Chapter 2841

Of course, it is common sense to rest when it is dark.

At night, there is danger in the mountains. If you continue to work in the mountains, who knows what will be attracted.

So, at night, just take a good rest and don't go out.

Although the training is urgent, it is not in such a hurry.

You know, building roads is also a kind of training, a training for physical strength and endurance.

After they become stronger, the effect is not great.

Now, for them, it still works.

The smoke in the cabin has all dissipated.

Even the dampness in it disappeared.

The downside is that the smell of the remaining smoke is quite strong.

Of course, for recruits, this is no problem at all.

When they were persecuted by the devils, they never lived anywhere.

In order not to be caught by the little devils and the Imperial Association Army, he has lived in the cesspit, let alone here.

Therefore, these recruits directly moved into the new wooden house, began to rest, and fell asleep.

For them, at this time of day, they are also very tired.

I didn't do these things before, but I suddenly did it today, and my body was really tired.

This is also the reason why they can fall asleep so quickly.

At night, Yang Fei woke up after sleeping all day.

He felt that his wound had healed a lot during this day.

Just woke up, very energetic, Yang Fei walked out of the yard.

Seeing the wooden house built outside, Yang Fei nodded in satisfaction.

Very good.

Under such circumstances, it is indeed very good to have such a place to live.

In this way, he is full of confidence in Yang Fei's next work.

There is food, drink and shelter.

This is totally enough.

The next step is to train well. After gaining combat power, it's time to kill the Imperial Association Army and devils.

Yang Fei believes that the anti-Japanese team he has pulled up here will become bigger and bigger.

After all, the task I accepted at the time was to come here and establish a new base.

Although it is not exactly the same as the mission target, Yang Fei believes that it is also possible here.

Whoever let his team perish, he is the only one left.

The strength has been hit to the minimum, now, it can only be like this, and there is no way to do it.

"Commander, you're awake!"

This time, Zhou Hu walked over in the woods beside him, holding a lamp in one hand and a machete in the other.

Looks like he's on patrol.

"Well, I've been asleep for a whole day, so I got up and have a look, you guys did a good job, very good!"

Yang Fei nodded with satisfaction: "In this way, from now on, you can concentrate on training and improve your combat effectiveness."

"That's a good relationship. I can't help seeing these little bastards!"

Zhou Hu also smiled and said: "Company commander, don't worry about the young and middle-aged people here, they have family feuds against these little devils and the Imperial Association Army, we all have national hatred, but family feud is not Everyone has it, so, in the next training, you just follow your method, and they can stick to it, I can guarantee you this."

When he said this, Zhou Hu's complexion became serious.

After all, it was a bit risky for him to vouch for these recruits.

Lazy people are everywhere.

"I believe in you, Old Zhou!"

Yang Fei laughed and said, "It doesn't matter if there are people who don't care, I have plenty of ways to make them care, haha!"

"That's good, hey!"

Hearing what Yang Fei said, the big stone in Zhou Hu's heart fell.

"By the way, you are familiar with the situation in the mountains and forests, right?"

At this time, Yang Fei thought of a question.

How big is this mountain forest and the mountains?

If it is very large and there are many connected areas, then it is a good place for cover for them.

No matter where they go to fight the devils, as long as they are connected to the area, they can completely advance in the mountains and forests, so that these little devils can't figure it out, and they will be directly attacked by them.

This point is very important.

After all, there are very few of them at this time.

So, under such circumstances, if this is true, it will be a great help to them.

This made Yang Fei very concerned.

The Art of War says: Only by being caught by surprise and attacking the unprepared can we truly defeat the enemy.

"Almost all of them are familiar with this mountain forest. I have wandered around this mountain forest since I was a child. I have been to the depths of the mountains several times. If you talk about connecting areas, the place will be huge. After all, this mountain range is really not small, but what? , the environment in the mountains is very complicated, so if you enter the mountains without special training, you will easily get lost or encounter other dangers. Of course, the situation you mentioned must be very good One way, then we will add hunter skills to our next training."

Regarding this point, Zhou Hu was also very clear in his heart, and said all these directly.


Yang Fei nodded in agreement: "In this case, I will arrange a special time for you in the future training, and let you take them and me to train hunter skills. After all, jungle warfare is also very necessary. Yes, as long as we develop and fight against the little devils, the mountains and forests are our security posts. If we can't beat them, we can enter the mountains and forests at any time. These little devils are not good at fighting in the mountains and forests, so we still have to fight in the mountains and forests Let’s start in the training that comes down, that’s all.”

With the example of Lei Zhan training them before, the importance of this mountain forest is very clear in Yang Fei's heart.

Anyway, no matter what, the recruits must be familiar with the mountains and forests, master the combat skills in the mountains and forests, and the skills of hunters.

In this case, even if the little devils came to encircle them in the mountains and forests.

Then they can also rely on the mountains and forests to carry out a counter-kill for these little devils and kill a large number of little devils.

Thinking of this, Yang Fei's face was full of smiles.

"Okay, it's getting late, you go to rest!"

When the matter was settled, Yang Fei said directly to Zhou Hu.

After all, today, the most tired person is Zhou Hu.

"Good company commander, you should rest early, I'm going!"

After Zhou Hu finished speaking, he turned and entered the yard.

"It's a great river and mountain. It's a pity that it was trampled by these little devils. Damn beast, just wait, you can't kill Grandpa Yang, then let you Grandpa Yang kill you in the next time. snort!"

Yang Fei snorted coldly, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

His killing intent made this silent night more chilling!

(End of this chapter)

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