Chapter 2866
It is normal for recruits to be hit.

After all, he had seen how confident these recruits were before.

The situation is normal. The recruits he brought and trained before are also like this.

Before going to the battlefield, I trained for a long time, and all skills were qualified, even mastered for a long time.

However, when they went to the battlefield, some people were scared to pee by the shelling and the bombing of the planes.

This is a normal phenomenon, don't underestimate the recruits just because of this.

Regardless of how powerful the veteran is, he calmly kills devils on the battlefield.

That's all through training, no matter how good a veteran is, he has experienced it step by step from a recruit.

Not to mention others, just himself, when he went to the battlefield for the first time, he was terrified. Although he was not scared, it took him a long time to recover.

This is all normal.

Just experience a little more.

As the saying goes, a soldier who has not experienced the baptism of war is not a qualified soldier at all.

This is the difference between recruits and soldiers.

It is understandable how the recruits perform.

It can also be said that those who have never been on the battlefield or experienced the baptism of war, no matter how powerful your military skills are, you are still recruits.

This is beyond doubt.

The general battle is still a small scene.

Frontal battlefield, that is the big scene.

Mortar bombing.

Infantry bombardment.

Howitzers bombed.

Heavy howitzer bombardment.

Wait, under such circumstances, recruits can become fools after being bombed on the battlefield.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Yang Fei is not disappointed with the performance of the recruits.

"Your performance is already very good. In the next training, just work hard."

Yang Fei continued to comfort and said: "It won't be long before my plan will start. By then, we will have more bullets, and your shooting skills will improve. As for now, it is just a small grind for you. Practice, let’s get acquainted with what kind of situation the bullets you shoot will be on the target. You should have an expectation and preparation in your heart, so that if you go to the battlefield, you can quickly adapt. I understand. Don’t think too much, Lao Zhou, lead the team back!”


Hearing Yang Fei's words, Zhou Hu took the order directly.

As for the recruits, they were ashamed in their hearts.

However, after being enlightened by Yang Fei, I felt suddenly enlightened.

The pain I felt before is not so much now.

Yes, they are doing this kind of training for the first time.

What are you discouraged?
Don't be discouraged, it is useless to be discouraged.

Cheer up, absorb the lessons of this time well, and then just perform well and improve.

Seeing the recruits start to gain confidence again, Yang Fei felt even more satisfied.

In the following time, the recruits worked together to bring the nine wild boars back to the camp.

The training in the afternoon ended like this.

The task of the recruits is to accompany Zhou Hu to get rid of the nine wild boars, deal with them, and store them.

This is their food for the next period of time, and they must be prepared properly.

Time passed, and the afternoon passed like this.


Yang Fei came to the training ground again, lying on the ground of the training ground, looking at the shining stars above the dark night sky.

At this moment, his thoughts began to drift into the distance.

Very far, very far!
"Company commander, go back to sleep. It's getting late. Don't catch a cold in the dampness of the mountains. Your body has just recovered, and it's easy for the dampness to enter your body. You're sick!"

Yang Fei was woken up by Zhou Hu.

He didn't expect that he just thought about something, but he fell asleep here.

"Okay, let's go back!"

Looking at Zhou Hu who looked worried in front of him, Yang Fei smiled and said, "I thought about something, but I fell asleep!"

Feeling the soreness in his body, Yang Fei knew that if he slept on the forest floor tonight, he would definitely be sore and seriously ill tomorrow.

A healthy guy can't bear a night's sleep.

Let alone him, a recovering from a serious illness.

The body is already weak, if the moisture enters the body, the newly healed wound will definitely cause problems.

Tonight, thanks to Zhou Hu, if it weren't for him, Yang Fei's body that had just recovered would have collapsed for a while.

"By the way, the plan is to tell the recruits in advance that when the time comes, they will also go to the Imperial Association Army. Although they don't have to go to all of them, they have to go to some, so that I can leave things to them with confidence. , otherwise, hand it over to the Imperial Association Army, who knows what accidents will happen."

Yang Fei thought of the plan, and instructed Zhou Hu again.

This is indeed the case, you give the real Imperial Association Army an account and let them do it.

Let's not say that this group of sloth bears can't do well. The most important thing is that this group of sloth bears may bypass their boss and report your news directly to the little devil in the next step.

At that time, once such a thing happens, it will be true that there will be no place to cry.

It is necessary to take a few of your own people to be the Imperial Association Army, to undercover the little devil, and to fool the little devil.

"Well, I'll find an opportunity to tell them tomorrow, pick a few of the smartest ones, and let them follow you."

Zhou Hu nodded and remembered it in his heart.

"At that time, once I go undercover at the little devil's side, then the training here will depend on you to watch. Of course, when I leave, I will make a training plan for you, and train according to the training plan , that’s it.”

Yang Fei continued with a smile.

"Hey, it's enough to have a training plan. Otherwise, I'm really not sure that I can take them to train."

Hearing what Yang Fei said, Zhou Hu was completely relieved.

After all, he knows what he is capable of.

He knows how much he weighs.

Without a training plan, everything is bullshit.

Just like that, Yang Fei and Zhou Hu each returned to their rooms and began to rest.

One night passed like this.

It's still the same old routine, running training in the morning, ten kilometers.

After returning, eat.

After dinner, physical training.

After the physical training is over, start to learn combat skills such as tactical movements.

These trainings, even without Yang Fei and Zhou Hu watching, they can train themselves.

This is progress.

Two days passed like this. At dusk today, the recruits who went to inquire about the commander of the Imperial Association Army, Zhao Yixuan, and the deputy commander, Yang Dong, came back.

They brought back the whereabouts of the two traitors Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong, the situation at home, and all the information.

This is exactly what Yang Fei needs most now.

With the information, the next step is the time to implement the plan.

This day has finally come.

(End of this chapter)

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