Chapter 2824

In many cases, no one wants to bring up bad things.

Du Sanjin is like this, he has worked his life for warlords and devils, but the most comfortable thing to say is to be happy with Cao Zhengde for less than one or three hours.

In the past, warlords treated him like a dog.

The national army also treated him like a dog.

Devil, don't bother treating him like a dog!That's worse than a beast.

But Cao Zhengde is different, you can joke with him, and he still treats you as a brother, so the Eighth Route Army is pure and simple.

This battle was really fun.

When Nakano Koji heard that there was a division of the Eighth Route Army in front of him, Nakano Koji was taken aback for a moment, and immediately asked, "Where did so many Eighth Route Army come from?"

"Yes, where are there so many Eighth Route Army?" Every devil has such a question.

"But, that's the truth!" said the visitor. "The Eighth Route Army rushed down from the trenches. They were as powerful as a bamboo, and they were just waiting for us to charge! In the end, they scattered us like a horse. Captain Okamoto asked me to inform you immediately. Hurry up and retreat, the Eighth Route Army's goal is not just our brigade!"

Regardless of whether it is true or not, Nakano Koji felt that it was impossible for him to be reckless. If the entire army of his division was wiped out, then there would be no need to deal with the Eighth Route Army in Hedong!


He made this decision with great difficulty, and this decision made Nakano Koji reluctant to give up, yes, he was reluctant to give up!
However, more doubts, the Eighth Route Army of one division, could it be possible that the Eighth Route Army has crossed the Qi River?
There is no such possibility!Could it be that the Eighth Route Army forced the peasants to join them, and now they have the strength of a division?
Well, it's not impossible, but no matter what, he has to avoid the edge now.

A lot of luggage was too late to transfer, so it was left there.

After this battle, the Eighth Route Army seized more than a dozen heavy machine guns, nearly a hundred rifles, grenades, and mortars. These are really good things!

Seeing so many good things, Cao Zhengde asked the soldiers to pack them up and take them away. Now that Koji Nakano has retreated, the next battle will be one-sided.

Du Sanjin looked at Cao Zhengde with a smile, "Captain Cao, look at me... look at am I doing well in this battle?"

"Okay, well done!"

Cao Zhengde is speaking the truth.

If Du Sanjin's battles in the future are still the same as they are now, maybe he will also be an excellent commander.

"If you perform well, can you ask me something?" Du Sanjin blushed just like the little girl.

"Well, tell me!" Cao Zhengde asked.

"You said, I have surrendered to you, what kind of official can I be with you?" Du Sanjin asked.

"Bastard? Guaner?" Cao Zhengde looked at him and shook his head, "Hey, forget it, you can't, you can't!"

"Why? You said that I did well!" Du Sanjin asked hastily.

"You performed well, but you are a person who is full of utilitarianism and feudalism. To be honest, you can't even be a soldier of our Eighth Route Army!" Cao Zhengde said.

"Hey, I don't believe it!" Du Sanjin said, "This time I surrendered, at least I brought a hundred brothers here to the Eighth Route Army. In this battle, more than a dozen of our brothers were injured! You say, My contribution is so great, why can't I be a small official?"

"Our Eighth Route Army has no officials, but some are comrades and comrades-in-arms!" Cao Zhengde said, "I am their company commander. Tell me, do I have any privileges in front of them?"

This sentence made Du Sanjin stunned. He had heard about it a long time ago. The Eighth Route Army was poor, and the officials were not like officials, but more like parents. A parent led the whole family to fight.However, he, Du Sanjin, only heard about this, but in fact, he still wanted to be a small official, so that he would have a sense of accomplishment and be able to return home!
"If you want to be an official, the Eighth Route Army doesn't have one, so I'm sorry!" Cao Zhengde turned around and left after finishing speaking.

Du Sanjin hurriedly stopped him, he knew, where could he go?All the roads were blocked by himself, "Commander Cao, that's not what I mean, I just think that in this war, we have to return home, right? We don't need fame and wealth, but we have to have face!" Du Sanjin persisted .

Cao Zhengde shook his head, "So, if you want to be in the Eighth Route Army, the Eighth Route Army should start from a small soldier. I agree with this point. If you say that because you brought a hundred brothers, I will let you be a platoon leader. Or other things, I can’t decide this. But, what I want to tell you is that the soldiers you brought me, our Eighth Route Army also gave you a way out. Think about this, I don’t want you to be alone Good people are embarrassed and sad, so you have to think clearly!"

After finishing speaking, Cao Zhengde took the people away.


Du Sanjin was stunned there.

Behind him are those puppet soldiers.

"Captain, what should I do?"

I am most worried about these puppet soldiers. They killed the devils, and they can't go home, so what should I do?I can only fight with these people!

Fortunately, they met the Eighth Route Army. If the Eighth Route Army doesn't take them in, where can they go?

Thinking of the guard gate here, I couldn't help but shudder in my heart, yes, where can they rob?Isn't this killing them?
"Captain, we can't lose the Eighth Route Army. If we go back like this, the devils can't get around us!"

"I know, but the Eighth Route Army won't do us any favors!" Du Sanjin said.

"Let's talk about the benefits later, it's life that matters right now, Captain!"

"Yes, captain, life is of the utmost importance!"

The puppet soldiers replied with each word.

"Okay, then, you follow me, you can't lose the Eighth Route Army, we will go wherever they go!" Du Sanjin said.


After speaking, Du Sanjin went after Cao Zhengde.

Cao Zhengde watched Du Sanjin rushing towards with a hippie smile, and asked, "What? Why are you following me?"

"Hey, I figured it out, Company Commander Cao, you're right, I can't do whatever I want, there are always rules in this world, follow the Eighth Route Army, that's what I think, and so do my brothers Thinking about it, please don’t be offended!”

Du Sanjin kept his posture very low this time.

Cao Zhengde nodded, "I'm very happy that you can think this way. I believe our battalion commander is also very happy. However, now is not the time to talk about these things. According to our battalion commander's instructions, after supporting Company Commander Ma, we will lead Send people to attack Yongshan Wanggao. So, we still have a mission now!"

Upon hearing this, Du Sanjin nodded, "Don't worry, I'm familiar with it!"

Under the guidance of Du Sanjin, Cao Zhengde arrived at the logistics supply area of ​​Yongshan Wanggao very quickly. At this time, the logistics troops were very busy. Cao Zhengde was greatly surprised.

"Why is there such a big fire?" Cao Zhengde didn't know what was going on here, but Du Sanjin did.

He looked at Cao Zhengde and said, "Company Commander Cao, when we came out, there was already a fire here, but Hanada Mitsui thought there must be someone helping here, so he didn't care about this place, so I met you later!"

"Then do you know who set the fire?" Cao Zhengde asked.

Du Sanjin said without thinking, "Needless to say, this is also the Eighth Route Army!"

However, after he finished speaking, his face suddenly became embarrassed, "This... must be one of us!"

Don't hit the smiling faces, especially this Du Sanjin, although he is an opportunist, but in the final analysis he is also a devil who rebelled at the critical moment.

"Our people? How could it be possible to reach your logistics place from the front line?" Cao Zhengde had some doubts.

Du Sanjin smiled, "Commander Cao, to be honest, there are no ordinary people in this area for a hundred miles. The two sides in the battle are the devil and us. The devil can't set fire. Even if it accidentally caught fire, it can't be so big. For me, this must be one of us!"

"Well, it's possible! However, I think the devil is sick and will kill him. What do you think we should do?" Cao Zhengde asked.

"It's easy!" Du Sanjin said, "I'll take my people over there, Company Commander Cao, you just take the opportunity to call, we should cooperate internally and externally, little sister and these devils are no problem!"

"Well, okay, let's do it!"

Cao Zhengde said.

Besides, Yu Hanyuan borrowed others' hands to burn the devil's logistics, so happily he and the squad leader dared to go back in a hurry.Needless to say, he was in a very good mood. The people who came out thought they would return without success, but it turned out that this was simply a provocation to the devils. When they returned to the garrison, the squad leader had already been released , as soon as he arrived in the trenches, the story of his Yu Hanyuan has already spread.Needless to say, this feeling of being surrounded by stars is very good.


Yu Hanyuan shouted.

When everyone looked around, they saw Su Fuguo grabbing Yu Hanyuan's ear and glaring at him fiercely, "Oh, you dare to come back, kid?"

Yu Hanyuan was surprised, although Su Fuguo is not the company commander of their company now, but, yes, Su Fuguo has now been transferred to be the company commander of the company, and anyone with a discerning eye can understand what this means.

"Company commander, listen to me!" Yu Hanyuan struggled, but how could Su Fuguo let go.

"Say it now, I'll listen to you carefully!" Yu Hanyuan had no choice but to stand on tiptoe, trying not to hurt his ears, but there was no way, Su Fuguo's hands were strong.

"Company commander, I don't think it's meaningful for us to waste time with the devils, so I think we must be surprised!" Yu Hanyuan said solemnly, but Su Fuguo didn't listen to this.

You know, what does it mean that a platoon leader left with someone without telling his company commander?It means not obeying orders, it means that the lives of the soldiers are a joke.

Not to mention that Yu Hanyuan won the battle, even if a few people took over the devil's headquarters, it would be impossible to end like this. To be honest, if everyone is like Yu Hanyuan, how can they lead the entire army?

"Fart!" Su Fuguo shouted, "In my opinion, you are leading the soldiers to die!"

"Isn't this not dead?" Yu Hanyuan looked at Su Fuguo.

"Get out!" Su Fuguo scolded, "Tell you, the battalion commander knows about your affairs, and I don't know how to punish you, but don't expect me to say something nice for you. Let’s talk about one thing and say another, and let’s not say anything else, just say that you took soldiers to the devil’s logistics department privately, which is a violation of discipline!”

"Company commander, I just want to win the battle, and I have no other thoughts!" Yu Hanyuan said.

Su Fuguo put down his hand, pointed at Yu Hanyuan's nose and cursed, "Boy, tell you, the Eighth Route Army has its own rules. Without these rules, do you think the Eighth Route Army would win the battle?"


Without waiting for Yu Hanyuan to explain, Su Fuguo looked at the guards in front of him, "Yu Hanyuan didn't obey the order and took someone away privately. In his eyes, he violated the discipline of the party and the regulations of the Eighth Route Army. I ordered that Yu Hanyuan be guarded." , no one can let him go without my order! Do you understand?"

The guards were stunned when they heard this. They thought that with this merit, even if they were not counted as military merit, it would not embarrass them. Unexpectedly, the one who should come will still come!
"Yes!": The guard had to say the same.

Su Fuguo stared at Yu Hanyuan, feeling annoyed. This kid has a wild temper. Presumably he was used to being alone in the mountains, so he ignored military discipline like this. However, since he joined the Eighth Route Army, he must have the discipline of the Eighth Route Army!

He looked at it with hatred, and then led the people away.

"Company commander, I..."

Su Fuguo didn't want to listen to him anymore. As for how to punish him, he will wait for Liu Ji's order.

The guard sighed, "Platoon leader, let's go!"

Yu Hanyuan frowned, then was taken away by the guards and got used to it.

He is depressed, really depressed, he wants to be like Wang Haibo, win a battle and be praised, it's very simple, he doesn't need any rewards, just praise.

However, now it seems that this condition is somewhat impossible to be met, and the second squad leader has become used to it, and the two of them sat together helplessly.

"Am I wrong?" Yu Hanyuan asked a little puzzled.

"Platoon leader, I think... we have to tell the company commander about any action, not for anything else, at least let the company commander know what we are going to do!" said the second squad leader.

"I'm sorry, I've got you involved too!" Yu Hanyuan said.

"It doesn't matter, I think it's worth it. Seeing the devil's logistics supply office catch fire, the devil's losses are greater than ours, platoon leader, even if we are punished, I think this is the talk of my life. , I will tell my son, tell him, we have 20 people, and we have provided the logistics of a division of the Devils, one son is not enough, I will have ten sons, and tell them, the glorious deeds of Lao Tzu!"

The second squad leader looked into the distance with piercing eyes.

"Yes, but this may also be a stain on us for the rest of our lives. If we didn't report it to the company commander, it's our fault first!" Yu Hanyuan slowly thought about his own mistakes. If he wasn't wrong, hehe, how could it be possible?

(End of this chapter)

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