Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2852 Excited recruit

Chapter 2852 Excited recruit

After returning, Yang Fei and the recruits put away guns, ammunition, canned food, money, etc., and then fell asleep.

Although it was only in the middle of the night that they didn't rest, but in order not to delay tomorrow's training, Yang Fei would not make them overly excited.

After all, when they came back, it was still dark.

These recruits who are excited with the [-] cover can't put it down.

However, under Yang Fei's order, they still put away their guns and ammunition, and then went to rest.

Excitement is excitement, don't delay tomorrow's training.


The devil's two gun towers and a stronghold directly became an open space, and there was no one left.

At the beginning, no villagers and common people dared to investigate.

However, looking left and right, waiting left and right, it was already dawn, and these little devils and the Imperial Association Army still didn't come out.

So, under such circumstances, the bold villagers and common people finally dared to step forward.

They approached cautiously, and finally found that the two gun towers and one stronghold were empty.

The animal-like little devils and the damned imperial association troops from the past have all disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the villagers and common people immediately became excited.

After all, every day they pass this level, they are worried. Once they get these beasts right, they will have only one result, and they will be killed by these beasts directly.

So ah, very scared, but had to go out.

Today, these beasts have disappeared, which is a good thing for them.

In the next time, the people should do what they should do, and take advantage of the fact that the devils and the Imperial Association Army have not come back or appeared, so hurry up and complete their own affairs.

Otherwise, once these beasts came back, they would not have such a good chance.

These villagers took advantage of this opportunity very well.


mountain forest.

Training Course.

After the sky brightened, these recruits got up excitedly and went directly to the training ground.

At this time, Yang Fei and Zhou Hu were already waiting for them at the training ground.

In front of Yang Fei and Zhou Hu was nothing but the guns and ammunition seized last night.

There are 27 large covers, 56 pieces, and 2000 pieces in the middle, with a total of more than [-] rounds of ammunition.

Type [-] light machine guns, three.

Two boxes of grenades.

Canned food, six boxes.

Dayang, two hundred.

and many more.

These are what they seized.

As for the guns, there are more than 20 [-] big caps, which belong to the captured devils.

As for the Imperial Association Army, these traitors are not qualified to use the [-] cover. Of course, they can also use it if they are eliminated by the devils.

More, in fact, it is formal.

They were all captured by these little devils.

After that, it was distributed to these imperial association troops.

After all, the little devils also know the virtues of these imperial association troops, even if they are given good things, they will not be able to use them for good.

So, under such circumstances, these little devils handed over the seized items, made in Hanyang, to the Imperial Association Army for use.

As for the Royal Association Army, they also clearly know their position, and have never asked for guns.

In their words, that is, I don't fight wars, I'm here to fight people, so ah, guns and so on, it doesn't matter.

However, although Zhongguan and Hanyang are both old guys, they are also very good for recruits, and Yang Fei doesn't dislike them at all.

In the form in front of him, if he can get a gun, it is already very good.

So, Yang Fei was very satisfied.

As for Zhou Hu and the recruits, there is no other opinion.

They have just trained, and they don't even know what kind of gun is a good gun, so, under such circumstances, it is very good to have Hanyang.

Even, at this time, even if they were given old sockets for them to use, they would have no objection.

If you can fire a gun, it's a good gun.

It's that simple.

"Company commander, can we have shooting training today?"

"Yeah, company commander, it was really fun last night, killing so many devils and traitors!"

"Hey, let's go there to kill devils and traitors tonight, company commander!"

"Yes, yes, where are we going tonight, company commander!"

"I can't wait, haha!"


It can be clearly seen that the recruits who just woke up at this time have not yet settled down from the excitement of last night and calmed down.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have said such things when they woke up this morning.

"For shooting training, you can start today. As for continuing to kill devils, you have to wait for a while!"

Yang Fei shook his head, clicked the bolt on the gun, and continued to check the gun in front of him to eliminate hidden dangers.

"Why, company commander, we killed devils and traitors last night, and we did a good job!"

"That's right, if you don't kill devils tonight, isn't that a waste of time!"



Hearing Yang Fei's words, these recruits became a little anxious.

After all, it was too easy to kill devils last night, so they still want to continue, so every day should be like this.

Zhou Hu didn't say anything, but looked at Yang Fei's things, learning the skill of checking guns.

Anyway, he just listened to Yang Fei and did whatever he was asked to do, don't ask too much.

"The hearts of the people are not enough to swallow the elephant, little guys, if your mentality towards devils has always been like this, then in the next time, you will suffer, and you will suffer greatly."

Yang Fei shook his head: "Little devils, it's not as simple as what you see. What you see is just the surface, you know?"

"Company commander, but the devils we killed last night were not that powerful."

"That's right, twist your neck, these little devils and traitors are all finished, what a joy!"


These recruits were still immersed in last night's battle and didn't come out, thinking that the little devil was nothing more than that at night.

"You guys!"

Yang Fei put down the gun in his hand and stood up: "The little devils were all drunk last night, and the Imperial Association Army didn't have any vigilance, which made it easy for you.

But, think about it, if these little devils were not drunk, the vigilance of these imperial association troops would not be so bad.

The battle last night was another result. You guys are still too young, and you have encountered too few little devils. You don’t think about it carefully. There are so many people in our vast China. If the little devils are really so easy to kill If so, then this group of beasts would have been driven out of China long ago, instead of the current result.

Little guys, think about it carefully. When did you figure it out? When are you doing shooting training? If you don’t calm down, you won’t be able to learn well! "

(End of this chapter)

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