Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2845 Officially Begins

Chapter 2845 Officially Begins

Time passed, two days passed like this.

During these two days, the preliminary work was all ready.

Formal training will also begin.

Early in the morning.

Zhou Hu and Yang Fei got up early.

As for the recruits, they followed suit.

Over the past few days, their bodies have adapted to this training, and they are not as tired and sore as they were at the beginning.

Moreover, these more than 70 recruits all found that their strength and muscles were much stronger than before.

If this was put before, they wouldn't even dare to think about it.

Now, it has become a reality.

So, for the next training, they are all full of confidence in their hearts.

Training Course.

Zhou Hu stood beside Yang Fei. Yang Fei, seeing the condition of the 70 recruits in front of him, nodded in satisfaction.

They are all good.

He is the kind of real fighter who wants to really train himself hard, learn his skills well, and fight devils.

"After the simple training a few days ago, you didn't let me down, I'm very happy."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Then, from today onwards, your training items will be increased. Arming guns and stabbing are the items you need to increase in the past few days.

When it comes to shooting, I also want to hurry up, but unfortunately, my injury is still not healed, and I can't take you to get some real guns, so, let's practice the basics first.

In a few days, I will recover from my injuries, so I will take you to the little devil's place, get some guns, and let you start shooting training, how about it? "

Yang Fei's injury is already in the final stage of recovery.

He didn't worry about these recruits getting guns, if something unexpected happened, it would be the end of everything.

So, under such circumstances, Yang Fei told them to wait.

When his injuries healed, he would be able to go to the little devils and the traitors of the Imperial Association Army by himself and get a lot of guns and ammunition without relying on these recruits.

This takes time.

Right now, we still need to train the basics first.

After all, basic training is also very important.


"We listen to you, Captain!"

"What do you say, we will do!"


Regarding this, the more than 70 recruits have no objection.

At this time, they have [-]% trust in Yang Fei.

Similarly, they also have [-]% confidence in Yang Fei.

In a word, at this time, it is absolutely no problem to listen to their company commander Yang Fei.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's start the training of the first subject today, take out the gun!"

As Yang Fei said, Zhou Hu handed Yang Fei a fake wooden gun next to him.

Yang Fei took it and continued: "Look at my movements, aiming at three points and one line, whether it is shooting standing, squatting down, or lying on the ground, the principle of aiming is the same. What about you? Now just contact and aim, when you have a real gun, you can experience it for yourself, and you will know what to do."

The movements made by Yang Fei, these recruits and soldiers all began to imitate and learn.

"Okay, this morning's training is simply to hold the gun. Don't underestimate this action, practice it well. In the afternoon, it will increase the difficulty. Now, the training begins!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Hu: "Old Zhou, you should try it too. The shooting principle of the new gun is similar to that of your old sleeve, but there are some differences. You can also contact me, etc. With a gun, you'll know!"

"Alright, Captain!"

Hearing Yang Fei's words, Zhou Hu also joined the training queue.


Seeing this scene, the recruits all looked serious, Yang Fei nodded in satisfaction.

Gun training, as for increasing the difficulty in the afternoon, it is still the same old style, hanging stones on the tip of the gun to practice stability and stability.

After all, when shooting, if you can't even hold the gun steady, you're still shooting a fart.

Don't forget, what is the situation on the battlefield, if you shoot amidst artillery fire, if you don't have a solid foundation, you will die yourself.

Yang Fei really came down from the battlefield, and he is very clear about this situation.

Therefore, during the training in front of him, he must be serious.

In this way, these recruits and soldiers can also be reduced to go to the battlefield, reducing sacrifices and casualties.

For this situation, there is not much Yang Fei can do to go to the battlefield to kill devils.

Even if he leads the team to the battlefield, it is impossible to take care of all these recruits.

So, I can only work hard during training.

More bloodshed during training means less bloodshed and less sacrifice on the battlefield.

Looking at the extremely serious recruits, Yang Fei was very satisfied.

Without wasting any more time, Yang Fei turned around and went back to the room, continuing to sleep.

The wounded can recover faster only when they are sleeping and resting.

Otherwise, if you don't sleep or rest, let alone the wound recover, it is possible to deteriorate.

So, at this time, Yang Fei is taking all the time to rest, so that his injury can be accelerated and healed as soon as possible.

Yang Fei estimated that in another seven or eight days, his wounds would be almost healed.

At that time, some simple actions and battles can also be done.

Even if it's a fight with the little devil, as long as it's not too intense, Yang Fei feels that there's nothing wrong with it.

Time passed, and the whole morning passed just like that.

Yang Fei was awakened by the smell of meat.

After leaving the yard, Yang Fei saw that Zhou Hu had already started cooking.

"Commander, you're awake!"

Seeing Yang Fei approaching, Zhou Hu immediately asked with a smile.


Yang Fei nodded, and asked: "How is the wild boar meat handled? It's hot and it's not easy to keep. This thing!"

For those wild pork, Yang Fei still has a lot to do with it. If it breaks in the hot weather, it will be a real waste.

When there is no food in front of us, we must not waste it.

"Don't worry, company commander, it's all dealt with, there is a deep pool over there, very deep, the deeper it gets, the colder it gets.

Even if it was a hot day, the water was cold. I tied the meat with a rope and put it inside. Let alone a few days, ten days and a half months, there would be no problems. "

For this, Zhou Hu still has experience.

After all, he has lived in this mountain forest for 30 years, and no one knows this mountain forest better than him.

"Well, that's fine, haha, that's our rations, without these meats, it's impossible for us to persevere in our training, and the recruits have already been exhausted!"

Yang Fei smiled, directly used a fork to get a big piece of meat, and started to eat it.


As for Zhou Hu, he smirked.

With Yang Fei, Zhou Hu felt that he was completely different from before.

At least, come back to life.

Yang Fei, gave him hope to kill devils!
(End of this chapter)

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