Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2844 A New Day

Chapter 2844 A New Day

Hearing Zhou Hu's words, one can know what kind of thinking Zhou Hu is thinking.

It's very simple, if there were no devils, then Zhou Hu would have been hunting for a living in this life, and finally died of old age in the mountains and forests.

Now, the devil came and killed his relatives, how could he live such a peaceful life in the mountains.

So, these things are simply beyond Zhou Hu's control.

The devil tramples and kills everything. Even if he wants to live a life like that, he has no chance at all.

"Well, you're right."

Yang Fei sighed, and said: "All of this is because of the aggression of the little devils. If it weren't for this group of devoid of conscience, I would have already married a wife and had children in the village.

Marry a wife, give birth to a baby, and the wife and children are together every day, as well as parents. Such a day is a good day.

Now, with the little devils invading China, killing the people and trampling everything, this kind of life is gone forever.

I can't see hope, and I don't know when these beasts will be exterminated, or driven out of the land of China.

When I was killing devils on the battlefield before, I was thinking in my heart, when will we Chinese all unite and kill all these little devils and beasts.

At that time, there will be no devils, no traitors of the Imperial Association Army, then will we be able to restore our previous life again? "


Hearing Yang Fei's words, Zhou Hu also sighed.

Things are just like what Yang Fei said.

After the invasion of these beasts, everything has changed.

There is no more life like before, no more.

Yes, only killing, only war, only fighting, only resistance.

More, they died in the killing, died in the flames of war, died in the battle, and died in the resistance.

There is no other way.

The little devil's equipment is really too powerful.

Aircraft cannons, even warships and aircraft carriers, all these things are available.

As for them, millet plus rifles, more resources, they have to fight with the little devils.

Such a comparison, the gap came out ah.

"Company commander, tell me, can we defeat these little devils?"

The meaning contained in Zhou Hu's eyes is that he wants a hope.

I want a hope that future generations can live in peace.

Seeing Zhou Hu's eyes, Yang Fei actually didn't know how to answer him.

After all, at this moment, he doesn't know where his future hope is.

However, in order to arouse Zhou Hu's fighting spirit and fighting spirit, Yang Fei looked firm and said in a sonorous tone:

"Don't worry, Lao Zhou, we have hope. We have great hope. When I fought with the army, I killed a lot of devils. Our base area is getting bigger and bigger. There is not a single little devil in the base area. The devils and the traitors of the Imperial Association Army were all killed. So, as long as we work hard and have more and more base areas, then we have hope. By then, these little devils will really be nothing. We can drive this group of conscienceless beasts out of China, and give our children and grandchildren a safe life and a peaceful era. Believe me, our generation will definitely be able to do this. You have to have faith!"

In fact, Yang Fei has always had this confidence in his heart.

Not only him, but all his former comrades-in-arms and so on, all have this confidence in their hearts.

As long as they can unite to fight devils, these little devils are really nothing.

One day, sooner or later, these conscienceless beasts will be driven out of China.


There must be hope.

"Well, I trust you, Captain!"

Zhou Hu believed Yang Fei's words.

Because, from the moment he rescued Yang Fei, the moment he saw Yang Fei, he could tell that Yang Fei was not an ordinary person.

You can see it from the training in front of you.

Therefore, Yang Fei is his hope.

"Go to sleep, you have to train tomorrow, and tomorrow's training will be heavier than today, so take a good rest!"

Having said that, Yang Fei stopped talking and got up directly.


Zhou Hu also nodded, stood up, followed Yang Fei, entered the yard, and returned to the room.

After a while, Yang Fei and Zhou Hu each entered their dreams and fell into a deep sleep.

One night passed quickly.

In the east, white belly gradually rose, and the sky began to brighten.

Early in the morning, Zhou Hu got up to cook.

When Yang Fei got up, none of the recruits got up yet.

It seemed that yesterday's training made them feel really tired.

Otherwise, it's all over now, and the loud snoring is still going on.

"Ha ha!"

Yang Fei shook his head and smiled, and walked directly towards the wooden house.

He wasn't angry, after all, it was normal for recruits.

With a weak body, starting training suddenly must have such a result.

So, be patient with new recruits, especially when they first start training.

Otherwise, the training will be unsatisfactory.

"I'm all up, the sun is drying my butt, I'm still sleeping, don't know what to do today? Ah!"

Yang Fei, who entered the wooden house, yelled directly.


"It hurts!"


"My leg!"


It's okay not to wake up, these recruits were woken up directly by Yang Fei, and in an instant, the sore muscles on their bodies made them cry again and again.

However, even though they complained repeatedly, they still finished getting up as quickly as possible.

"It's okay. I've experienced your pain before, so, under such circumstances, as long as you persist for about a week, then you will win."

Regarding this point, Yang Fei was very clear in his heart.

"Yes, company commander!"

"We have no problem, we can persevere!"

"Yes, these are nothing!"


Hearing Yang Fei's words, these recruits immediately began to pledge and express their opinions.

Although it was painful, it was nothing compared to the pain of a loved one dying tragically at the hands of a little devil.

Those are the torments.

"Okay, today's training plan is the same as yesterday's. After you come all over, you can eat. After dinner, continue to build the road. After the road is finished, you can change your training plan. Trust me, I won't let you down in the future. of!"

Yang Fei said with a smile.


"Yes, company commander!"


In this way, these more than 70 recruits immediately left the wooden house and started training.

At this time, the smell of meat is already overflowing.

After Zhou Hu finished the wood and served Yang Fei a bowl of broth, he also started training.

(End of this chapter)

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