Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2846 Timing of Sacrifice

Chapter 2846 Timing of Sacrifice

After eating, rest for an hour, and start training again in the afternoon.

Training Course.

At this time, the more than 70 recruits were different from the morning because there were more stones in front of them.

The stones are all tied with ropes.

"The training in the afternoon is also very simple. When holding the gun, strengthen the weight of the front body of the gun to connect your stability and stability. Let's start now. You yourself hang stones on the front end of the wooden gun. Don't worry. Come one by one, one today, two tomorrow, let’s start!”

Yang Fei gave the order directly.




Hearing Yang Fei's order, these recruits immediately started to get busy.

They hung stones on the front of their wooden guns one after another, and began to hold the guns.

After hanging the stones, the weight of the wooden gun has indeed increased. Now, even the stability is not easy to grasp.

"Hold on!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Fei gave a low drink.

"If you can't stabilize, then don't even think about touching a real gun in the future."

When he said this, Yang Fei's expression was very serious.

After all, holding the gun steady is the first element of shooting.

Otherwise, if you can't even hold the gun steadily, what else are you playing.

Play with a hammer.


"persist in!"


Hearing Yang Fei's words, these recruits, although their arms were still trembling, they persevered and slowly stabilized.

However, from the moment they stabilized, the sweat on their bodies also began to increase.

Stability training has never been so easy.

Especially the one in front of you.

This stone doesn't look very heavy to you, and it's not very heavy when you hold it in your hand.

But, try hanging it on a long wooden stick, see if you can pick it up from the other end.

So, it's not as simple as it seems.

This kind of training only needs to be persisted, as long as you persist, you will succeed.

It not only exercises perseverance, but also exercises stability.

Very good.

Seeing the scene stabilized, Yang Fei nodded in satisfaction.

Afterwards, Yang Fei returned to the room again and began to sleep deeply.

Time passed during training.

Ten days passed like this.

During these ten days, Yang Fei was very satisfied with the performance of the recruits.

For scoring, Yang Fei will give them [-] points.

Although, they have places where they are not enough.

But, they persisted.

And it's getting better and better.

Yang Fei believed that as long as he got real guns, the combat effectiveness of these recruits would be improved quickly.

In the past ten days, Yang Fei's injury has also recovered very well.

At the very least, I don't feel any pain when doing normal movements.

In this way, it is useless to continue to lie down and recover.

Only exercise.

After such a long time, Yang Fei felt that his other movements were unfamiliar.

Therefore, he will restore his full combat power in the next time.

Only in this way can we bring these more than 70 recruits to kill more little devils.

Today, Yang Fei has been training all day, and the recruits train the recruits.

And he, training his own.

Originally, Yang Fei was mysterious and powerful in the eyes of these recruits.

No, when Yang Fei started training, his energy instantly conquered these recruits.

All kinds of difficult tactical moves, etc., Yang Fei showed them all.

What they saw was itching in their hearts, and they wished to learn these tactical moves of Yang Fei immediately.


After doing these actions, Yang Fei was also exhausted and out of breath.

After cultivating for such a long time, it is really about to be abolished.

"Did you see it? This is the price of injury. I used to practice these movements for a day without any problems. Now, after training once, I feel weak all over. Have you seen it clearly?"

Yang Fei took a deep breath, gradually calmed down his breathing, and let out a low drink.

"Indeed, I have seen your previous physical fitness, company commander."

Before the recruits could speak, Zhou Hu said to the recruits with a serious face: "At that time, our company commander fought against a large number of little devils. His combat effectiveness is nothing to say. If there were not too many little devils, he would have won. It's our company commander. Even if he was injured, our company commander killed several little devils, and finally fell into the river. The little devils left. I rescued the company commander. Our company commander is a real one. A capable person!"

Zhou Hu at that time had witnessed all this with his own eyes.

Because there were too many little devils, he didn't have any great skills, he only had an old sleeve, so instead, he waited and finally rescued Yang Fei.

Otherwise, even if he rushed out at that time, it would be just one more dead soul.

Even if there is no one to treat Yang Fei, he will die in the water.

Zhou Hu, as expected of a mature old hunter, knew what he should do most under the circumstances at that time.

"You're right, old Zhou."

Yang Fei smiled and nodded: "If you rushed out at that time, the two of us would have died. If you didn't rush out, it was against me. I will tell you about this today. , You must use your brain well, know what you should do and what you should not do, don't make unnecessary sacrifices, maximize your own sacrifices, and don't care about temporary gains and losses. Opportunity, continue to fight devils, do you understand?"

Sometimes, it really is.

Unnecessary sacrifices are meaningless.

So, use your brain and think carefully about what you should do most.

Only by using yourself can you exert your greatest value.

To put it more simply, there is hope only if you are alive.

"We know what to do, Captain!"

"Leave it for a useful body!"


The recruits roared with serious faces.

"Of course, there is another situation, that is, if you sacrificed at that time, if you could save more comrades in arms, or be useful to the battle situation, or save more people, then, at this time, you don't need to Hesitant, sacrifice at this time is okay, understand?"

Yang Fei growled again.


"Yes, company commander!"


The recruits shouted loudly again.

Yang Fei must teach them these things.

Only in this way can they make the most correct choice in future wars.

Otherwise, the choice in some cases is difficult.

Now Yang Fei is giving them a vaccination in advance, so that their hearts will be prepared early.

Save time because it is difficult to choose, and delay the best time.

At this time, Yang Fei was using his own experience to teach these recruits.

As he talked, Yang Fei thought of those comrades who died tragically on the battlefield.

They, in order to kill devils, will always go forward indomitable in sacrifice.

(End of this chapter)

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