Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2827 Restoring memory

Chapter 2827 Restoring memory
"Order, the first team will continue to charge, and the second and third teams will go to the logistics department to destroy the Eighth Route Army of that team. If anyone betrays the imperial army, they will be killed!"

This is a typical threat. No one dares to question his statement now. Even if there are some doubts, they can only hold back.Once the Eighth Route Army came to attack back and forth, his morale would fall to the bottom again!

At this time, he can't choose to give up, and likewise, he can't escape.

"How far is the Eighth Route Army from here?" Yongshan Wanggao asked.

"Report to Your Excellency, it is less than three miles away from here!"

That is, just after the devil finished speaking, someone suddenly ran over, "Report..."

Hearing this voice, Yongshan Wanggao subconsciously thought that this was bad news, because he had never heard any substantive good news, and every time the good news disappeared, it was followed by shocking bad news.

He frowned, reluctant to listen to this so-called i news.

"Speak!" How could Yongshan Wanggao not want to hear it?

"The Eighth Route Army came all the way, and all the Imperial Association troops along the way surrendered."


Yongshan Wanggao exclaimed.

Sure enough, the Huaxia people are untrustworthy. Even if they seem to do things for you, they are actually the masters of Qin Muchu.

"It's absolutely true?" Yongshan Wanggao actually didn't believe it, because for a long time, the most obedient ones were the Imperial Association Army, and they could do whatever they were asked to do. Why do you feel a little strange! "

"It must be Du Sanjin!" Yongshan Wanggao understood, if Du Sanjin came over, people's hearts would definitely fluctuate.

"Pass my order, all the imperial alliance troops below the mountain will attack the small high ground, and the remaining imperial army will occupy the favorable terrain and block the Eighth Route Army!"

Yongshan Wanggao immediately recovered his sanity, he couldn't figure it out, but is it possible?
All of a sudden, the Imperial Association Army was dispatched to the mountain. The Imperial Association Army was afraid of death. Can they attack the small highland?Now Yongshan Wanggao can't control so much, once Du Sanjin comes, then problems will follow, let them rebel together, it is better to let them die!

In this way, all the Imperial Association Army went up the mountain.

Cao Zhengde on the other side was in high spirits right now, and he never thought that Du Sanjin's role would be so great. It's no wonder that he, Du Sanjin, was usually very popular, and he often vented his anger for Huang Xie by rejecting you. He has become their spiritual leader. The Imperial Association Army does not listen to anyone, and Du Sanjin always believes in what Du Sanjin says, so from the time he led the way, the Imperial Association Army who surrendered all the way hit about 400 people!
This is a frightening number. Even Yongshan Wanggao, who has a large number of people, cannot underestimate such a huge team of rebels.

"There is a small highland in front, and Yongshan Wanggao must be in front!" Du Sanjin said.

"Haha, I didn't expect to meet the main force of the devils so quickly. Comrades, prepare your swords and guns, let's go all out!" Cao Zhengde shouted loudly.

The soldiers ran towards the place where the gunshots were fired.

Du Sanjin was also in high spirits at this time, and he felt like berating Fang Qiu.

"Brothers, the devils don't treat us as human beings, so let's be men again, let the little devils take a good look at it, Chinese people are not bullied casually!"

From Cao Zhengde's point of view, the devils should be frightened by now, so why would they fight?When the time comes, attack back and forth, and the little devil will be self-defeating!


Three miles away, it was simply not too fast, but suddenly entered the devil's ambush circle, and gunshots came from both sides.

not good!

Cao Zhengde looked at the two sides in surprise, tongues of fire spewed out one after another, as if to kill them, "Rush over!"

It is impossible to retreat. Once retreating, the morale of the army will be unstable!
"Charge, blow it up for me!"

Cao Zhengde shouted.

The trumpeter jumped the stone, and then blew the charge horn with a "beep beep"!

As soon as they heard the order, all the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army went forward bravely, aren't they devils?You are the ones hitting!Elite?Then let's see who is the real elite!

Soon, the Eighth Route Army broke through the blockade, and Yongshan was stunned.

Do not……

No, I ambushed the Eighth Route Army, how could they charge?Shouldn't we retreat?Then they will buy some time for the Imperial Association Army.

But now it seems impossible, the Eighth Route Army has broken through the blockade and is coming towards their tent.

"One team and two teams, stop immediately!"

This is the last thing Yongshan Wanggao wants to see.

The formation passed quickly, and the devils occupied the trenches, shooting at the charging Eighth Route Army soldiers.

The gunshots spread quickly in this small valley, and no one knew what was going on now.

On the other side, the Huangxie Army who went up the mountain did not have the bravery of the devils. They were the ones who charged just now. Now it is the turn of the Huangxie Army. The Huangxie Army does not want to die!
They hid behind cover, "Gunshots!"

Suddenly, a puppet soldier shouted.

"Damn it, it's not like I didn't hear it!"

"Listen again, it's not here with us, but at the foot of the mountain!" The puppet soldier said in surprise.

Not to mention, the voice came from below. Could it be that Yongshan Wanggao below was attacked by the Eighth Route Army?
No, no, there are elites from the imperial army below. Even if their puppet army can't beat the Eighth Route Army, the imperial army should be able to beat it. At this time, they are dealing with devils again, and those puppet troops are watching the current situation from behind the bunker .

If the Eighth Route Army won, they surrendered immediately, and if the devils won, then they had to take the small highland.

Who do you trust?Their puppet army also couldn't make up their minds for a while.

decide as things go?

Yes, it just depends on the situation.

Offended both sides, they have no good fruit to eat.

However, after waiting for a long time, the battle below seems to have entered an endless loop. The Eighth Route Army's offensive has not weakened. On the contrary, the Eighth Route Army's offensive below will only become stronger and stronger.

The charge horn was played over and over again, and the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army heard the sound of the trumpet, as if their regiment commander or battalion commander was personally commanding, but the more they thought about it, the more anxious the battle at the bottom of the mountain became, and the devils refused to give up on the fifth stronghold , the Eighth Route Army also looked dignified, "Comrades, kill,
How many people are there in a company? Now Yongshan Wanggao understands that his idea is completely wrong.

How can the Eighth Route Army come with only a dozen or twenty people?Their intestines are green with regret.

However, it is useless to regret at this time.




At this moment, Yang Fei's headquarters was suddenly attacked.

(End of this chapter)

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