Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2855 Big Fish

Chapter 2855 Big Fish
Zhou Hu knew that Yang Fei was really powerful, otherwise, he at that time would not have been able to fight back against so many little devils.

At this time, the stronger Yang Fei is, the better.

To be strong means to have real abilities. In this way, these recruits can also become stronger, kill more little devils, for the folks, for the relatives, for the people who died tragically at the hands of the little devils, Revenge, let them rest in peace.

As for the recruits, they were completely stunned at this time.

The targets they shoot are all dead objects, but their company commander is shooting live objects or swimming big fish. This is so weird, it's really unbelievable.

"Go, bring the fish back, taste it slowly today, and make fish soup to drink, haha!"

Yang Fei put down the gun and said directly with a smile.

"Okay, Captain!"

"Haha, I'll go, I'll go!"

"I'll go too, hehe."

"Five big fish, if you make fish soup, it will be enough for us to drink."

"Hey, I haven't had fish soup for a long time!"


Just like that, the three excited recruits ran towards the shallows of the lake at the fastest speed.

As for the more recruits, they really admired Yang Fei in their hearts at this time.

After all, Yang Fei was so powerful that they couldn't believe it if they imagined that he shot five fish from such a long distance.

It's just amazing.

Of course, the more powerful Yang Fei is, the stronger their confidence will be.

In the army, this is always the case, like a pack of wolves, there is a wolf king.

Soldiers, the same is true.

There is a strong person, then, when fighting, they can give them great confidence, invincible and invincible.

Morale, that's how it came about.

Of course, that's part of it.

However, it is undeniable that this part is also very important.

"Those are the essentials of shooting, more of it is your training and your own comprehension, so don't worry now, sharpshooters, except for a few talented ones, the rest are all fed by bullets, so , and later, if we seize a large number of guns and ammunition from the devils, you will be able to conduct shooting training properly."

Yang Fei could tell at a glance what these recruits were thinking.

Try it, including himself, his talent is very good, but, the hard work later, training with a lot of bullets, these all play a decisive factor.

As for these recruits, they have just started training now, and it is already very good to have such a result.

They only shot a few times.

So, in the future, with bullets and a lot of shooting training, it will be enough.

Also, it is also possible to go to the battlefield and conduct a few actual battles.

No matter what combat skills, if you want to improve quickly and are not afraid of death, you can improve the fastest on the battlefield.

"Don't worry, with me here, it won't take long."

After Yang Fei comforted him, he stepped forward and patted the shoulders of several recruits.


"Yes, company commander!"



Hearing Yang Fei's words, these recruits really felt relieved at this moment.

After all, they were really worried that their shooting skills hadn't improved much.

Now, with Yang Fei's guarantee, it is a real reassurance for them.

"Company commander, it's a big fish, it's a big fish!"

"Look, it's really a big fish, haha!"

"Hey, good luck, hey!"


At this time, several recruits who had gone before also ran back.

What they were holding and dragging in their arms were the five big fish that Yang Fei shot.

Look at these five big fish, each of them is about one meter long and weighs thirty or forty catties.

What the hell, they have never seen such a big fish since they were young, and now they finally saw it.

Not to mention seeing them, I still want to eat them today, blessed, truly blessed.

"Fuck, it's so big!"

"I have seen such a big fish when I was a child, but I haven't seen it for many years!"

"Hey, drink fish soup, drink fish soup!"


The recruits also shouted happily at this time.

Before Yang Fei came, they had never been so excited and happy.

Now, with Yang Fei's arrival, they are in surprise every day.

Killing devils, killing traitors, and eating fish during training, this is so great.

"Big fish here are not uncommon!"

This time, Zhou Hu also walked over with a smile, and said: "When the water was heavy, when the water receded, many big fish were stranded in the mountains and forests. I also came here to pick up a few and eat them. Later, there was no big water. It never came."

Zhou Hu is very clear about this place.

There was a big flood before, but now there is no, so he didn't think of it here.

It was only when I arrived that I remembered.

"That's a good place. We eat pork all day long, and we can get tired of it. So, fishing, and we'll eat fish in the future. There's one more thing, swimming, do you know?"

Yang Fei asked with a smile.

"I know, but I won't!"

"Hey, I'm also a landlubber, and I can't swim either!"

"Me too!"

"We probably don't know it. There is no river outside the village, so it's strange!"

"Brother Zhou will meet!"


Because there is no river outside the village, these recruits cannot swim.

As for Zhou Hu, because he lived in the mountains and forests since he was a child, there are water and pools, so Zhou Hu can swim, which was also given to him by his father.

Otherwise, Zhou Hu would not know this skill.

"Well, it won't be all right, you can learn!"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "The benefits of swimming are that it can exercise your body and make your body develop in a better direction. The next step, after the training is over, I will teach you how to swim, and your deputy company commander can teach you as well. , you will know the benefits of swimming!"

Swimming is indeed a good way to enhance physical fitness training.

In the past, because there were no rivers and lakes, Yang Fei didn't mention it.

Now, with this small lake in front of him, it is completely different, and it is completely possible to train directly.

"You guys, clean up the fish, come back and continue training!"

Yang Fei ordered.

"Yes, company commander, leave it to us!"

These recruits immediately went to the river to clean up the big fish.

"How about you, today's training will continue, basic firearms training, physical training in the afternoon!"

In the following time, Yang Fei began to explain the basic knowledge of firearms to these recruits again.

Moreover, it also adjusts all the deficiencies of these recruits in shooting training, so that the recruits can avoid detours!

(End of this chapter)

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