Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2839 Preparations

Chapter 2839 Preparations
If these recruits had no fighting power, Zhou Hu's proposal and plan would never be completed.

Although most of the guards are from the Imperial Association Army, the combat effectiveness is not very strong.

However, in the hands of these imperial association troops, there are guns, real guns and live ammunition.

As for them, they are not as unbearable as the rumors say.

Some traitors of the Imperial Association Army who want to follow the devils, they really dare to shoot and kill you.

Therefore, in order to complete this proposal and plan, the combat effectiveness of the recruits must be improved. If it is not improved, this plan and proposal cannot be completed.

These are all complementary to each other, and it is impossible to lack one link.

"Well, I listen to you. Anyway, in the next time, we will do what you say."

Zhou Hu said directly.

He is also very clear in his heart that there are some things that he does not have Yang Fei's ability at all.

So, just listen to Yang Fei directly, if you make your own decision, it may be wrong.

So, from today onwards, if he has something to do, he should discuss it with Yang Fei.

time flies.

The smell of meat has already begun to waft in the mountains.

That's why Zhou Hu's yard is on the edge of the forest.

If it is in the depths of the forest, even the smell of meat can attract wild animals.

This, it seems that Zhou Hu thought of it before.

"Suck it!"


Looking at the appearance of these recruits, their mouths are watering, and they are almost starved to death.

I can't wait to be directly in the hot meat pot, directly fish out the big meat, and eat it directly.

"Okay, it's almost done, try it quickly."

Smiling all over his face, Yang Fei also swallowed, and said to Zhou Hu.

The recruits next to him also looked forward to it.

They haven't eaten meat for a long time, and they can't wait to eat it right away.

"Ha ha!"

Zhou Hu laughed loudly, and directly used an iron fork to fork a piece of meat in the cauldron, and put it in the basin next to it.

This big piece of meat has a richer meaty aroma.

"Company commander, it's ripe, the hawthorn really works!"

Zhou Hu could feel that this big piece of meat was already cooked through.

Much better than his previous method.

He really didn't expect that this little hawthorn would be so useful.

"Haha, that's good, bring me a bowl of broth first, and bring over the processed vegetables, haha!"

Now, Yang Fei couldn't bear it any longer. The broth is very good for the body's recovery, so he enjoyed it first.


Hearing Yang Fei's words, Zhou Hu immediately started to prepare for him.

As for the recruits next to them, they were also very excited, and began to use the sticks they had prepared long ago to fork their own pieces of meat to eat.

"Ha ha!"

"It's so fragrant!"

"What the hell, I remember eating stewed meat when I was a child, it was so delicious, it's so delicious now!"

"Haha, eat first, and drink the broth later!"


For them now, the situation is like this. They haven't eaten it for a long time, but they only remember that it is delicious, and the taste is almost forgotten.

Now, with this delicious food, it must be a feast for the eyes.

Don't be rude.

"Suck it!"

After eating the long-lost broth, Yang Fei felt as if he had come back to life.

That feeling is really good.

In the past few days, he has almost died.

Although Zhou Hu said that he prepared food for him.

However, it is all cold, and the water is also cold water.

Now, drinking broth and eating hot meat reinvigorated him.

Yang Fei felt that he was truly alive now.

Yang Fei thought in his heart, this time he survived a catastrophe, then these little devils just wait, the day of revenge is not far away.

Soon enough to eat and drink.

All the pieces of meat in the cauldron were eaten up, and there was also no broth left.

You can tell by looking at the appearance of these recruits, each of them has a round belly and is full of food.

Even, some are full.

"Today is the first time, so I won't talk about you guys. Tomorrow, you won't be able to eat like this, you know? Those who delay training, with your current state, can you still train? You can't, so, just Once today, next time will not be an example!"

Yang Fei smiled and came to these more than 70 recruits, talking loudly.

"Of course, if you eat like this for one meal today, you won't be able to eat so much tomorrow."

For this point, Yang Fei still has experience.

As for people, that's how it is. If you eat too much at the first meal, you won't be able to eat so much later on.

In this case, it is just right, and tomorrow's training will not be delayed.

"We know, Captain!"

"Hey, I haven't eaten for a long time, company commander, I managed to eat a meal today, I can't hold back, hey!"

"It will definitely not happen tomorrow, don't worry, company commander!"

"Never delay tomorrow's training, hehe!"


When Yang Fei said this, these recruits were also embarrassed.

This is indeed the case, after all, Yang Fei had already told them earlier that there was still training in the afternoon.

No, they ate so much, the training in the afternoon was enough anyway.

Eat so much training, the stomach will be broken.

"Well, in the next time, you can't be idle. The branches you got back, give me a good cleaning and transformation, and make them into fake guns. Have you seen the fake gun I made? Do all of them. If that’s the case, tomorrow I’ll give you stabbing skills, as well as holding a gun, exercising wrist strength, etc.”

Yang Fei said with a serious face: "If you can't do this well, even if you have real guns, you will not be able to display your due abilities at all, and you will even put yourself into it."

What Yang Fei said was not a lie, there were examples of these on the battlefield.

You aim and shoot, but miss the enemy.

The enemy will shoot you in turn, and it will kill you.

After all, the moment the gunshot rang out, you were already exposed.

So, no matter when, never underestimate the basic skills.

If the foundation is not done well, everything will be in vain.

This sentence is a wise saying.

"Well, we know the company commander!"


Hearing Yang Fei's words, the more than 70 recruits immediately promised.

"Well, let's do it!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he turned around and came to Zhou Hu's side.

At this time, Zhou Hu was chewing and eating slowly.

He was the last to eat, so he hasn't finished eating yet.

From the way he eats, chewing slowly, you can tell that he is not an ordinary person.

As expected of an experienced old hunter.

"Deputy Company Commander Zhou, your task is to lead them to finish making fake guns in the afternoon, and start from here, go deep into the mountains and forests, open up a small path, a simple path will do, and make it into a circle with a radius of five kilometers , After waking up every morning, I will start with a five-kilometer run."

Yang Fei continued: "Also, bring back the branches and trunks that have been cleared out. On the open space here, build a place to live, that is, a barracks. Similarly, an open space should be cleared next to the barracks for use as a barracks." Daily training, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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