Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2833 Yang Fei appears

Chapter 2833 Yang Fei appears
In the matter of killing devils, if he was sloppy, what would that represent? Zhou Hu was very clear in his heart.

Don't forget Zhou Hu's identity, hunter.

A veteran hunter who has lived in the mountains since childhood, has a wealth of experience.

So, he was very clear in his heart, if in the next time, these 70 people were fooled when they were killing devils, it would mean the death of their companions.

This is the same as the hunter's hunting law.

Therefore, Zhou Hu should point out these things in advance.

Otherwise, if these things really happen in the future, then it will be too late to regret.

Again, killing devils is not a child's play, not a trivial matter.

Devils are not traitors, if there are too many people, they can be beaten to death with their fists.

They are all elite soldiers, the kind with butcher knives in their hands.

Not at all sloppy.

Once sloppy, the result is death, and even his companions will die in the hands of devils.

Zhou Hu's purpose is very clear, before the matter is finalized, he will make all these clear.

From this point, it can be seen that Zhou Hu is an extremely cautious person.

Hidden dangers must be nip in the bud in advance.

Of course, a hunter, if he is not careful, he would have died in the mouth of the prey beast long ago, and he would not have survived to this day.

"Enen, don't worry, Brother Zhou, I know what to do!"

"Yeah, Uncle Zhou, don't you know our situation? We are all people who have no hope for the future. We just want to avenge our loved ones!"

"My father and my mother died at the hands of these beasts."

"That's right, my sister was ruined to death by this group of utterly devoid of conscience!"

"My brother just married my sister-in-law, so..."


Now, upon hearing Zhou Hu's words, the eyes of the more than 70 young and middle-aged people were all red, and their emotions were very agitated. Their eyes and faces were all full of hatred.

To kill devils, they must kill devils, and kill all these beasts, leaving no one behind.

For the tragic death of relatives, revenge.

Otherwise, their relatives would not rest in peace, nor would they rest in peace.

Witnessed the brutal killing of relatives by these little devils and traitors.

They don't have the power to take revenge, this kind of suffering is extremely uncomfortable, extremely hopeless.

Now, they finally have hope, can they not cherish this hope, this opportunity?

Therefore, they all understood what Zhou Hu said, and they all knew what they should do in the future.

They are all adults, they know what is important, and they know what they should do.

"Okay, since you all know it in your heart, it would be great."

After Zhou Hu nodded in satisfaction, he continued: "Let me put it this way, from now on, everyone should be prepared to die. Fighting little devils, killing traitors, etc. are very dangerous, and they don't necessarily happen at any time." was killed, so we must all be prepared to die. Of course, when we die, we must remember that even if we die, we must kill the little devil in front of us. Do you know that? Brother Yang Fei, the captain of the Eighth Route Army, cannot be disappointed!"

"Well, don't worry, Brother Zhou, we will remember!"

"Death, we are not afraid, we just want revenge, and these little devils, fight to the end!"

"Even if it's death, I will hold them, these beasts, on their backs!"


At this moment, Zhou Hu's words made these more than 70 young and middle-aged people more determined in their hearts.

Death, they are not afraid.

What they are really afraid of is not being able to kill devils!

As long as it can kill devils, death is worth it.


Until this time, Zhou Hu was truly relieved.

I have said what I should say, and the people in front of me have also promised myself.

He, trust these people.

Next, it's up to Brother Yang.

He was also looking forward to it in his heart, and wanted to see how Brother Yang would train them in the next time, so that they would all have the fighting power to kill devils.

"Ha ha!"

At this time, Yang Fei, who was in the room, had already woken up early.

He heard what happened outside and what these people said.

The momentum is very good.

Determination is also good.

They are all ready to fight the devils and die and sacrifice.

Such a person, as long as the training is completed, they are all good fighters.

Even, you can become a special soldier.

The key is to see the training in the next time.

There is already a training plan.

His injury is not healed yet, but some basic training can be started now without any delay.

Thinking of this, Yang Fei no longer hesitated, got up directly, and walked outside.

Soon, Yang Fei came outside the yard.

Seeing Yang Fei appear, the eyes of these more than 70 young and middle-aged people became even hotter in an instant.

It's this person.

Take them to kill devils.

Very good!
Yang Fei's aura all over his body showed that he was not a simple person.

After all, Yang Fei killed a lot of devils and traitors, and he could feel the momentum accumulated in this way.

Therefore, the moment Yang Fei appeared, these people directly convinced Yang Fei without doubting him at all.

"Brother Yang, you're up, let's wake you up."

As for Zhou Hu, he came directly in front of Yang Fei, apologetic.

After all, they were the ones who interrupted Yang Fei's rest.

Anyway, Yang Fei at this time is a wounded person.

For the wounded, if they want to get a good rest, they can only recover better if they sleep.

"it's okay no problem!"

Yang Fei waved his hand indifferently: "I like this kind of atmosphere, just lying on the bed like that, my whole body is rusted."

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"


Hearing what Yang Fei said, Zhou Hu and the more than 70 young adults all burst into laughter.

At this moment, the relationship between everyone was drawn closer again in an instant.

"I heard what you said just now. Since you all have this confidence, in the next training, I hope you can persevere and don't back down!"

When he said this, Yang Fei's expression became very serious.

"Here, you can back down, but on the battlefield, when you face the little devil, once you back down, what awaits you is death. I hope you can understand this. So, I won't waste your time , Training, start today, let me see if yours is really, as you said, with the unwavering belief in killing devils!"

Yang Fei's voice was incomparably sonorous, resounding through the forest.

"Don't worry, Captain, we will never let you down!"


(End of this chapter)

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