Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2871 The Old Butler

Chapter 2871 The Old Butler

As for the people, Zhou Hu took them back, and Yang Fei took a few people to stay here.

If they stayed here to do business, and deal with Zhao Yixuan, the commander of the Imperial Association Army, and Yang Dong, the deputy commander, none of Zhou Hu and the recruits could handle it.

They still lack experience and lack of teaching. This time is not a bad thing at all.

Now they can kill and kill, but they are far from doing this kind of thing.

Therefore, Yang Fei can only stay here.

In this way, the plan can be completely completed without attracting the little devil's attention and causing the plan to fail.

After all, his plan this time is not for anything else, but for their development in the Pingnan area, laying a place to rely on for development.

This is also the task Lei Zhan entrusted to him.

The Eighth Route Army fought hard against Japan.

Therefore, it is necessary to scatter, and constantly pull up teams in various places to fight with the little devils, so that even if they take down the place, they will not be safe and stable.

For a long time, these damn beasts can't hold on. When the time comes, those who wait for these little devils will either perish or get out.

Anyway, at this time, as long as they persevere, it is a victory.

"Company commander, be careful!"

After Zhou Hu said something, he didn't say any more.

Nothing to say, now he is also a qualified soldier.

From the first day of becoming a soldier, Yang Fei told him that a soldier is bound to obey orders.

Give orders and obey them.

Regarding Yang Fei's worries, he is not very worried at this time.

Because Yang Fei has succeeded in planning again and again, and he is very strong himself. Now that he has a perfect plan this time, there will be no problem.

He knew that Yang Fei never did anything he was not sure about.


After everything was explained, Zhou Hu rushed towards the camp with the recruits and those who had been knocked unconscious.

When they came, there were no accidents. They believed that when they went back, as long as they were as careful as when they came, there would be no accidents.

Seeing Zhou Hu and the others leave, Yang Fei said to the ten people behind him: "Let's go, find a place to rest, have a meal and sleep well, and tomorrow morning, I will take you to the commander of the Imperial Association Army." Play with the deputy commander."

When he said this, Yang Fei laughed immediately.


"Play them to death!"

"Company commander, it's better to kill them!"

"Yes, it's better to kill them!"



The recruits, for the Hehuangxie Army, just want to kill them.

They never show mercy when dealing with traitors!
If they can be killed, there will be absolutely no mercy or mercy.

Besides, this group of beasts didn't show mercy to their own people, and what they killed was a must. Therefore, when dealing with beasts, they only have one word, kill.

It's just that the plan has not been completed yet, and they have to endure it.

After the plan is completed, they will definitely kill these traitors.

Now, it's good to play with and play with these traitors.


Fill your stomach first.

In the following time, Yang Fei and ten recruits took out the cut pieces of meat and began to eat them.

After eating, Yang Fei took the ten recruits, found a place, and began to rest.

He believed that tomorrow's Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong would never let him down.

At that time, it will be up to Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong whether they can become the Imperial Association Army and join the devils.

Time passed, and the second half of the night passed quickly.

The sky is bright.

"problem occurs!"

"problem occurs!"


Sure enough, as soon as the sky dawned, there were bursts of screams from the Zhao family compound and the Yang family compound.

This voice was filled with fear and helplessness.

Yang Fei didn't take all the people away from these two courtyards.

He just took away the most important people. As for the rest, they are useless. Taking them is a waste of time.

So, it was these people who found the accident in this compound.

Their yelling instantly alarmed the other people in the compound, and this time, things exploded.

The entire compound was startled.

You know, in Zhao Yang Town, the Zhao family compound and the Yang family compound are the real bosses, the existence of the masters.

Now, something happened.

That's not bad.

There are butlers in Zhao Family Courtyard and Yang Family Courtyard.

They are all old housekeepers, confidantes of Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong.

"What's going on? What about the guards outside?"

After the old butler received the news, he questioned with a gloomy expression.

After all, I'm getting older, I got up late, and I don't know the news yet, so what happened.

"Old lady, young mistress, and young master are all gone, all gone, the guards are dead, dead, all dead!"

"Housekeeper, what should we do? If the master blames him, what should we do?"


Now, these people are all panicked.

Even the experienced old butler was shaken for an instant after hearing the news, and almost passed out.

What the hell is going on?
Retribution, retribution!

Of course, the old butler mentally shouted retribution.

Others may not know what's going on, but he knows it very clearly in his heart.

The master has done all kinds of bad things, but this is what he fears the most.

But there have been no accidents for such a long time, they were all negligent, negligent.

This is someone who wants to take revenge on their master.

Someone is here for revenge.

"Okay, shut up all of you, what's the use of crying, you guys, go to Pingnan County to find the master immediately, and report the matter here, and don't disturb other people, you can't make things big now, hurry up go!"

The old butler was very experienced, so he ordered directly.

He is very clear, the more at this time, the more silent he is.

Otherwise, it will only make more people read the joke, and things will end badly by then.

Now, they are the devil's hardcore, they are big traitors, and the people in Pingnan are watching them. Once it gets out, hehe.

At this moment, the old stewards of the Zhao family compound and the Yang family compound made the same decision.

"Dispose of the bodyguard's body. People in the town are optimistic about it. Anyone who dares to talk too much will be beaten to death by me directly!"

Just as the messenger left, the old housekeeper issued another order.

"You all, go back to me, what should be done, don't make a lot of noise, everything will be discussed after the master comes back!"

Following the words of the old steward, the Zhao Family Courtyard and the rest of the Yang Family Courtyard did not dare to say anything, and all went back.

However, the fear in their hearts grew stronger and stronger at this moment.

They are really afraid. After doing so many bad things, they are afraid of being liquidated and losing their lives.

After enjoying it for so long, after death, there is nothing left!

They are looking forward to and expecting in their hearts that the master will return and deal with this matter well, so as not to cause too much trouble!
(End of this chapter)

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