Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2832 is here

Chapter 2832 is here

After eating and drinking enough, Yang Fei walked out of the room.


The air outside is very fresh.

After all, it is in the mountains and forests, the air must be very good, there is no smell of war outside.

At this moment, Yang Fei's heart calmed down.

The place where Zhou Hu lives is a small yard, built with mud and wood.

In this mountain forest, there is such a small courtyard, it is indeed a very good place to live.

If there is no war and the devils do not come to invade China, then this is indeed a good place to live and a good place to hide.

The sky was getting darker, and the mountains and forests were getting darker faster than the sky outside.

After a while, Yang Fei returned to the room again.

After drinking a glass of water, Yang Fei lay on the bed and began to rest.

After all, he is still wounded now, and he needs to rest more to recover faster.

Only after the body recovers can we start the next plan.

Soon, Yang Fei fell asleep.


At this time, Zhou Hu has already mentioned three villages in a row.

There are more than 30 young and middle-aged people in these three villages. After hearing the news, they were extremely excited.

For the days in front of them, they really have had enough, and they are thinking about killing these little devils all the time.

As long as you can kill the devil, even if you die, it is worth it.

So, upon hearing Zhou Hu's words, the more than 30 young and middle-aged people in these three villages immediately agreed excitedly.

And he made an agreement with Zhou Hu that immediately after dawn, he would go into the mountain to find Yang Fei and discuss how to fight devils and how to kill devils?

Excited, the young and middle-aged people in these three villages felt so excited at this moment that they were so excited that they couldn't sleep.

The opportunity, the opportunity I've always wanted, finally arrived today.


When Zhou Hu came back, it was already late at night.

At this moment, his face was full of exhaustion, and even his voice was hoarse.

Normally, he hasn't said so much in a year, but today, after talking for a year, his throat can't bear it at all.

Without disturbing Yang Fei, Zhou Hu went to another room, took a ladle of cold water, and gulped it down.


This time, the cold feeling made him feel that he had survived.

"A total of more than 70 people, the number of people is still small."

Thinking of the few villages he contacted, there were only more than 70 people in total, Zhou Hu felt a little disappointed.

Thinking of this, he became angry again: "It's all the damn kid's fault, if it weren't for these bastards, there would be more young and middle-aged people in the village than this. They were taken away by something, and they still couldn’t come back, and died of exhaustion and starvation at the devil’s place, all these bastards deserve to die!”

In the past, there were not thirty or forty young people in any village, and there were more middle-aged people.

Now, in each village, there are only about ten young and middle-aged adults left, and some villages don't even have ten.

They were all captured by the damned little devils and traitors.

"By the way, I can discuss it with Brother Yang, go to the place where the devils imprison the young and strong, and rescue them. If this is the case, won't we have more people?"

Thinking of this, Zhou Hu got up and was about to go to Yang Fei's room.


However, after taking two steps, Zhou Hu stopped.

"Tomorrow. It's too late today. Brother Yang is resting. He's still injured. Let him rest well. Let's talk about it tomorrow. It's too late. Don't be in a hurry. I can't be in a hurry now!"

Zhou Hu is not a fool, he thought of this.

Even the young and strong who could go and be imprisoned by the devils should not worry.

They have nothing now, how to go to the devils to rescue these people.

So, don't be in a hurry, find Yang Fei tomorrow, and discuss this matter carefully.

Thinking of this, Zhou Hu simply ate something and fell asleep.

One night passed quickly.

Early in the morning, the place where Zhou Hu lived became lively.

The more than 70 young and middle-aged men contacted by Zhou Hu yesterday came to Zhou Hu's yard early.

At this moment, they could still see the excitement and anticipation on their faces.

Otherwise, these 70 young adults would not have come here in the early morning.

"I said, it's too early for you guys, you're here before dawn!"

As a hunter, Zhou Hu heard the movement outside early on.

So, after these people came here, Zhou Hu walked out of the room directly.

Of course, he said so, but Zhou Hu was still very satisfied in his heart.

After all, being able to come here early means that these people did not lie to him, and they are all people who really want to beat devils in their hearts.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to bear it so early and arrive.

"Haha, Brother Zhou, I can't bear it anymore, I want to kill the devil quickly!"

"That's right, Uncle Zhou, since you came to me yesterday, I haven't slept well all night, and it's been the same thing over and over again, I just can't sleep!"

"Hey, what you said is true, you saved a captain of the Eighth Route Army, can he lead us to kill traitors and devils?"


Now, seeing Zhou Hu come out, the more than 70 young and middle-aged people also asked questions one after another.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the small courtyard became noisy and chaotic in an instant.

Originally, the morning in this mountain forest was very exciting, but this time, even the birds near the yard were startled.

"You bastards, please keep your voice down!"

Looking at the hanging Zhou Hu, he yelled directly: "Brother Yang is injured and still resting, please keep your voice down, don't disturb Brother Yang's rest!"


"Keep your voice down!"

"Hey, I was so excited at the thought of being able to kill devils, I couldn't hold back, hey!"


At this moment, these young and middle-aged people also lowered their voices one after another, not daring to continue making loud noises.

After all, they now rely entirely on Yang Fei, the Eighth Route Army.

Otherwise, without Yang Fei, they would have no hope of killing devils.

"Okay, go out and wait, I have something to tell you!"

After Zhou Hu finished speaking, he walked out of the yard with these more than 70 young and middle-aged men, and came to the open space in the mountains and forests outside the yard.

"Let me tell you, you have heard about the Eighth Route Army. They have discipline and rules. Since you have come and made a decision, you must obey orders from now on. You must not make trouble or make trouble. Do you understand? ?”

When he said this, Zhou Hu said it with his eyes wide open.

After all, he was responsible for this matter. If the person he found was unreliable, then he would have no way to explain it to Yang Fei.

Killing devils is not a trivial matter, and there must be no sloppyness.

This point, in Zhou Hu's heart, is very clear!
(End of this chapter)

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