Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2822 The Unavoidable 5

Chapter 2822 The Unavoidable Fifteen
At this time, Hanada Mitsui had already thought about retreating, and now the devils had been divided into several parts. Those puppet troops who fought against the Eighth Route Army did not show their strength, how could they be so powerful when they hit the devils?why is that?
Mitsui Hanada didn't know, and neither did Cao Zhengde.

However, Cao Zhengde has always been like this in wars. He took advantage of your illness to kill you and saw that you were invincible, so he immediately ordered that the devils must be eradicated.

Yes, it was this order. The soldiers of the Eighth Route Army swung the machetes in their hands and slashed at the devils like they were on steroids.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Hanada Mitsui shouted loudly.

His yell made Cao Zhengde take it seriously. This person should be the commander of the devil. If he can take the commander's head, then Cao Zhengde will not stop this trip.

He sneered, "Hey, how can I, Lao Cao, have no reason not to send the head?"

After finishing speaking, he dragged the machete and went directly to Hanada Mitsui without going anywhere.

After Hanada Mitsui shouted, he was about to run, when suddenly, his head hit a tree suddenly, and he looked up, no, where is this tree?It is clearly a person!

who is it?

Needless to say, this is Cao Zhengde. Cao Zhengde is tall and burly. Standing in front of Hanada Mitsui, he is simply a portrayal of father and son.

"Bagaya Road!"

After Hanada Mitsui finished speaking, he took a bayonet and slashed over!

Cao Zhengde smiled, "It's kind of interesting, but Bagaya Road doesn't sound very good, so I'll leave it to you!"

Cao Zhengde caught it with a machete, and the strength of the two sides is very different. This Cao Zhengde used to be a butcher. When his father used to kill pigs, Cao Zhengde was also familiar with it. He has dealt with pigs since he was a child. He was able to do it when he was 13 years old. Take down an adult sow alone, not to mention the skinny monkey-like Hanada Mitsui in front of him.

This collision of force made Hanada Mitsui take several steps back. If there was not really a tree behind him, he would not know how many steps back he would have taken.

"Son, come on!" Cao Zhengde smiled, and waved his machete again!

Hanada Mitsui saw that the situation was not good, the power disparity was too great, he couldn't fight like this, if he kept fighting like this, he must die!

Mitsui Hanada was smart, Mitsui Hanada dodged the knife that Cao Zhengde slashed, but the tree behind was cut off and collapsed with a "boom".

"Damn it, you can hide pretty fast!" After finishing speaking, Cao Zhengde chased after Hanada Mitsui, although Hanada Mitsui is not as tall as Cao Zhengde, nor has Cao Zhengde's strength, but people deduce that the frequency is fast , When you run, you can hardly see where your legs are going.

Cao Zhengde shouted angrily, "Damn it, how can this devil's commander run away?"

That's right, Hanada Mitsui can run because of his legs that are too fast. Another way of saying too fast is that his steps are small. To put it bluntly, his legs are still short.

Cao Zhengde ran over with strides, then jumped up high, and kicked Mitsui Hanada over with one kick.

Hanada Mitsui, who fell a dog and ate shit, raised his head and looked at Cao Zhengde, "What exactly do you want?"

"What to do is very simple. You are the commander of the devils. You are the one I want to kill!" Cao Zhengde pointed at Mitsui Hanada with a machete. manage?
Hanada Mitsui stood up, put his hands on his waist, frowned and shouted, "Guardian!"


Cao Zhengde was stunned when he heard this, this little devil is quite good at playing!At this time, it is really shameless to think of asking someone to die for him.

Cao Zhengde laughed loudly, "Then let's do it together!"

At this time, Hanada Mitsui stood in front of several soldiers, and none of these devils climbed 1.5 meters each. If they climbed 1.5 meters, they would be giants in Japan!

But don't look at these little devils, they are small, and they are as fierce as a wolfhound.

Seeing that someone died for him, Hanada Mitsui almost stuck out his tongue and laughed at Cao Zhengde, and he turned and left.

"Don't run!"

Cao Zhengde shouted.

However, at this moment, a few little devils rushed over, trying to stop him, "Guards!"

Cao Zhengde also shouted loudly, but he was running so fast that the guards didn't even know where he was now, and now he wanted the guards to block him, why did he go so early?

"Little devil, let's pay homage to you guys!" After finishing speaking, Cao Zhengde waved his hands and rushed to fight with those little devils when he saw it.

Not to mention, these little devils had a few blows. If Cao Zhengde hadn't dodged quickly, his arm would have been cut off. Fortunately, it was only a little flesh injury.

Seeing these vicious little devils fall down, Cao Zhengde smiled, "Hehe, today is not a bad day!"

At this time, the guard came late, "Company commander, can you run slower, I can't even find you!"

"I want you to find it!" After finishing speaking, Cao Zhengde joined in the action of slashing and killing the devils.

The guard shook his head and could only follow him to fight.


Cao Zhengde was beating devils, when he was hit by someone, when he turned his head to look, not to mention, quite amused, Hanada Mitsui unexpectedly came to the door again on his own initiative!
This accident happened too suddenly. Cao Zhengde had already given up on this guy, but he did not expect him to come again. This is really a slant on the fifth floor all night... No, it really feels like finding a pillow after dozing off.

Hanada's face darkened completely.

What the hell is going on? After running around for a long time, I ended up on someone else's chopping board?

"Would you believe me if I said I made a mistake?" Hanata Mitsui asked with his head held high.

Cao Zhengde nodded, "Believe me!"

"If you believe me, then I'll run around again, okay?" After finishing speaking, Hanada Mitsui was ready to run,

As soon as he ran, he found that his clothes were being pulled. Looking back, it was Cao Zhengde who did it.

I saw Cao Zheng pulling his clothes, and said to him with a smile, "It's all here, sit down for a while before leaving!"

Ghosts believe you!
Hanada Mitsui struggled for a long time without breaking free. He took out the bayonet and stabbed it, but found couldn't be stabbed. You know, the bayonet is 1.2 meters long...

Including his arm, it is more than 1.5 meters after all, right?Can't even pierce this bitch?
After stabbing several times in a row, Hanada Mitsui gave up.

He gave up, threw the bayonet on the ground, and then looked at Cao Zhengde, "Don't you want to kill me? Come on!"

"That's what you said, so I'm not being polite!" Cao Zhengde asked.

"You're welcome, this is life, remember, after you kill me, fake a scene where I commit suicide!"

Hanada Mitsui closed his eyes, Cao Zhengde smiled, seeing the vigorous waving down, Hanada Mitsui's head moved.

This battle took only half an hour, and when the devils were completely wiped out, the field turned into embarrassment.

The puppet soldiers stood there not knowing what to do, and the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army also stood there not knowing what to do with their "friendly troops". The guard hurriedly called Cao Zhengde, "Company commander, tell me, what should we do with these puppet troops?"

Cao Zhengde looked at them, "I saw you fighting the enemy bravely just now, yes, you are a man, but, your current status is the Imperial Association Army, what does the Imperial Association Army mean? They are members of the Imperial Army, members of the little devils , You said, how can I let you go now?"

"Are you the company commander of the Eighth Route Army?" Du Sanjin looked at Cao Zhengde and asked.

"Yes, who are you?" Cao Zhengde looked at the other party and asked.

"I am their leader, and they all listen to me, my Du Sanjin!" Du Sanjin introduced himself.

"Well, I see, and then?" Cao Zhengde asked.

"Then? What do you think? I killed the devil for you, what do you say next?" Du Mijing was a little anxious.

"Go home, let's farm!" After finishing speaking, Cao Zhengde was about to leave.

"Don't tell me!" Du Sanjin walked over, "We met on the battlefield anyway, so it would be shameless to go back and farm like this, or else, just take me in and forget it!"

"Don't tell me, I don't have the ability!" Cao Zhengde refused.

"Let me tell you about Company Commander Cao. I started working for the warlords, then I worked for the national army, and then I worked for the devils, so I am..."

Before Du Sanjin could finish speaking, Cao Zhengde said. "Isn't this the family slave of the three surnames?"


Du Sanjin wanted to curse, "That's why I'm a rare talent on the battlefield, and that's why I'm valued so much."

"My temple is small!" Cao Zhengde said.

"Actually... I'm not considered a talent..." Du Sanjin said awkwardly.

"I don't want idiots here!" Cao Zhengde said expressionlessly.

Suddenly, Du Sanjin knelt down, "Commander Cao, take us in!"

At this moment, everyone was stunned. They were so arrogant just now, but now they kneel down. This is simply a genius!To put it mildly, it's called being able to bend and stretch; to put it in a bad way, it's called stinky and shameless!
Cao Zhengde smiled, "Hehe, okay, since this is the case, I will take you in, take your people with me, and go fight the devils again first!"

"Okay!" Du Sanjin said.

In fact, Du Sanjin has no other choice, his home is in Shencheng, if he goes back, will the devil let him go?He can't, so far, he feels that only by surrendering to the Eighth Route Army can he have a way out.His old troops followed behind him. Although they were all puppet troops and their combat effectiveness was not good, they were at least alone!

For them, it's enough for them to follow the fight and rush along. Fighting with the wind is exciting for everyone. Only when these puppet troops are excited can they show their strength.

Cao Zhengde asked the guards to take a platoon of troops to clean the battlefield, especially some supplies such as grenades, which must be taken over to fight devils. Long-range strikes are better than hand-to-hand combat.

Soon, the distance of ten kilometers was not too difficult for the Eighth Route Army, but for Du Sanjin, it was fatal, who had ever seen such a run?This is completely fatal, this is completely...not human!

Even if the distance is widened, Cao Zhengde is not afraid of Du Sanjin's betrayal, because he does not have that strength yet.

Even the guards cleaning the battlefield from behind caught up, Du Sanjin and the others were stunned, "Why is the Eighth Route Army so good at leg work?"

"Brothers, keep going and fight devils with the Eighth Route Army. This is our way out!"

After finishing speaking, the puppet soldiers got up lazily.

Cao Zhengde didn't think too much about what kind of combat power these puppet troops that surrendered on the way could display. Anyway, it counts as much as they can play, as long as they don't hold back.

Cao Zhengde hurried on his way and arrived with a large army in only 10 minutes.

When he heard only sporadic counterattack gunshots in front of him, his heart turned cold, wouldn't it?Has Ma Xiaokun lost his fighting power?
Not daring to think too much, he rushed up with people.

At this time, Ma Xiaokun, who was still in the trench, held his last breath. There were only a few soldiers left around. The guards were beside Ma Xiaokun, staring at the devils below. They moved up slowly, as if they were going to catch them alive. the same.

He quietly took out the grenade hidden in his clothes, "Commander, as a last resort, I want to..."

Ma Xiaokun glanced at him and nodded.

Agreed, yes, there is nothing terrible about death, whether it is heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather, this is a choice of human nature, Ma Xiaokun and devils are not on the same side, since he embarked on the road of resisting the Communist Party, then There is no way out.

"Company Commander!"

At this time, a soldier behind shouted.

"Say!" the guard yelled.

"Reinforcements are coming!"


After waiting for a long time, did the reinforcements finally arrive?

If the reinforcements don't come, then there is a real problem. Now that the reinforcements are here, it will be fine!

The guard looked back and saw the people running up the hillside. Against the backdrop of the moonlight, their fighting spirit seemed extremely high.

"Company commander, reinforcements are here! Here comes...a company!"

The guard's voice was a little sobbing. He silently held the grenade. If they were one step late, the grenade might explode!
Soon, Cao Zhengde's troops quickly entered the trenches, ready to fight the devils.

Cao Zhengde found Ma Xiaokun, saw his appearance, and quickly asked, "What's wrong with you? Xiaokun!"

"Company Commander Cao, our company commander has been shot!" the guard shouted.

"Damn, the little devil is too deceitful, but when I came, I didn't bring a medical worker! But, Xiao Li, you should immediately find someone and take your company commander to the battalion commander! Quickly do it for your company commander. Surgery, leave it to me here!"

Cao Zhengde said.

"Yes!" Xiao Li was relieved, yes, he has waited for too long!
Ma Xiaokun let out a difficult smile.

"Xiao Kun, don't be afraid! We..." Before Cao Zhengde could speak, Ma Xiaokun collapsed.

The guard hurried over, "Company commander, company commander!"

"Come on, hurry up and take the company commander with me!"

After speaking, several soldiers ran over, hugged Ma Xiaokun and got out of the trench.

Under the moonlight, Cao Zhengde lowered his head and saw that the trench in front of him was covered with blood. This was the place where Ma Xiaokun lay down just now. The place was already stained red with blood, and the blood that flowed on the ground was already mixed with the soil.

"Comrades, brothers, Company Commander Ma was seriously injured by the devils, we must find this place for Company Commander Ma, obey my order, kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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