Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2842 Come over to eat meat and drink soup

Chapter 2842 Come over to eat meat and drink soup

Time passed, and the night passed just like that.

As soon as it was dawn, Zhou Hu got up and started cooking.

Not long after, Yang Fei also walked out of the room.

At the same time as Yang Fei came out, more than 70 recruits in the nearby wooden house also got dressed and came out.

"Okay, from now on, the training will officially start. For morning exercises, because there is no way out yet, so, today's morning exercises, [-] push-ups, [-] sets, [-] squats, [-] sets , when to finish, when to eat, let’s start.”

For the recruits in front of him, Yang Fei was not polite at all, and directly gave the training order.

Strong soldiers are not blown out, but practiced.

So, under such circumstances, Yang Fei will not be polite to these recruits anymore.

You know, at this time, if he is rude to the recruits, he is irresponsible to them.

When they went to the battlefield and sacrificed on the battlefield due to training, then the responsibility was on Yang Fei's head.

Therefore, under the current situation, he would not be polite to these recruits.

At this time, the harder the training, the more responsible they are to the recruits. When they go to the battlefield and fight against the little devils, they will have a greater chance of surviving and killing more little devils.



Although their bodies and muscles were sore at this time, the recruits did not hesitate and took orders directly. They came to the open space in front and started training.

Two hundred push-ups.

Five hundred squatted up.

This is also not something that ordinary people can accomplish.

However, for Yang Fei to train recruits, this is only the most basic.

Don't worry about physical problems, have meat and vegetables, and don't be afraid of training.


Yang Fei was very satisfied with the obedient recruits. He came directly to Zhou Hu and watched Zhou Hu making the broth with the washed wild vegetables beside him. Yang Fei instantly felt hungry.

"Old Zhou, after clearing the road today, I saw the big trees and big trees next to the open space in front of me. I tied some wooden sticks. If the height is high enough, you can reach out and jump up. This is also a good way to train your body."

Pull-ups, this training, Yang Fei will not pull it off.

"Well, I made a note, Company Commander!"

Zhou Hu made a note, nodded, and stirred the pot a few times with a big spoon.

In an instant, the thick white and thick broth began to roll.

This broth is a good thing, very nutritious.

"Come on, give me a bowl first."

Yang Fei couldn't help it, and urged with a smile.


Hearing this, Zhou Hu picked up a bowl directly, filled Yang Fei with a bowl of broth, and sprinkled a handful of wild vegetables on it.

Now, it's perfect.

"Haha, I enjoy it very much, I enjoy it very much. With these things, I feel that my injury will recover in a few days, haha!"

Yang Fei laughed, and took a sip of the broth.

This taste is very beautiful.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if it’s beautiful or not. What’s important is that this broth is nutritious.

Things that help him recover from his injuries are good things.

It is also a pleasure to drink the broth and watch the recruits train.




As for the recruits at this time, they also smelled the tempting aroma of broth.

However, the training is not over yet, they have to endure it.

Sweating profusely and panting, this can't stop their training.

Although, the muscles are already sore.

However, they are still persisting.

Even if you can't hold on, you have to hold on.

At this time, they were all thinking about the little devil in their minds.

Thinking about the scenes of these conscienceless beasts brutally killing their relatives.

They want to use these little devils to stimulate themselves. At this time, they must persevere.

Must persevere.

Only by persevering can we kill devils and avenge and avenge our loved ones who died tragically!

"Well, it's pretty good!"

Looking at the recruits who gritted their teeth and persisted, Yang Fei nodded in satisfaction again.

The training at the beginning was like this, very tiring.

My muscles are sore and sometimes I can't walk.

However, in the case of eating and drinking, stick to it for about a week, and this situation will disappear.

Once the body adapts, it will begin to increase its physical fitness, and it will not feel so sore anymore.

Besides, soreness is a good thing. It stimulates the muscles and allows the muscles to start growing.

Muscle growth means strengthening.

And strengthened, it means strong. In this case, if the muscles are strong, then the physical fitness will be strong.

With stronger physical fitness, he can fight devils without a gun.

Therefore, the root of everything is to have a strong body.

Otherwise, it is all empty talk.

"Company commander, the meal is ready, I'm going to train too!"

Zhou Hu finished cooking and smiled directly at Yang Fei.

"Well, let's go!"

Yang Fei nodded, he was even more satisfied with Zhou Hu's self-awareness.

Self-disciplined people are strong.

Zhou Hu smiled, came in front of the recruits, and started his actions directly.

First, five hundred push-ups.

Again, a thousand squats.

This is the goal Zhou Hu gave himself.

If he trained according to the requirements of the recruits, he would feel nothing at all.

Only five hundred push-ups and one thousand squats can make him feel the exhaustion of his energy.

This is the physical fitness of an old hunter who has eaten meat since childhood.


"I can't move my hands anymore!"

"My legs are too. Look, they are trembling wildly, and I dare not lift my feet!"

"I want to sleep, just lie down and sleep!"

"This taste, what a joy!"

"Little devil, just wait and wait!"


The recruits at this time have completed the tasks assigned to them by Yang Fei.

However, their condition at this time is not good.

I dare not lift my feet when I walk, my legs, arms, and muscles all over my body are so sore.

One by one, they began to hum and chirp, howling again and again.

Of course, I didn't give up, and now I can howl as much as I want.

"Don't squat down, don't sit, don't get down, get up, move your steps slowly, it will be fine, if you stop at the same place at this time, you want your legs to be crippled , walk slowly, it will be relieved soon."

Yang Fei roared, and came to the cauldron.

"Did you see that there are pieces of meat and broth in this cauldron. Walk over slowly and you can eat and drink. I will prepare it for you. Whoever comes over will eat first!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking loudly, he immediately began to serve bowls of broth and placed them on the open space.

In addition, in each large bowl of broth, there is a large piece of meat.

The recruits at this time are exactly the time when they need these nutrients.

As long as they can supplement their nutrition, under such intense training, their physical strength and fitness will be developed in no time!
(End of this chapter)

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