Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2825 Rescue

Chapter 2825 Rescue

A shell exploded, and Wang Haibo was still leisurely in the trench with his hands on his pillow.

The sound of the guns scared Wang Haibo enough, he got up quickly, wiped the gun buried in the loess, "Damn it, the devil is here?"

After cursing, a soldier ran over, "Platoon leader, platoon leader, the devil is coming!"

"I know!" Wang Haibo was a little angry, why did the devil come so well?At night, they still want to attack?

"Platoon leader, the devils have dispatched a large number of people this time. It seems that they want to take down our small highland!" A soldier said.

"It doesn't matter how many people there are. We can also use our own method to bring me the portrait of Emperor Devil. With this amulet, we won't be afraid of them!"

The first squad leader took the flower fragrance of Emperor Guizi and gave it to Wang Haibo.

Wang Haibo said with a smile, "Let the soldiers guard me well. After we have finished fighting here, after Yu Hanyuan brings people over, the devils will retreat without fighting!"

"Platoon leader, what are you thinking! Yu Hanyuan has already been placed in confinement!" The first squad leader hurriedly said.

'What?Closed the confinement? "Wang Haibo looked at him in surprise, "Why?why? "

Wang Haibo was still wondering, why didn't he know about this?
"Platoon leader, I heard that Yu Hanyuan led people to carry the devil's logistics without permission, and all the food, grass and ammunition were destroyed!" said the first squad leader, "This time it was Company Commander Su who personally led people to lock up Yu Hanyuan!"

"I mean, you said that the devil's camp caught fire, so it was Yu Hanyuan who did it, and this bastard is a bit courageous!" Wang Haibo said with a smile.

"It's true that you have courage, but bringing someone to open the garrison privately is a serious violation of the discipline of the Eighth Route Army. Even if the regiment leader came, Yu Hanyuan would still be punished. It doesn't matter that he won a battle, but this is Dangerous!" said the squad leader.

"Don't talk about those useless things. With this level of courage, I think Yu Hanyuan has some brains. If you are sent there, can you kill the devil's logistics?"

There is nothing wrong with what Wang Haibo said, if you throw him over, maybe you really can't do this job.


Suddenly, there was another explosion, and this explosion was right in front of Wang Haibo, and the splashed loess covered Wang Haibo's body.

"Damn it, you're making progress!" Wang Haibo scolded, "Do you still have humanity?"

"Platoon leader... bah... Mouth full of dirt, platoon leader, the devils are attacking!"

Said the squad leader.

"Hehe, don't be afraid, I have a magic weapon in my hand. If the devils dare to come over, I will tear up the portrait of their emperor. I will do what I say!" Wang Haibo said.

"Platoon leader, now is not the time to talk about these things, look, the devils are coming!" shouted the first squad leader.

"Really, come on, throw me a grenade!" After Wang Haibo finished speaking, he threw all the grenades on the battlefield.

"Bombing sounds one after another, illuminating the road ahead!"

The devil rushed up with his head poking his head, and after being blown up like this, he didn't expect to retreat yet!

After a while, the devil came up roaring loudly.

"Dare to come?" Wang Haibo scolded.

At this time, he scratched up the portrait of Emperor Devil again.

With such a shameless way of playing, Wang Haibo at least has confidence in his heart.That is, the devils dare not attack hard, they can only take it slowly.

However, something was obviously wrong this time, that is, the devil continued to rush forward, the bullets were not aimed at the portrait of the emperor, and even the mortar behind the devil turned away and bombed other places!

The devil has become a genius.

Yongshan Wanggao can't wait any longer, because soon, he will run out of food and ammunition. Now the logistics department has rescued only ten boxes of bullets, and the bullets in these ten boxes are at the bottom to survive. .

Running out of bullets means that they have no weapon to attack again. +
"Yongshan Wanggao Dazuo, the cunning Eighth Route Army has hung up the portrait of the emperor again!"

A ghost said in a panic.

"It's just a portrait that I didn't take seriously, but the Eighth Route Army took it seriously. I really want to take down this small highland today. After paralyzing the Eighth Route Army, this small highland will not come back to me?" Yongshan Wanggao laughed. said.

"Qian donkey is poor, let me see what other tricks he can play!"

"Your Excellency, what do you mean?" the devil looked at him and asked.

Yongshan Wanggao smiled, "Respect His Majesty the Emperor, I, Yongshan Wanggao, will not forget it, but I will remember this kindness in my heart!"

"Pass my order, the portrait of His Majesty the Emperor is trampled in the hands of the Eighth Route Army, first come, first served, catch the cunning Eighth Route Army, and take back the portrait of His Majesty the Emperor!" Yongshan Wanggao continued.

"Hayi!" The devil immediately saluted after hearing this.

"Remember, there is one more thing!" Yongshan Wanggao said, "I will be rewarded for catching the Eighth Route Army with the flag above! I will personally take him to His Majesty the Emperor to receive the reward!"


After finishing speaking, this order was issued. To rescue the portrait of the emperor, many devil soldiers felt that this was a matter of course. The portrait of their own emperor was in the hands of the Eighth Route Army. Big deal.

With this belief, the devils immediately increased their combat effectiveness several times. They were not afraid of death, and they were hiding behind the bunker before. At this time, they escaped from the bunker in order to successfully take down the high ground.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Wang Haibo was stunned. Is there such a thing for fun?The artillery bullets did not hit the place where he was holding the portrait, and the left and right sides were hit three times. Is this okay?

If this continues, the highland will disappear in a while!

"Squad leader!"

Wang Haibo shouted.

The first squad leader was right in front of him, "Platoon leader, please order!"

Wang Haibo said, "The devils only need to attack our two sides now. Once the two sides are gone, our place will be in danger!"

"Platoon leader, you mean, let me take people to support the two sides?" asked the first squad leader.

Wang Haibo glanced at him, "It's to save the two sides, but it's not like this!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Haibo pointed to the two heavy machine guns. These two heavy machine guns were the trophies they captured during the daytime fighting with devils, "Did you see that these two heavy machine guns should play an important role now. I don't want you to support with a heavy machine gun, but to support here. The devils charge on both sides, and you shoot them from this side. The firepower of the devils will be very strong, but no matter how strong the firepower is, they must come up. I order you , shoot them with heavy machine guns, and must defend until the reinforcements come, do you understand?" Wang Haibo asked.

"Understood!" After the first squad leader finished speaking, he directed his troops to attack the devils on both sides of the charge.

This distance is actually not far.It's completely within the range of heavy machine guns, isn't the devil desperate?Well, just kill them.

This is indeed the case. The two heavy machine guns did play a big role. The devils who charged at the front never thought that the firepower on both sides of their charge was mediocre, but the firepower on their emperor's portrait was really fierce, and the rear was suppressed by firepower. There were not many people up there.

Even the devils who confessed their counsel did not make the Eighth Route Army give up. They rushed desperately, and the Eighth Route Army had to admit their counsel?joke!




The Eighth Route Army on both sides saw the reversal of the situation before them, and their morale was excited. Soon, the devils had to hide behind the bunker again.

They really wanted to rescue the portrait of His Majesty the Emperor, but the firepower of the Eighth Route Army could be so fierce.

Yongshan Wanggao's face turned green. The battle he personally commanded was so vulnerable?If the news spread, how would he let go of his eternally hopeful face?
He used to be the Chief of Shencheng Guards, responsible for the safety of the entire Shencheng, the imperial army under his command was valiant in combat, and every imperial army was like a scourge.

But, why can't this one hit a small high ground?

The number of the Eighth Route Army is not large, so why are there so many of them?
Then how to fight?
Yongshan Wanggao, who was thinking about it, was a little embarrassed. If he hit the middle, he might accidentally injure the portrait of the emperor. That would be disrespect to the emperor. If he didn't fight, it would be very difficult for them to take a step forward.


A ghost ran over and shouted.


"Master Yongshan Wanggao, the heavy machine guns in the middle of the Eighth Route Army have caused great damage to our imperial army. I suggest that more people be sent to charge up. As long as they occupy the two sides, the Eighth Route Army will definitely collapse!" said the devil.

"Okay, send two more teams up, I'm going to make a decision on this small highland!" Yongshan Wanggao didn't believe this evil, how much would he pay for a small highland?
However, the result was unexpected. Yongshan Wanggao was ready to fail again, but he didn't expect that so many people rushed up, and the Eighth Route Army's grenades caused heavy losses to the two brigades of Yongshan Wanggao.The rest of the people had to retreat again, which was really a slap in the face.

Yongshan Wanggao shook his head, a large number of people is not necessarily a good thing, it seems that the Eighth Route Army should not be underestimated.

After a brief retreat, Yongshan Wanggao immediately called a meeting of the various captains to study how to defeat the enemy.

However, they really had no choice but to encounter such a situation. The emperor couldn't touch it. If it happened, it would be disrespectful. If the emperor found out, what would be the result?
But, if you don't fight, how can they last in the fifth stronghold?Now, there is no food and grass, and the ammunition is also stretched. If it is used up, they will definitely lose.

"Whoever you have the means, hurry up and tell me, the Eighth Route Army trampled on the portrait of our emperor, is it tolerable or unbearable!" Yongshan Wanggao said.

"Your Majesty!"

At this time, a team leader said, "Your Majesty, I think the reason why we can't attack is that the Eighth Route Army has two heavy machine guns!"

Then, he analyzed, "If you want to win, the key lies in the portrait of the emperor. Perhaps the Eighth Route Army can also see that we are really attacking the two sides, but neglecting the middle!"

"You are right, the portrait of His Majesty the Emperor is indeed a key point!" Yongshan Wanggao said.

"So, the plan we made was wrong!" said the captain there.

"Wrong?" Yongshan Wanggao looked at him in surprise.

"I suggest that the main force attack the middle. Once the middle misses, it is not impossible for us to take the small high ground!"

The captain was still immersed in his own assumptions.

It is obvious that if they attack the middle, except for the Eighth Route Army that has a portrait of His Majesty the Emperor, then the Eighth Route Army on both sides will eat dry food?It will definitely hit the middle of the firepower attack!Wouldn't the result be the same?

Yongshan Wanggao frowned, he had expected to fail, so he looked at other people.

"Who has a better suggestion!" Yongshan Wanggao asked.

As a result, no one answered. As for what the Colonel said just now, they have the right to fart.

"As we all know, what hinders us is the portrait of His Majesty the Emperor! How to get up is our key!" Yongshan Wanggao said.

"Master Yongshan Wanggao, I don't know what you said, but what can I do?"

Yongshan Wanggao said, "I suggest, send a sharpshooter to directly destroy the portrait of His Majesty the Emperor!"


When they heard that the portrait of His Majesty the Emperor was going to be destroyed, many people couldn't hold on anymore. If this plan is feasible, then the portrait of His Majesty the Emperor will definitely be destroyed!
What they want to discuss now is not how to avoid it, but how to explain it to the soldiers?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then talked about the feasibility of this method.

It is indeed feasible. After all, what constrains them is the portrait of the Emperor. Occasionally, no one will care if one is missing, but they are afraid that such things will not be concealed.

No one is willing to try it. When the time comes, it will be settled. One of them counts as the other, and no one can escape.

"That's why I'm going to send a sharpshooter there! One shot knocked down the emperor's portrait, and when the soldiers saw it, they said it was done by the Eighth Route Army. Their morale! Only troops with morale can leave their names in history."

It's like Wudang flying army, like tiger and leopard cavalry, who doesn't shudder when they hear these famous troops?

After talking about these two reasons, many devils started discussing again, and studied together how to defeat the enemy.

Yongshan Wanggao interrupted their discussion.

"Don't discuss it. I have been observing for a long time. The reason why the Eighth Route Army was able to quickly occupy this place is that the military discipline is strict, and when it is allowed to come, it will come at a certain time, but our troops are a little lazy!" Yongshan Wanggao said, "This time To attack, we must take down the small high ground and save His Majesty the Emperor from fire and water!"

"Save His Majesty the Emperor from fire and water!"

"Save His Majesty the Emperor from fire and water!"

The devils shouted loudly one by one, yes, this is the momentum, and this is what Yongshan Wanggao wants. At that time, they will mainly attack the small high ground in the middle, and everything will go with the flow.

After all, the portrait of His Majesty the Emperor is also His Majesty the Emperor, and whoever can snatch it will be a great credit.

So, these little devil soldiers, it is impossible to give up this point!

Soon, the devils re-deployed their combat power, the devils on both sides were responsible for the feint attack, and the devils in the middle were the main attack.

Whether it is true or false, whether it is true or false, Wang Haibo has to figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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