Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2826 Revenge for His Majesty the Emperor

Chapter 2826 Revenge for His Majesty the Emperor

This time, when the devil came up, he attacked the two sides of the small high ground with the most powerful firepower. Wang Haibo knew the devil's tactics well, didn't you want to fight?Then come on, but when everyone feels that the most powerful firepower is on both sides, the number of devils in the middle is indeed very large. After all, the number of devils occupies an absolute advantage.

Number advantage, firepower advantage, advantage in everything, what the hell!

It is tantamount to wishful thinking to repel the devils with only two heavy machine guns.

Seeing the devils rushing in like a tide, Wang Haibo quickly hung up the portrait of the devil emperor again.

When they saw the portrait of the emperor, those devils were a little hesitant. If they went up and shot through the portrait of His Majesty the emperor, it would be fatal.

The charging devils were at a loss.They hid behind the bunker and watched the situation nervously. Someone had already reported the situation to Yongshan Wanggao.

In fact, how could Yongshan Wanggao not know the situation in front of him?He grinned, then waved at one of the ghosts.

The devil nodded, and then fired a shot at the portrait of the emperor on the small plateau.

When the bullet went out, it pierced a hole in the portrait of the Emperor.

However, the portrait of the emperor was not burned that day, and few people could watch it.

At this moment, Yongshan Wanggao was also anxious.

"What's the situation?" Yongshan Wanggao turned to look at a devil, "Keep beating me!"


After the devil finished speaking, he fired a few more shots at the portrait on the small high ground. ,

When the machine gun fired, the portrait of the emperor burned, and the obvious flames made people turn pale with shock.

"The Eighth Route Army has insulted our Emperor!"

At this time, such a sentence suddenly came out.

Those devils were surprised, "The Eighth Route Army insulted our Emperor!"

Another sentence.

Yes, the devils can see clearly that the portrait of His Majesty the Emperor is in their hands. Is this a warning from the Eighth Route Army?

Or deterrence?

All of a sudden, the devils roared like crazy, "The Eighth Route Army insulted our Emperor!"

This sentence was even more surprising to Wang Haibo, "Isn't it just a portrait? Is my gun so long that it killed your emperor?"

They are all a group of guys with no eyes!

Thinking of Wang Haibo here, he angrily threw the burning portrait down the hillside. It is no longer needed now, which means that Wang Haibo's platoon will have to face countless devils charging. Although his ammunition is sufficient, his personnel are not enough Sufficient, in this way, this tough battle must be fought.

"Brothers, I didn't burn this portrait!"

Wang Haibo roared, "Damn it, the devils shot, you should have heard the sound, but the little devils are deaf, and they are blind at all, and their ears are also deaf, so what we have to do now is Resist and wait for reinforcements to come!"


Wang Haibo roared loudly, and the devils down the hillside came up along the hillside like a flood.

On the one hand, the devils wanted to avenge their Emperor, and on the other hand, the morale of the devils was greatly increased. Wang Haibo never thought that this devil would be so dirty that he would shoot at their Emperor. This is treason!
But, I can't think so much now, the devil is still screaming in his mouth, as if he wants to eat them in one bite.

"Grenade, hit me!"

When Wang Haibo had just issued such an order, the devil's shelling ran first.


With a bang, the shell exploded not far from his trench. The huge roar intertwined with the flashing white light made Wang Haibo's eyes go dark.



Wang Haibo can't control that much anymore. What he has to do now is to hide for a while. There are not many people in their platoon. They can hold this small highland for two or three days. If there is no reinforcements, then It means that Little Highland is about to miss!
The devil came up yelling, but the mortar was silent, "Kill!"

Wang Haibo roared loudly.

He was the first to string a grenade and throw it!


All of a sudden, a grenade blew out a crater, and three or four people around were blown away.

"Grenade, heavy machine gun, hit me hard!"

Wang Haibo roared, and the Eighth Route Army in the trench gathered up all of a sudden, and beat the devils hard!
Such a situation is actually very bad for the Eighth Route Army, it is really unfriendly, and devils have never been friendly.

Wang Haibo's face is calm at this time. Although he sometimes doesn't speak properly, his military quality is indeed very high. "Heavy machine gun, hit me hard, grenade, don't stop, don't let the devils come up!"

Fire suppression, at this time, must be maintained, otherwise, there is no hope.

For a while, the firepower was suppressed, and the speed of the devil's charge slowed down.

It was at this time that Wang Haibo suddenly noticed that most of the devils were coming towards them, which meant that the Eighth Route Army soldiers on both sides could withstand a small number of devils. In this case, he only needed to take care of the enemies in the front .

Thinking of this, Wang Haibo also understood that the devils mistakenly thought that he had burned the portrait of their Emperor, and then they all came to take revenge.What a fool!
"I didn't burn it!"

Wang Haibo cursed.

"Come on, hit me hard!"

Wang Haibo scolded.

Countless gunshots gathered together, and then appeared here like a deafening sound.

Yongshan Wanggao is also fighting now. If he wins Xiaogaodi, he can set up artillery directly to the north, and then he can take down the No. [-] stronghold!This is a one-and-done solution!Otherwise, his desire to win the No. [-] stronghold can only be said to be in the foreseeable future!

"Listen, no matter what the price is, we must take the small highland! As long as it is the imperial army of the Great Wa Kingdom, this order must be carried out!" Yongshan Wanggao shouted.


The captains went to deploy. Yongshan Wanggao felt bitter, really bitter. He never thought that the Eighth Route Army could fight like this. Not only did it fight shamelessly, but it was also fucking capable of fighting. A portrait of the emperor made them stop After so long, what if it takes a long time?Wouldn't anyone be able to bully him like this?
Thinking of this, Yongshan Wanggao seems to want to vent his anger, it's just a portrait, if you destroy it, you will destroy it!

The devil charged in a wave and was intercepted by the Eighth Route Army at a distance of 30 meters from the top of the small highland!

At such a close distance, Wang Haibo firmly held him down. You can come up if you want, but you have to pay a heavy price!

The corpses of the devils were stacked one on top of the other. Even so, the Eighth Route Army showed no mercy.

Of course, the Eighth Route Army also suffered a large proportion of casualties, and the bullets from the devils everywhere caused the Eighth Route Army soldiers a big loss.

This is a wave of battles that show their ambitions through death. The comrades of the Eighth Route Army quickly integrated into this rhythm of battle. When shooting with a gun, I have my own set in mind.

The brief suppression did not stop the devils from stopping, and soon, more devils charged over!

"Platoon leader, there are too many devils!" The first squad leader said quickly.

"I can't retreat, tell my comrades, I will stick to this place even if I die!" Wang Haibo shouted.

"Platoon leader, let's take the second line of defense first, the devils will soon take over here! We must retreat!" said the first squad leader.

"When we didn't receive the order from above, how could we retreat privately, tell everyone, continue to defend!" Wang Haibo shouted, and then fired a few shots down the mountain.

Yongshan Wanggao looked at the situation on the mountain from the bottom of the mountain. So far, he is quite satisfied, because, in a short time, this small highland will definitely be taken. If nothing else, just say that the number of people will eat up the Eighth Route Army!

The first line of defense is in jeopardy, and the higher-ups still haven't ordered him to retreat. It seems that the higher-ups have also encountered difficulties!
"Platoon leader, I think we have to enter the second line of defense. I don't want to abandon the first line of defense. We still have the second line of defense!" Come up with an idea, platoon leader, the devils are coming up!"

Wang Haibo gritted his teeth. He really didn't want to retreat. Once he retreated, he entered the second line of defense, which meant that he retreated on his own initiative. The importance of the small highland is self-evident, and he was unwilling to risk the soldiers to die. However, For him, he was even more unwilling to lose this small highland.

"Platoon leader, it's time for you to make up your mind! We're running out of numbers!" After the first squad leader finished speaking, he went down the mountain and beat a devil to death.

"Where are the reinforcements? Is there any news about the reinforcements!" Wang Haibo asked.

"No no!"

There was no news of reinforcements, which meant that he and the others became a lone army, and they became the meat to be eaten by the Yongshan Wanggao Division.

But when it comes to retreating, Wang Haibo still shook his head, "No, the second line of defense will definitely not be able to defend, why not just stay here, wait for the devils to come up, and let me do it directly!"

"Platoon leader!" The first squad leader looked at him nervously.

"Pass my order. Without my order, no one is allowed to retreat. The bloody battle to the end, let the devils know that the Eighth Route Army is not easy to bully, and the soldiers led by me, Wang Haibo, are definitely not bad!"

Wang Haibo said.

The first squad leader stopped talking. The determination of the platoon leader is the final order, and no one can change it.

In fact, how can the first squad leader not know the disadvantages of the second line of defense, that is, it is on Banpo, but the first line of defense is on the top of the mountain. For the Eighth Route Army, even if the devils occupy the top of the mountain, they want to reach the fifth stronghold It's still a bit difficult, but for the devils, they only need to occupy the first line of defense, because then their guns will be set up to bomb the No. The Eighth Route Army will definitely be transferred. At that time, the nine strongholds will be taken back, and with Koji Nakano taking Zhangjiakou, the Eighth Route Army will be over!

When he was proud, suddenly a devil ran over.

"En?" Yongshan Wanggao questioned.

"Report to Your Excellency, the General of China Metallurgical Corporation has sent a letter!" After the devil finished speaking, he gave him a telegram.

When he read it up and down, his expression was suddenly in a trance.


In the telegram, Koji Nakano pointed out that the number of the Eighth Route Army was too large. They were ambushed by the Eighth Route Army in Huanghuagang and Jinfengling and suffered heavy losses.

Too many Eighth Route Army?
However, as far as he knew, there was at most one company in the Eighth Route Army, and even if they were to expand, 1000 people would be exhausted.

These 1000 people have to be assigned to Jinfengling and Huanghuagang, so there must be very few Eighth Route Army in the fifth stronghold.Thinking of this, Yongshan Wanggao suddenly thought that the number of the Eighth Route Army on the small high ground was not large, so wouldn't there be fewer Eighth Route Army in the No. [-] stronghold. In this way, it would be a good opportunity for them!
It's just that Yongshan Wanggao didn't know that there is now another company in the east of the river.

"Give me an order to take the small high ground within a quarter of an hour. If the Eighth Route Army does not surrender, let them go to see Lord Yan!" Yongshan Wanggao laughed and returned to the tent.


This is what Yongshan Wanggao wants to say at this time.

After entering the tent, he poured a glass of water and let out a long sigh of relief.

"It seems that these nine strongholds can be taken today! Stronghold No. [-] is right in front of us!"

As soon as this sentence was finished, another ghost ran in in a panic.

Yongshan Wanggao frowned, "What's the matter?"

The devil swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Report...Report to Your Excellency, the logistics department has received news that a group of the Eighth Route Army has sneaked into the logistics!"

Yongshan Wanggao glanced at him, "Didn't the Eighth Route Army already burnt the grain and supplies? The logistics battalion is empty!"


Originally, Yongshan Wanggao was thinking of sneak attacking a useless logistics facility, which was not a big deal. Besides, the devil was talking about a team just now. How many people are there in this team?There are at most a dozen or twenty, but there are really people stationed there, and there is nothing to fear at all!

However, when he heard the devil say yes, his heart skipped a beat.

"However, those imperial association troops didn't fire a single shot, and then surrendered!" That devil's words are the key point!

"Surrender? The Imperial Association surrendered?"

This made Yongshan Wanggao stunned in place, the tea bowl in his hand fell to the ground and shattered.


The devil repeated it again.

"How is it possible? No matter what they say, it is impossible to surrender to a small group of the Eighth Route Army!?" Yongshan Wanggao wondered.

"According to the news, it is mainly Du Sanjin who surrendered!"


Du Sanjin knew about Yongshan Wanggao, and had been guarding the logistics with Hanada Mitsui. This time, he asked Hanada Mitsui to assist Nakano Koji. Unexpectedly, he would surrender!

"Where's Mitsui?" Yongshan Wang Gao asked.

The devil shook his head, "There is no contact with Captain Mitsui!"

"Bagaya Road!" Yongshan Wanggao was just happy for a while, but he didn't expect that it was already doomed now. Mitsui was probably dead, which meant that there was no one to resist in the rear, and his attack had to be restarted. Judgment made! "

However, seeing that Xiao Gaodi was about to be taken, he was a little unwilling, because his ammunition was not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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