Chapter 2831

What Yang Fei is most worried about now is the start of the operation. If Zhou Hu contacts outside the mountain, it will attract the attention of little devils and traitors.

So, he told Zhou Hu, even if he was slower, he must not be discovered by little devils and traitors.

Now that his injury is not recovering, once the little devils and traitors find out, the consequences will be unimaginable.

His life is a trivial matter, but it is a major matter to attract the attention of the devils and traitors and cause the people to be killed.

These are things that Yang Fei must take into consideration.

In the next recruiting, you must be careful and careful!

"Well, I know, don't worry, Brother Yang."

As a hunter who has been in the mountains and forests all year round, Zhou Hu still has this bit of vigilance.

If he didn't even have this bit of vigilance, he would have died in the mouth of his prey long ago.

So, even if Yang Fei didn't tell him, he would pay attention to this.

There are thousands and thousands of weights, and they are not as important as the lives of the people.

This point, he understands.

"Ah That's good!"

Yang Fei nodded, feeling a little tired.

After all, his injury has just stabilized now, and his body is still very weak. After talking for such a long time, he let go of his strength again.

"Brother Yang, rest first, I'll take care of this matter. Besides, I've prepared everything for you. It's on the table here. Eat when you're hungry."

Zhou Hu also saw Yang Fei's weakness, and instructed him directly.

"Yeah, I see, brother!"

Yang Fei smiled and nodded.

"Then I'll go first!"

After Zhou Hu finished speaking, he turned and walked outside the house.


After Zhou Hu left, Yang Fei heaved a sigh of relief and lay down on the bed again.

In this way, it is considered a little more comfortable.

Hungry, he doesn't feel it now.

It is physical weakness.

After lying down, Yang Fei's brain started to work quickly.

Some things are easy to say.

However, doing it is not easy at all.

If the devils were really that easy to kill, they would have been driven out of China long ago.

Now, the devils have not been driven out, so it means that the devils are not as weak as imagined.

On the contrary, these little devils are very powerful.

Therefore, in the ensuing recruitment training, there must be a plan.

Without a plan, it's a waste of time.

As time passed, a complete training plan took shape in Yang Fei's mind.

For the initial training, he didn't want to train recruits to become special forces members.

The road has to be walked step by step.

The rice should be eaten mouthful.

So, first take them to train, and simply kill traitors and devils, at least in secret.

Step by step, only in this way can the recruits be trained to become powerful fighters.

As time passed, Yang Fei fell asleep while thinking.

After all, his current body is really too weak.

As for Zhou Hu, he had left the mountain at this time, entered the village, and started looking for young and middle-aged men who had a good relationship with him to talk about this matter.

For this matter, Zhou Hu is also full of confidence.

After all, the young and middle-aged people in the Pingnan area hated these little devils and traitors extremely, and wished to eat their flesh and drink their blood.

So, under such circumstances, that matter is easy to handle.

They all want to kill the devils for revenge, but they have no connections, and they have no ability, so they have no blood.

And Yang Fei's arrival is an opportunity, an opportunity.

Zhou Hu believes that these young and middle-aged people will definitely know the choice.

As for confidentiality, it is not a problem at all.

Those who can be traitors have long been traitors.

Now the remaining people in each village are people who are at odds with the traitors and devils. Under such circumstances, no one will report to the devils and traitors.

If there is such a person, then this person at this time can't bear it long ago and has become a traitor.

For such a long time, they have not become traitors, which can only explain one problem, the rest of these people all hate little devils and traitors.

Whistleblower, impossible thing.

It's this time now, if you are still high-density, then you really want to die

Anyway, Zhou Hu believes that this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to happen.

Zhou Village outside the mountain has become desolate and has become ruins.

Seeing Zhou Cun, Zhou Hu's complexion darkened.

Here, after all, is the place where his Zhou family's blood relatives live, and now, there is no one there.

Just because of the arrival of these little devils, no one died, and all died in the hands of little devils and traitors.

"Just wait, now I see hope, and it won't take long before we can kill the devil and pay homage to you!"

After Zhou Hu finished speaking with tears in his eyes, he knelt down and kowtowed three times, then got up and walked quickly towards another nearby village.

In the past, he went to other villages to deliver prey.

But today, what he sent and brought was hope!


time flies.

In the evening, in the dark house, Yang Fei opened his eyes again.


After sleeping on this foot, Yang Fei felt that his body finally had strength.

However, the stomach is hungry.

"Go and eat something first. Only by filling your stomach can your body recover quickly."

Yang Fei got up slowly, the wounds on his body were still in pain.

However, this kind of pain is nothing to Yang Fei.

Compared to death, this little pain is just superficial.

The food Zhou Hu prepared for him was very simple, meat.

These are all the prey that Zhou Hu brought, and they were all cooked by Zhou Hu.

Yang Fei was weak at this time, so he just ate some meat to recover his weak body.

"It's quite fragrant!"

After tearing off a piece of meat and chewing it in his mouth, Yang Fei immediately laughed, very satisfied.

Eat meat and restore your body quickly.

Only when the body has recovered can it lead the recruits to train, kill devils, and kill traitors.

Otherwise, everything is empty talk, without a good body, everything is useless.

Yang Fei began to feast, his empty stomach was constantly being filled.

It feels so good to be full.

After eating, Yang Fei felt that even his own brain became more active.

When you are hungry, your brain will react slowly.

"According to the current wound recovery, at least it will take about ten days, which is too slow."

Yang Fei murmured, not enough, there is no good way for this thing.

If Lei Zhan is still there, there is still a way, no more, the only way is to let the wound heal by itself.

"However, the impact is not too great. I can let them train by themselves first, laying the foundation, and after my wounds are healed, I can take them to train. This is feasible, just do it!"

Thinking of this, Yang Fei finally had a smile on his face.

"Brothers, wait, I will avenge you in a short time!"

At this time, Yang Fei's tone was full of sonorous firmness!

(End of this chapter)

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