reversed!

Follow you, yes, it's for money, but I'm only doing it for money, you want my life, this day is unreasonable!

"Brothers, these little devils killed our people, teach these little devils how to behave! Avenge these brothers who died!"

A puppet soldier shouted loudly.

At first glance, this puppet army is a sneak. The Eighth Route Army doesn't know who it is, but they do know the puppet army. This is the captain of their puppet army, and his name is Du Sanjin.

As soon as they heard their captain speak, many puppet soldiers turned their heads to look at those devils and began to kill them!

"Kill, kill!"

The puppet army rebelled!
Excluding those who escaped and those who pretended to be dead, there are quite a few puppet troops left. How many people can Hanada Mitsui bring out this time?Half of them are puppet troops. Now, half of the puppet troops have rebelled. Immediately, the devils can't stand it anymore!
Cao Zhengde was on the verge of killing, but when he saw that the situation in front of him had changed, he saw those traitors wearing puppet army uniforms turned their guns and aimed directly at the devils!

Yes, this is good news. For Cao Zhengde, the greatest joy is this. In this way, the possibility of the devil's failure has increased a lot!
However, for Hanada Mitsui, this was too bad. Originally, he was fighting the Eighth Route Army with a bayonet, but when he saw the situation in front of him, he was dumbfounded. Yeah, what happened?What the hell is going on here? "Why did it become like this when it was fine?

(End of this chapter)

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