Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2854 Shooting Training

Chapter 2854 Shooting Training
Yang Fei had already given them the shooting essentials and basic training before.

End gun, three-point one-line, heavy-duty end gun, etc., various skills.

Although I haven't fired a single shot, but I am familiar with the basic skills. Under normal circumstances, I can start training shooting when I touch the gun.

It is many times stronger than those without basic training.

"Remember, during training, the muzzle of the gun should never be pointed at the person. Except on the battlefield or when the battle is started, the muzzle of the gun should never be pointed at the person. Otherwise, once it goes off, it will be too late to regret!"

Before the training, Yang Fei asked again with a serious face.

This must be explained.

After all, some fighters made such mistakes before.

It's dangerous if the gun goes off.

At close range, those who were shot, and after they penetrated, it was not just one person who was shot.

Yang Fei must avoid this kind of accident.

Once it happens, the loss will be too great.

"Yes, company commander!"

"We know, Captain!"


Hearing Yang Fei's words, the recruits immediately expressed their understanding.

"Okay, the big tree 50 meters away in front, let's start, get familiar with it first, no one has three bullets!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he waved his hand to Zhou Hu.


Zhou Hu nodded, opened the bullet box, and began to distribute the bullets.

At the beginning of shooting, there should not be too many bullets.

Otherwise, the ears can't stand it.

step by step.

You know, some team fighters, when they first trained, it took several days to fire a single shot or bullet.

It's very good for Yang Fei to do so.


"I'll try it first!"


The recruits who received the bullets immediately began to reload the bullets excitedly.

"Okay, shooting training, let's start!"

Seeing that the bullets were distributed, Yang Fei ordered directly.




Upon hearing the order, the recruits with guns in their hands immediately pulled the bolt and started aiming at three points and one line.

In fact, these new recruits at this time were very excited in their hearts.

The body trembled a little.

After all, it was the first time to shoot a gun, and it would be fake and impossible not to be excited.

"Don't be nervous, don't worry, take a deep breath, and continue shooting after you calm down. Only in this way will you get twice the result with half the effort. If you shoot while nervous, you will miss the target!"

Seeing this situation, Yang Fei immediately comforted him.


At this time, an unknown recruit soldier directly pulled the trigger.


"Damn, scare me!"

"I'm not ready yet!"


The sudden sound of gunfire broke the peace in the mountain forest.

Similarly, the recruits who were nervous before were instantly relaxed because of the gunshot.

"Clap clap clap!"


So, in the following time, the recruits started shooting one after another.

Three bullets were quickly fired.

After 10 minutes, all the recruits and soldiers who had finished shooting gathered together.

"Old Zhou, try it!"

Yang Fei handed the [-] cover to Zhou Hu and asked Zhou Hu to try it.

After all, Zhou Hu didn't shoot just now.

Now that the recruits have finished shooting, it's time for Zhou Hu to try it too.

You know, Zhou Hu has a background in shooting.

The firecracker is also a gun, and Zhou Hu is a veteran.

"it is good!"

Zhou Hu took the [-] cover with a smile.

The bullet inside was pressed by Yang Fei himself.

Five bullets.

"Let's aim for 50 meters, don't go 50 meters, [-] meters is not difficult for you!"

Yang Fei said again.

Hearing what Yang Fei said, the recruits were all looking forward to it.

"it is good!"

Zhou Hu nodded, expressing his understanding.

Then, he clicked on the bolt and aimed at the tree trunk 100 meters away.






Five shots in a row.

Flowing clouds and water.

At this point, the comparison came out.

Playing with guns all year round has trained the basics, and this guy has mastered it directly.

Yang Fei could see clearly that Zhou Hu's achievements were nothing to elite fighters, and they were nothing to veterans.

However, for new recruits, it is already the sky.

Zhou Hu's performance was very good.

Five shots in a row, all hit the same big tree a hundred meters away.

From the point of view of shooting skills, Zhou Hu can be said to be a fighter.

In addition to his own hunter skills, in the mountains and forests, even the devil's elite soldiers can't beat him.

If he leaves the mountains, Zhou Hu is also a qualified fighter.

"Well, have you seen it clearly?"

Yang Fei said to the recruits: "Where is the gap between you and your deputy company commander? Do you see it? Remember, don't be proud, especially on the battlefield. Proud people die the fastest. Those who underestimate the enemy will die the fastest!"


"We get it, Captain!"


For this point, the recruits have long seen it.

In the morning, they were too arrogant.

"Your deputy company commander's shooting skills, compared with devil soldiers, can be assigned to the upper middle. So, you have to work hard in the future!"

Yang Fei was right, it was true.

The little devil's individual shooting skills are very strong.

After all, they have no shortage of bullets. During training, the supply of bullets is very strong.

As for Zhou Hu, what is missing now is live ammunition training.

Given enough bullet training, it won't take long for him to catch up. It's not impossible to become an accurate shooter and marksman.

"Company commander, you also give us a hand!"

"That's right, company commander, try it too, let's open our eyes!"

"Come on, Captain!"

"Yes, Captain!"


At this time, these recruits thought of Yang Fei, and wanted to let Yang Fei show his skills.

After all, in their eyes, Yang Fei is definitely much better than their Brother Zhou and Deputy Company Commander Zhou.

"Company commander, come!"

Zhou Hu, on the other hand, smiled, filled the bullet, and handed the [-] cap to Yang Fei.

"Okay, look at each other, I'll show you, just don't get hit!"

Yang Fei was not polite, took the gun directly, and glanced around. Immediately, he saw a big fish with its back exposed in the shallows of the lake not far away, also 100 meters away. They are eating aquatic plants.

The lakeside that Yang Fei mentioned, the distance is about 80 meters.

There is ankle-deep water in the shoals by the lake, but all the greenery is aquatic plants.

The big fish just showed its back, looking for food.






It is also a series of five shots, and the shooting is completed in an instant.

Yang Fei's speed was about twice as fast as Zhou Hu's. Before the recruits could react, Yang Fei finished shooting.

Even Zhou Hu was stunned for a moment, and then smiled all over his face.

(End of this chapter)

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