Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2823 Devil's Last Attack

Chapter 2823 Devil's Last Attack

The devils who came up did not realize that there was a change of people in the trench at this time. When the Eighth Route Army soldiers in the trench threw grenades not far away, they realized clearly that they had been fooled by the Eighth Route Army.

The newly arrived soldiers were extremely jealous when they killed people. The grenades were slightly lower than the locusts, and they threw the grenades densely down the mountain. The dense devils would suffer.

Where is the need to capture the Eighth Route Army alive?Where else do you need to seize the top spot?There is no gimmick, only killing.

After a round of grenade attacks by the Eighth Route Army, a heavy machine gun was set up on the trench, and it fired at the devils below.

Just one round of grenade bombing already made the little devils terrified, and more than 300 devils died, not to mention that now they are defending with heavy machine guns, and more than 100 people died.

The Eighth Route Army's desperate fighting made the little devil very uncomfortable. This is not how wars are fought. If you can't fight, you can surrender. Don't fight like crazy!
You fight like this, see you later, how should you face me?

Nakano Koji's face was ugly at this time, he couldn't figure it out at all, how could there be so many people in the Eighth Route Army?Isn't it less than two hundred?After this battle, at least two hundred and eighth Route Army soldiers were killed, right?So, these guys are new here?
If so, wouldn't there be no Eighth Route Army in the No. [-] stronghold?It is impossible for the Eighth Route Army to come here?
The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, Koji Nakano stopped and carefully analyzed the situation here.

"Report to Your Excellency, the Eighth Route Army's defense is very tight, and our army has retreated again!" A ghost reported the battle situation.

"Bagaya Road!" Koji Nakano kicked the devil, "How is it possible? How could the Eighth Route Army have so many people? Let me tell you, this is impossible. If we organize another attack, we must rush over. Don’t pass, we are about to perish here!”


The devil stood up and left.

Now Koji Nakano is going crazy, anyone who dares to get close will hide far away.

Okamoto commanded several charges, all of which failed. As the captain, he thought he had done his best, but he understood Koji Nakano's character. If he couldn't win here, Koji Nakano would definitely kill him!
Okamoto sighed helplessly when he heard the visitor say that there was another attack, "Your Majesty made a very wrong decision. We have been bombarded with mortars for a long time. Not only did the Eighth Route Army not be short, but there were too many of them. There is only one possibility, a huge number of the Eighth Route Army ambushed here, otherwise, how could it be impossible to break through? Even the iron-clad camp will be bitten by us?"

"Pass my order, rest for 10 minutes, and continue to attack!"

After finishing speaking, Okamoto sat on a stone, and then lit a cigarette, but he was really sad.

Once the 10 minutes were up, Okamoto called out, "Get ready, attack!"

Just after shouting this voice, the mortars began to fire shells at the trenches ahead.

The Eighth Route Army had never seen such a powerful mortar. If it was used in a crowd, it would be able to kill at least a dozen people and injure five or sixty people at the same time.

However, no matter how good the weapons and equipment are, they must be able to win the front position!

Watching the non-stop bombing of the mortar, Okamoto squinted his eyes, thinking to himself, this is only the last time, if it still fails, let's see how Koji Nakano plans to move.

It never occurred to him that Koji Nakano stood behind him for a long time.

After a round of bombing, Okamoto immediately ordered that the first team launch a surprise attack from the left side, with maximum firepower to cover me, and the second team raid from the right side, with the same heavy firepower cover. This time, it is our last charge, for the victory of the empire , go! "

Okamoto shouted loudly, and the heavy machine gun opened fire on the trench ahead.

The voice of "Da Da Da..." made a harsh sound. Everyone knew that this was the most critical time. Nakano Koji was quite satisfied with Okamoto, at least his strategy and method were correct.

He went back slowly, and only then did a ghost rush over to Okamoto and said, "Captain Okamoto, just now...Your Excellency came over!"

"Nani?" Okamoto was so frightened that he was sweating all over. Fortunately, what he thought just now were all mental activities, and he didn't say it out. Otherwise, his situation can be imagined.


Okamoto asked softly.

"Yes, let's go!"

said the devil.

"That's good, that's good, pass my order, and send three teams up in the middle, and the heavy machine guns will severely suppress the firepower of the Eighth Route Army!" Okamoto said


After speaking, the devil left!
Cao Zhengde, who was in the trenches, understood why Ma Xiaokun and the others were so passive in their fights. The fuck was completely crushed! Not much else to say, let’s just say that now, the devil’s firepower is too fierce, you don’t even dare He raised his head, and was taken away by the devil's bullet as soon as he raised his head.

However, Cao Zhengde felt that it was too useless to continue fighting like this. The devils' machine guns kept shooting along Zanaha indiscriminately. There must be only one purpose, and that was to wait for the devils to come up. I know, how to fight this battle?
At this moment, Cao Zhengde saw Du Sanjin's cat in the trench, and he hurriedly shouted, "Du Sanjin, quickly look up and see where the devil is?"

When Du Sanjin heard that he was going to die, he immediately quit, "Why me?"

"Why not you? Take a look!" Cao Zhengde shouted.

Du Sanjin looked at the other puppet army angrily, "You, stand up and have a look, where has the devil arrived?"

When the puppet soldier heard this, he immediately pretended to faint from fright.

"You, stand up and have a look!" Du Sanjin pointed to another person.

Another puppet soldier was covered in cold sweat, "Brother, can you raise your head now? The bullets are flying above your head, don't look, this devil is still down there, he didn't come up!"


Du Sanjin roared, "Look quickly!"

The puppet soldier had no choice but to put his body up and raise his head quietly. As soon as his head leaked out of the trench, his cap was knocked over by the devil's bullet. Now, the puppet soldier said nothing!

It won't work like this, how many devils are there?How long do we have to fight?
Cao Zhengde asked the guards to bring over some of the devil's grenades. Even if he couldn't see them clearly, he had to scare the devils so that they would not dare to come up easily. He wanted to see how many lives this devil had!

After pulling the string, Cao Zhengde threw the grenade out. After a "boom" explosion, Cao Zhengde quickly looked up, and saw that the devil had already reached a normal distance. He squatted down quickly, and a shuttle bullet landed on top of his head. It flew by, it was terrible!
The guard hurriedly asked, "Captain Cao, what's the matter?"

"This Jinfeng Ridge is really different. Although there is only this small road, it is obvious that we have some difficulty defending it!" Cao Zhengde said.

"Company commander, don't worry. You have to understand that we are not at a disadvantage now. The devils have launched several attacks, but they have all failed. Their morale has been damaged. Besides, the trench we are in now, although we are talking about It's simple, but the terrain is fairly stable. Since the devils want to attack, the heavy machine guns of the devils in the rear must not dare to fire bullets indiscriminately, as long as the devils stop firing bullets, we can fight again!"


When Cao Zhengde heard it, yes, it is such a simple truth, would the devil dare to shoot?I'm afraid they dare not, aren't they afraid of killing a few devils?
Thinking about it, Cao Zhengde would feel more at ease at this time, and wait for the devils' artillery fire to stop, which is the time for their attack.

For the guard, Du Sanjin expressed his sincere gratitude. If it weren't for his remarks, maybe he would be the one who looked in the devil's direction next time.

"Brother, thank you!" Du Sanjin said.

The guard was baffled, and just said, "It's okay!"

It's not too late, people are affectionate and righteous, you have to show something.

"Brother, come smoke!"

Du Sanjin took out the cigarette from his body.

These are the devil's special cigarettes. I dare not say anything else, at least you can't buy them.

"I don't smoke!" said the guard.

Du Sanjin's face was a little ugly, this is not giving him face, what should I do?Du Sanjin just thought of this before he had time to speak, Cao Zhengde said, "Come on, I smoke!"

Du Sanjin smiled awkwardly, and then handed it over, but Cao Zhengde put Du Sanjin's whole pack of cigarettes in his pocket, "I'll keep it for you, if you need it, come to me !"


"It's nothing, I'm just as interesting as I am, Du Sanjin, you have to work hard to beat devils later, and let your brothers also work hard, otherwise, how can I be worthy of your impulse to ask me to take you in?"

Cao Zhengde or something. ,
"Yes Yes Yes!"

Cao Zhengde was very embarrassed, yes, very embarrassed, he was so embarrassed that he wanted to jump into the river, but there is no river here.

Soon, the gunshots stopped. Cao Zhengde saw the timing and shouted, "Grenade, prepare the grenade for me!"

After finishing speaking, Cao Zhengde got up and threw the grenade in his hand! "

This distance is easy for the Eighth Route Army to grasp, and the devils also want to throw grenades, but they are still a step behind the Eighth Route Army.

"Oh, Fake!"

A devil yelled, and with an explosion, the devil lost his life.

In short, if you want to come over, you must be fast, have a large number of people, and quickly occupy the trenches to be able to confirm your victory. However, they missed all of this perfectly.

Cao Zhengde, who found the fighter plane, immediately ordered, "Fight back!"

After finishing speaking, heavy machine guns, grenades, grenades, gun bullets, and everything that can be fired poured down on the devils in front of them. Immediately, the devils fled in a swarm. There was no way, the Eighth Route Army fought more and more, even if they issued military orders , but is it wise to strike a stone with an egg?
The Eighth Route Army is the Eighth Route Army, they are not afraid of danger, they dare to fight!
With the Eighth Route Army's tenacious counterattack, those puppet soldiers who were watching the jokes were stunned at this moment. The Eighth Route Army actually beat the devils to the ground, which is a bit interesting.

Breaking drums and hammering thousands of people.

The devil is the broken drum, and the puppet army is the ten thousand people, picking up the persimmons and pinching them softly!
"Come on!"

Cao Zhengde didn't know if his brain circuit was short or what, he actually gave the order to charge!

The soldiers of the Eighth Route Army obeyed the orders. As soon as they heard the charge, they immediately ran out of the trenches and rushed towards the devils with their guns in hand.

The devils, whose morale was not very high, charged when they saw the Eighth Route Army. The left and right sides, plus the Eighth Route Army in the middle, this number...

Seems like a lot.

This... at least has the strength of a division!
Where did the Eighth Route Army get so many troops?
Run, then run!
What good is there to resist?
There may be a glimmer of hope in running, the Beihai they occupied originally is not their hometown, at worst they can go back to their hometown!

Cao Zhengde was stunned, why did he give the order to charge?They are a company, even if they are facing a brigade with a small number of devils below, but are there no devils behind?


However, the order has already been issued, so Cao Zhengde can only bite the bullet and charge forward!

Seeing this, Du Sanjin was overjoyed, "Brothers, it's time to make military exploits, let's kill, kill devils, kill devils!"

Seeing the bravery of the Eighth Route Army in battle, those puppet soldiers had the attitude that one man should be the one who guards the border, and no one can let them go. Follow them, that is a bargain!


The puppet army doesn't pretend anymore, just rush, if you can't kill a devil, is it possible that you can't kill a devil's corpse?

Courage comes from practice. Who is born with the courage not to be afraid of death?

The moonlight reflected the reflections of the tree branches, and Okamoto finally regarded those tree shadows as vivid Eighth Route Army soldiers, which indirectly made the devil lose his confidence in fighting.

"Quickly go and tell Your Excellency, the strength of a division of the Eighth Route Army is rushing over, I will block it first, and then he evacuates quickly!"

Okamoto yelled at the ghosts next to him

The devil turned and left, almost saying thank you.

"Follow me to kill the enemy!"

Okamoto commanded with his bayonet raised.

However, this morale problem has indeed become an obstacle to their attack. Many devils don't even want machine guns. Guns are not worth mentioning at all. Run, life is important!
A thousand miles away!
At this time, they are completely different from before.

Cao Zhengde saw that the devil was so vulnerable, he thought he had encountered a puppet army!
Really, it's not as bloody as Du Sanjin and the others. What's going on?Could it be that there is fraud in it?

As soon as he thought of this, a figure rushed past him - Du Sanjin!

This guy is running really fast at this time, is this how he picked up his military exploits?Not only him, but the puppet soldiers behind him saw it and took advantage of it. They rushed forward one by one desperately. Killing a devil will have a devil's military exploits. Who of them is willing to give up such a thing?
"I'm going, I have underestimated the puppet army. At the critical moment, are you working so hard?"

He really didn't think of it!

Cao Zhengde was stunned.Facts have proved that it is not that the puppet army has no combat effectiveness, but that it lacks guidance. Yes, that's all I can say.

(End of this chapter)

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