Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2853 Good place

Chapter 2853 Good place

For this group of recruits, Yang Fei also worked hard.

In fact, the performance of these recruits at this time is also quite normal.

If you want to blame, blame the two blockhouses last night, the little devils in a stronghold, they are really good.

And the Imperial Association Army, what a fucking piece of rubbish.

The devil was very drunk and sound asleep, he didn't know anything, and he was killed in his sleep.

As for the Imperial Association Army, they were not drunk, nor did they perform the task given to them by the devils, but went to sleep after looking for a place,
What is this, a bunch of idiots without vigilance.

So, at this time, these recruits were given the illusion in front of them.

Otherwise, let them experience a real battle with the devils, and you will know how wrong they are.

To be honest, the devil's combat effectiveness is really high.

Whoever says devils have low combat effectiveness is a fool.



Hearing what Yang Fei said, all the recruits fell silent.

They are not fools, Yang Fei has said so much, they are fools if they don't understand.

They figured it out.

Think about it, it really is the case.

The devil was drunk, and the Imperial Association Army fell asleep.

So, that's why they won.

There was no real fight with the little devil at all.

"Think about it carefully, calm down, calm down and think about it again, go."

Yang Fei waved his hand and said no more.

After all, there are some things that need to be said twice.

What should be understood, will be understood.

If no one understands the last two times, then forget it.

In this case, no matter how much you say, it will be useless.

"Yes, company commander!"


Hearing Yang Fei's order, these recruits all sat aside honestly and began to reflect.

"Company commander, I'm going to cook!"

Zhou Hu also smiled when he saw this, and said directly.

He knew it would be such a demerit.

These little guys are still too young.

Can't compare to him, Zhou Hu, who has been in the mountains and forests since he was a child, don't look like he is in the company of wild animals.

But, he knows all these truths.

This is the difference in experience.

"Well, let's go!"

Yang Fei nodded and continued to fiddle with the guns on the ground.

Seeing these guns, Yang Fei was like seeing his relatives,

The gun is also the closest comrade-in-arms.

On the battlefield, if you lose your gun, or if the gun is damaged, your life is basically the same as losing your life.

Once you encounter devils, no matter what your skills are, there is a high chance that you will be killed by these little devils.

So, repairing guns is also a skill that a qualified fighter possesses.

Of course, it is impossible to be proficient, and the simplest maintenance must be mastered.

Only in this way, on the battlefield, in case of an emergency, can you deal with it as soon as possible without affecting your combat effectiveness.

Otherwise, it's over.

time flies.

Two hours later, Zhou Hu cooked the meal and came to Yang Fei with a bowl.

"Company commander, come on, don't mess with it, eat!"

Zhou Hu handed the bowl containing meat and broth to Yang Fei.

"it is good!"

Yang Fei put down the gun in his hand, took the bowl, and began to eat and drink.

Breakfast is very simple, broth, some wild vegetables in it, and a piece of meat.

It doesn't look like much, but it is absolutely rich in nutrition.

"Okay, let's eat!"

Afterwards, Yang Fei shouted at the recruits.

"Yes, company commander!"



Hearing Yang Fei's order, the recruits immediately started to eat.

These two hours of calmness have already made them figure it out and realize their own shortcomings.

Their company commander was right.

It is true that they are too self-righteous.

If the devils were really so easy to kill, then there would be no aggression by the little devils now.

There would not be so many Chinese who were brutally killed by little devils.

The time for eating passed quickly.

Yang Fei also noticed that these recruits had figured it out.

Therefore, Yang Fei is not wasting time, and is preparing for the next shooting training this morning.

As for the guns, after his inspection, there is nothing wrong with the [-] caps used by the little devil.

can be used directly.

As for Zhongguan and Hanyang, there are constant problems.

However, in the hands of Yang Fei, a few Zhongguan and Hanyang made it were dismantled, and the rest were all repaired by him.

In this case, there are more than 60 guns left in good condition, and more than 70 recruits, and they cannot have one.

However, this is not a problem at all, just rotate the training.

"Okay, next time, start shooting training."

Yang Fei's words made all the recruits excited.

"Of course, for shooting training, we can't be here. We're going to the forest. The sound of the gunshots spreads about two or three miles, at most four miles. When there is wind, it will spread farther. So, for Be safe, let's go inside, so that the devils won't hear, otherwise, once the little devils find out, our training will be ruined."

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Hu and said, "Lead the way, you are familiar with the route, do you know any suitable places?"

"Well, there is a place, come with me!"

Zhou Hu nodded. There are many places like this in the mountains and forests, and he knows them very well.

"Hey, I finally have a chance!"

"Shoot, hehehaha!"

"I must train well to kill these devils and traitors!"


As for the recruits, they were very excited.

Squeezing the little devil to death with both hands, it's so fun to kill the little devil with a gun.

In their hearts, this moment is very much looking forward to.

"Let's go, take the gun and take the bullets!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he followed Zhou Hu and walked towards the forest.

As for the recruits, they smiled and walked towards the depths of the forest with their guns in hand.

In the forest, Zhou Hu led the way, and Yang Fei and the recruits followed.

After half an hour, I came to a river.

No, Yang Fei took a closer look, it wasn't a river, but a small lake.

"Nice place!"

Yang Fei really didn't expect that there are really many good places in the deep forest.

Wild boar valley, small lake, I don't know if there are other good places.

"Old Zhou, when you go back, get some fishing line and hooks, just do it yourself, we can catch some fish to eat."

Looking at the small lake in front of him, Yang Fei said with a smile.

"Well, yes, Captain!"

Zhou Hu immediately responded.

Line and hook, he can do it.

You can make a fishhook with a needle.

"Okay, okay, don't waste time, I have given you the basic shooting essentials before, so, have you seen the tree trunk in front of you, for the first time, try it first, let's start!"

Yang Fei ordered directly.

(End of this chapter)

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