Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2865 Harvest

Chapter 2865 Harvest
Zhou Hu knew very well how ferocious the wild boar was.

In the past, when the devils didn't come, many of the men in the village hunted wild boars.

Accidents also happen from time to time, and he still remembers the tragic consequences.

Unfortunately, Yang Fei's movements were so fast that he couldn't react at all.

Otherwise, he would never let Yang Fei act.

If he goes, he won't let Yang Fei go.

Even if he died, the loss would not be too great.

However, once Yang Fei had an accident, there was no way for their training to continue, and all the recruits were finished.

In Zhou Hu's heart, he was really anxious.

It's a pity, thinking of Yang Fei's order and the recruits around him, he can only wait here anxiously, there is no other way.

Next to them, these recruits were also extremely worried about Yang Fei.

They also knew in their hearts that worrying at this time was of no use at all.

However, they believed that Yang Fei would be able to do it, and that he would be safe and sound, and would attract the wild boars.

At this time, the recruits were all in their hearts, silently cheering Yang Fei up.


As for Yang Fei, he has already arrived outside the Wild Boar Valley.

Don't look at the wild boar valley, there are already many, many wild boars here.

The bigger ones are quite a few, and the ones with more are still small wild boars.

Look at these little wild boars at this time, running around happily, playing and fighting and so on.

So uncomfortable, so uncomfortable.

On the side, there are many big wild boars fighting, bang bang, very mighty.

Of course, looking at it like this, it was just a joke.

"No wonder no wonder."

Yang Fei murmured, and threw the stone in his hand on the big wild boar not far away.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!"



Yang Fei's stone, just like throwing it on a calm lake, disturbed more than a dozen wild boars in an instant.

After all, the vigilance of wild boars is actually very high.

They all looked around, and soon, they found Yang Fei who had slipped down from the big tree and was running fast.

Seeing Yang Fei whose figure disappeared in an instant, the wild boars who were disturbed instantly became angry.

There are not many angry wild boars at the moment, more than a dozen.

But just right, no more, no less, just right.

Otherwise, if there are too many temptations, it will be difficult to deal with and difficult to operate.

Don't forget, there is only one person in Yang Fei right now.

There are many people, and if there is a plan, it is no problem to lure more people.

However, this time it is just for shooting training, just to get some food, there is no need to make so much, and it will be wasted if you make too much, it is useless.

Regarding this point, Yang Fei was very clear in his heart, Zhou Hu was very clear in his heart, and the hearts of the recruits were also very clear.

Under Yang Fei's series of actions, the dozen or so wild boars were led by him, and moved towards the place where the recruits were ambushing.

"I'm coming!"

"The company commander is fine, the company commander is here!"


At this time, the recruits and soldiers waiting on the big tree also saw Yang Fei appearing, and the wild boars who were moaning and chirping furiously behind Yang Fei.

A dozen heads.

"Wait first, wait until you are within range, and then shoot!"

After Zhou Hu saw it, he ordered directly.

At the same time, Yang Fei's safe return made him feel relieved.

It's fine, it's fine.

Yang Fei's movements at this time were extremely fast, with a serious face, and after luring the wild boar into the range, he immediately found a big tree, and started to climb towards the top of the big tree at the fastest speed.


"Bang bang bang!"


And these dozens of wild boars, like crazy, slammed into the big tree that Yang Fei climbed up.

Now, if Yang Fei hadn't exhausted all his strength and hugged the big tree vigorously, he would definitely have fallen now.

If such a thing were placed on an ordinary person, it would have to fall from a tree and be eaten by these wild boars.

Yang Fei exerted all his strength, grabbed the tree trunk, and stabilized his body so that he could not fall.

Zhou Hu, who saw this scene, directly raised the gun in his hand, and shot at the wild boar that kept hitting the tree not far away under the Yang Fei tree.


The piercing sound of the gun broke the tranquility of the surroundings in an instant.

"Uh huh, huh!"



A wild boar that hit a tree was shot in the head instantly and fell directly to the ground.

As for the rest of the wild boars, they were also terrified by the sudden gunshot, and turned around and fled towards the Wild Boar Valley, ignoring Yang Fei at all.

What is important.

It's still important to own life.

These wild boars are very clear in their hearts.

So, don't say wild boars are fools.

"Shooting in groups, start!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Fei roared directly.

As for Zhou Hu, it was the same, and he began to issue orders to the soldiers on the big tree.




Now, the recruits who had been prepared a long time ago fired directly.

After another round of shooting, a group of soldiers left a wild boar and wounded two.

The rest of the wild boars, this time, really ran away frantically, and didn't dare to stay and check on their companions.




Time passed, and the soldiers in groups shot one by one.

In the same place, the corpses of nine wild boars were left behind.

After a few runs, they missed.

To be honest, this marksmanship is too bad.

Not bad for a recruit, though.

At least hit the prey.

For this result, Yang Fei had expected it, and he was very clear about how the recruits were trained.

Don't look at their shooting, it doesn't have much effect.

However, recruits who have seen blood in actual combat are completely different from recruits who have not seen blood shooting training.

Now if they go back to practice shooting, their shooting skills have definitely improved, and they will improve very quickly in the future.

This is the essence of actual combat training.

The mountain forest of Wild Boar Valley has completely calmed down at this moment.

It was the first time the wild boars in the Wild Boar Valley heard the sound of gunfire, and it was deafening.

They were so frightened that they went back to the Wild Boar Valley, the kind that they never dared to come out.

Therefore, Yang Fei and others are very safe at this time, extremely safe.

"Okay, this afternoon's training is over here, let's take the wild boar back and deal with it."

Yang Fei ordered with a smile.


Zhou Hu also nodded.

However, the recruits' interest at this time is not very high.

They feel that their performance is really too bad.

When I came here, I was full of confidence and felt that I could do it.

Now, the result is nothing.

It's not what I thought at all.

"Okay, okay, don't be discouraged, your performance is still within the normal range, if you perform too well, then it is abnormal, go back!"

Yang Fei saw it, and stepped forward to comfort him.

(End of this chapter)

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