Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2840 Construction

Chapter 2840 Construction
If you want to train well, these are all necessary.

Clear the training ground, build barracks and more.

If you don't have these things, just sleep in the wild like this, and train ass, your body will be useless from sleep.

Anyway, these recruits cannot go home every day.

Otherwise, their goals are too big and too obvious.

At that time, maybe these traitors and devils will come over quietly after knowing the news.

This is not what Yang Fei wants.

Now is the early stage of training, and you must be careful.

Train quietly, and only after the initial training is completed can you go out to find the little devil.

During the training period, it must be kept secret, and the little devil or the traitor of the Imperial Association Army must not be found here.

The training has not been completed, and the combat effectiveness is low. Once the little devil and the Imperial Association Army come here, their losses will be great.

At that time, there will be more than 70 recruits, and I don't know how many will be left.

At that time, it will not only be these recruits that will be lost, but hope.

If there is no hope, what kind of devils and traitors do you still want to fight, just wait for death.

"Understood, don't worry, company commander, I will leave these things to me. You should take good care of your wounds. When you recover from your injuries, you can take us to kill the devils!"

Regarding this point, Zhou Hu was very clear in his heart, so he made a promise immediately.

He has lived in the mountains and forests since he was a child, and he is clear about the reason for this.

This is the same as hunting. In front of prey that is stronger than you, you must hide, otherwise, the prey will kill you and eat you.

this is the truth.

This is the cruel and merciless reality.

"Well, that's fine, I'll leave the matter to you, and I'll go to sleep."

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he entered the yard, walked into the house, lay down on the bed, and began to rest.

With enough meat and broth, Yang Fei believed that his injury would heal soon.

At that time, when he recovers from his injuries, it won't take long for them to kill the devil.


Thinking of this, the corners of Yang Fei's mouth curled up, and he slowly fell into a dream.


After receiving Yang Fei's order, Zhou Hu immediately brought these more than 70 recruits to make wooden guns when he came.

That is the training gun.

The one Yang Fei made was a sample, and it was completely made according to the three-eighth cover of the little devil.

Gun body, bayonet, everything.

These must be counted.

There is no room for sloppy training, especially the sense of distance.

During training, if you use different guns, the sense of distance will deceive you in the stabbing battle on the battlefield.

This is especially true when thrusting forward.

If you can't calculate the distance well, what is waiting for you is the little devil's bayonet, directly piercing your chest or lower abdomen.

At that time, there is no room for regret, only death awaits you.

Therefore, Yang Fei has planned all these things.

Now that he has just started training, he will correct this defect.

After the training is proficient, replace different guns and so on.

This is the real training plan.

There is no need to go to the battlefield and use blood to increase experience.

The hunting knife was sharp, and the wooden sticks were cut out one by one.

Zhou Hu and the others will continue to process the guns according to Yang Fei's training.

It's easy, nothing too difficult.

Two hours passed and the training gun was finished.

Touching the wooden training gun in his hand, the faces of the more than 70 recruits were all smiles.

Although it is a fake gun, in their hearts, this is hope.

With fake guns, you can slowly own real guns.

For this simple and clear truth, their hearts are also very clear.

"All right!"

Zhou Hu stood up, put the training gun in his hand aside, and said: "This task is completed, start the next task, build your house, there is no house, in this mountain forest, it will not take a few days, your body , it will be destroyed.”

As for this point, no one is clear about it like Zhou Hu, who is a hunter.

"See the open space in front of you. The trees are not very big. Take an ax and clear them out. Each has its own division of labor. Don't mess up. Get the wood first, and then I will hand it over to you to build the house."

With Zhou Hu's order, the more than 70 recruits immediately started to act.

After all, I will live here in the future, without a house, it is impossible.

So, under such circumstances, they worked very hard.



"Boom boom boom!"


In this way, one by one trees were cut down, and the ground was first cleared.

The place where the camp was set up was close to Zhou Hu's small yard.

After all, there is a part of the open space here, which can save a lot of time, and it is still beneficial to connect them together.

Because of the presence of a capable person like Zhou Hu, the wooden stakes were erected one by one.

It didn't take long for the structure of a house to be built.

"The roof is made of thin wood first, and then a layer of soil and leaves is obtained from the roof, and finally a layer of large forest leaves is added to complete the project."

Zhou Humen is clear, so, with these recruits, he built the first room as quickly as possible.

If it is mud, it is also easy to handle, after all, it is a mountain of mud, not a mountain of stones.

The water source is right next to it, which is very convenient.

After finishing the roof with wooden sticks, Zhou Hu directed some people to throw mud on it.

This is the old-fashioned way of building a house, and it works.

As long as it is handled well, rainwater is not afraid.

As long as it's not that kind of violent storm, it's generally fine.

That's how Zhou Hu's roof was made. It's been so many years, and there hasn't been a problem yet.

Therefore, Zhou Hu is very confident.

Under such circumstances, the construction of housing camps is constantly accelerating.

In the afternoon, as time passed, several houses were built.

Because it is sleeping in Datong bunk, these few rooms are completely enough.

"On the ground of these large rooms, dig a few big pits, fill them with firewood and soft materials, light them up, keep them stuffy for half a day, and the moisture will dissipate, and you can live in them."

Regarding this point, Zhou Hu is very experienced, and ordered again.

These recruits believed in Zhou Hu's words.

So, not long after, thick smoke billowed in these large rooms.

Don't underestimate the billowing smoke.

The thick smoke drifted away and left the room with moisture.

So, under such circumstances, at most, the smell of fireworks in the final room will be a little stronger.

However, the moisture is gone.

Besides, the smell of fireworks will dissipate in a few days.

Compared with the health of the body, these are trivial matters, not worth mentioning at all.

Time passed, the room was finished, and the sky was already getting dark.

The houses are built, the training grounds and running paths, not yet done.

(End of this chapter)

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