Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2870 Action Ends

Chapter 2870 Action Ends
After all, no matter who it is, as long as it is a person who does bad things, what he fears most is being knocked on the door at night.

These are people who do ordinary bad things, they are all afraid, not to mention the family members of Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong, who are devoid of conscience and do all kinds of bad things.

They are more afraid of being knocked on the door at night.

It's a pity that their worst fears are about to become reality today.

Time passed, and the time of night came soon.

Looking at the time, Yang Fei said directly to Zhou Hu who woke up: "Go and wake them up, get ready to act!"


Hearing Yang Fei's order, Zhou Hu stepped forward and began to wake up the sleeping recruits.

The moment these recruits were woken up, they were immediately shocked, and their spirits came instantly.

Because they have been looking forward to the action for so long, and it is finally about to start.

The recruits completed the assembly as quickly as possible.

Now, just waiting for Yang Fei to give an order.

As long as Yang Fei gives the order, they will act as quickly as possible to kill all the imperial association troops in Zhao Yang Town and complete the task.

Of course, they just think about it.

Where is it so simple.

Without Yang Fei and Zhou Hu leading the team, it would be impossible for them to complete this task independently.


Seeing the assembled recruits, Yang Fei didn't say anything else, and directly gave the order for action.

He leads the team himself.

After a journey of about one mile, it didn't take a few minutes for Yang Fei to bring Zhou Hu and the recruits to the outside of Zhao Yang Town.

In Zhaoyang Town at this time, there was a very dim light at the entrance of the town, dispelling the darkness nearby.

A few members of the Imperial Association Army just lay down in the crude fortifications and fell asleep soundly.

This fortification is not bad.

It should have been left by the little devil.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to build such a qualified fortification with the help of these imperial association troops.

Looking at the Huangxie Army lying on the fortifications and sleeping on their stomachs inside the fortifications, Yang Fei waved his hands directly.

In an instant, Zhou Hu stepped forward with a dozen recruits.

They jumped into the fortifications at the fastest speed.




As for the Royal Association Army, they didn't even know about this situation.

"Crack it!"



Zhou Hu and the recruits, without the slightest hesitation, twisted all the heads of the imperial association troops in the fortification with murderous intent on their faces.

In an instant, all the imperial association troops in the fortification died.


Seeing this, Yang Fei took the rest of the recruits and went straight into Zhao Yang Town.

According to the previous investigations by the recruits, there was no Royal Association Army patrolling Zhaoyang Town at night.

Only the fortifications at the entrance of the town are guarded by the Imperial Association Army.

That is to sleep.

The rest of the Imperial Association Army went home to sleep.

What's more, outside Zhao Yixuan's compound and Yang Dong's compound, there are a few guards and patrollers.

Elsewhere, no.


Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong may be more cunning and treacherous.

However, the two of them have no military capabilities, and they don't know how to deploy defenses, sentry patrols, and so on.

Otherwise, Zhao Yangzhen would not be in the situation in front of him at all.

Entering Zhaoyang Town, it was very quiet inside.

Because of the previous information, there is no need to waste time in the next action.

"Old Zhou, you take a team to Yang Dong's compound, and I will take people to Zhao Yixuan's compound, act!"

Yang Fei ordered directly.


Hearing Yang Fei's order, Zhou Hu acted immediately, and he rushed towards Yang Dong's compound with more than 30 recruits.

As for Yang Fei, he led the rest of the recruits towards Zhao Yixuan's compound.

This arrangement saves time.

At the same time, it is also a test for him to see how Zhou Hu's training has been during this period of time.

After all, he trained Zhou Hu as a qualified commander.

Otherwise, he would not be able to develop and grow stronger if he did it by himself.

Not only Zhou Hu, there are several good seedlings among the recruits.

These few good seedlings will also be cultivated by Yang Fei in the next time.

Only in this way can the Pingnan anti-Japanese team grow at the fastest speed.

Soon, Yang Fei led the recruits outside Zhao Yixuan's compound.

As expected of the Zhao Family Courtyard, it is really big.

At this time, outside the gate of the Zhao family compound, there were only two Imperial Association soldiers, leaning against the gate, sleeping soundly.

It's impossible to be alert or something.

Yang Fei motioned for two recruits to go over and deal with the two imperial association troops.


A moment later, the two imperial association troops were decapitated and died in their sleep.

"The two of you stay here, and the rest follow me in."

After quietly opening the door, Yang Fei led the rest of the recruits into the Zhao family compound.

Finding someone in the Zhao family compound may be quite difficult for ordinary people.

However, for Yang Fei, there was no difficulty at all.

The more upstarts like this, the more they like to imitate the real big guys.

There is really a difference between superiority and inferiority, and they are all clearly distinguished for you.

In this case, the place of residence is very fixed.

In the following time, the recruits will act at the place designated by Yang Fei.

Soon, Zhao Yixuan's little wife, his evil father, and his dandy son were all knocked unconscious and brought out.

This is because Zhao Yixuan is not at home, if he is at home, just knock together.


After completing the task, Yang Fei took these people out of the Zhao family compound and rushed towards the outside of Zhao Yang Town.

Not long after, Zhou Hu also returned with someone.

"Company Commander, Yang Dong is at home, but I didn't bring him out, but knocked this guy out, and he was still on the bed."

Zhou Hu, who came back, reported directly to Yang Fei.


Yang Fei waved his hand directly. He didn't care about this point. This situation was already expected in the original plan.

"In the next time, find a cart, eat, and after you are full, take them back immediately. After you go back, imprison these people. You don't need to show any good looks. You have investigated them before. These people There are murder cases in my hands, there is no good thing, if it is not useful, I will deal with them now, understand?"

Yang Fei instructed Zhou Hu.

"I know, company commander, then you have to be more careful here, we can't lose you!"

Zhou Hu also instructed Yang Fei.

"I'm fine, you can rest assured, leave the fighters you set before, and you can start to act!"

Yang Fei waved his hand, not caring.

For this Pingnan County, it's not a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, so it's hard for Yang Fei.

Besides, relying on the people in hand, I am not afraid that Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong will not submit.

This also ensures his safety.

As for dealing with devils, he has a lot of experience.

Otherwise, it would be useless to deal with devils for so long!
(End of this chapter)

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