Chapter 2872 Rage

At dawn, Yang Fei opened his eyes and stretched comfortably.

"Everyone is up, up!"

Looking at the recruits who were still soundly asleep, Yang Fei shouted directly.

While shouting, Yang Fei rubbed his face with his hands a few times, picked up the cloth bag on the side, opened it, took out the remaining slices of meat, and started to eat.

"Company commander, it's dawn!"

"I haven't slept enough yet, I slept so late last night."

"Me too, just get some sleep!"


The recruits who were woken up by Yang Fei didn't get enough sleep.

Not to mention them, Yang Fei is the same.

After working until the middle of the night, it was considered a sleep.

But the time is too short, if nothing happens, Yang Fei will let them continue to sleep.

It's a pity that there are tasks coming next.

I can't continue to sleep, otherwise, it will be delayed.

"Bullshit, I want to sleep too. It's so good to sleep beautifully. Unfortunately, I can't sleep now. If we continue to sleep, our actions last night will be in vain!"

While eating, Yang Fei pointed to the bag and said, "Eat quickly, you have to work after you are full, don't waste time!"



Hearing Yang Fei's words, the ten recruits stopped complaining in an instant.

Yes, it is still important to act.

If you sleep less once, you will die. After completing the task, you can sleep as you want when you go back.

Soon, Yang Fei and ten recruits ate up the leftover meat slices from last night.

This is all right, no more rations.

However, Yang Fei is not worried. Today, they want to eat delicious food, which is the kind of big fish and big meat.

He believed that Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong would prepare all these things.

Not ready, unless these two guys really don't want to live.

Don't forget, the person they care about is in Yang Fei's hands.

So, with this in mind, Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong, the two big traitors, will definitely treat Yang Fei and the ten recruits as ancestors.

For this point, Yang Fei is very sure and confident.

After eating and drinking enough, Yang Fei took ten recruits and walked towards Zhao Yang Town.

Of course, they didn't go directly into Zhao Yang Town, but found a place outside and waited.

"Close your eyes and take a nap. Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong haven't come back yet. When they come back, let's go see them. When the time comes, let these two beasts give us something to eat and drink, haha!"

Yang Fei leaned directly against the wall and closed his eyes.

Abandoned house, very safe.

At this time, no one will come here.


"Go to sleep first!"


As for the ten recruits, they found a place to release them and began to take a nap.

Of course, vigilance cannot be discarded.

At the very least, Yang Fei was really taking a nap, not falling asleep at all.

The real elite fighters all have this ability. During the rest, they maintain [-]% vigilance, and they can wake up with the slightest movement.

This is also the ability trained on the battlefield.

It is impossible for soldiers who have never been on the battlefield to have such vigilance.

This is also the reason why Yang Fei at this time was so confident that he let the recruits go to sleep directly.

Now, it is enough for him to be vigilant.

Yang Fei, who closed his eyes, began to think about the next plan.

His next plan is not in Pingnan.

But after taking Pingnan, how to develop, how to kill the devils outside, and so on.

These are all things that he, the company commander, needs to consider.

Once he wins Pingnan, he is no longer the company commander.

When the time comes, the team will grow bigger and the responsibility will be even greater.

These things have to be thought out in advance and prepared in advance.

Fortunately, Yang Fei was the team leader before.

So, these things can't help him.


time flies.

"Tap Tap!"


Half an hour later, there was a sound of horseshoes.

Yang Fei didn't open his eyes when he heard this movement, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The protagonist of this action has appeared.

As for the recruits, they were woken up by the sound of horseshoes being blasted, and they touched their guns and looked at Yang Fei.

"The lord is here, let's get ready to meet the two of them, haha!"

Yang Fei laughed out loud.

The recruits also breathed a sigh of relief.

They thought it was the devils and the Imperial Association Army that surrounded them, and they were shocked.

Seeing that this is not the case, I feel relieved.

Damn, scary.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the appearance of these ten recruits, Yang Fei immediately laughed.

Look, this is the recruit.

If they went to the battlefield, such recruits would have no reason to survive.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Yang Fei keeps planning and plotting.

Otherwise, if you take the recruits directly to fight against the devils, the result will be too miserable.

In the end, there were not many fighters left.

This is not what Yang Fei wants.



Seeing Yang Fei's smile, the ten recruits also smiled embarrassedly.



Now, in front of the company commander, they lost their adults.

"Okay, get ready, come with me to meet these two guys!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he ignored the recruits and turned his gaze to Zhao Yangzhen not far away.

As for the recruits, they also immediately got ready.

At the very least, clothes need to be changed.

If you go to see the Imperial Association Army and don't disturb others, then you have to change into the clothes of the Imperial Association Army.

Although I don't want to wear this dog skin.

However, in order to kill more devils, they must wear it now.



"Damn bastard!"

"Damn it, who is it?"

"Who is it?"

"Don't let me know who you are, I will kill you when I find out!"

"Damn bastard!"


At this time, Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong were extremely angry and furious.

Here in Pingnan, there are still people who dare to touch their family members, they really deserve to die, they are so daring.

Simply put, it's a cowardice.

Don't let them know who it is, otherwise, they must be killed, all killed.

Of course, Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong were worthy of being the commander and deputy commander of Pingnan of the Imperial Association Army, and they calmed down instantly.

"Let's do this first!"

"Keep quiet!"

Zhao Yixuan and Zhao Yixuan thought of going together.

As for Yang Dong, he also came to Zhao Yixuan after getting angry at home.

After all, such a thing happened at the same time, and it was aimed at the two of them, so we had to discuss it carefully.

Otherwise, who knows what will happen next.

Now targeting their family members, the next step is to kill them both.

The most important thing is whether the family members are still alive.

These damn things are going to break their roots.

What are they being traitors for? Just to survive and let their family members live well.

Look at how powerful the imperial army is, what to resist, resistance is death, and there is no resistance.

(End of this chapter)

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