Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2873 It's Difficult

Chapter 2873 It's Difficult
In fact, all the traitors in this period thought so.

The little devils are really too powerful. I didn't see that they took so much time to occupy so many places.

Those who resist are not opponents at all.

As for themselves, they don't have any choice, they don't want to die, but for the future, just be traitors.

Willingly, at least, survived.

Looking at it now, not only have I survived, but I also have food, drink and money to spend, and everything.

Isn't it just betraying the country and being dogs with little devils? They are willing.

This is what these traitors think in their hearts.

Similarly, these traitors, damn it.

A group of extremely selfish guys, traitors, shouldn't they deserve to die.

Speaking of which, many people hate in their hearts. They hate these traitors more than they hate little devils.

Anyway, the little devil is an invader, and these traitors are all their own people.

My own people bring devils to kill their own people, is this f*cking human?

Not even a beast!
Therefore, at this time, Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong also knew clearly.

Someone seems to have started targeting them for revenge, and the ones getting rid of now may be their family members.

Even more frightening, it was silent.

And the next step may be the two of them.

Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong felt at this moment that last night, they were not at home, and something happened at the devil headquarters in Pingnan County, so they escaped the catastrophe.

Otherwise, they would have been murdered last night.

When you think about it, their hearts are full of fear.

At this point, they don't want to die.

However, after a while, Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong changed their minds.

"Old Zhao, if this group of people wants to kill us, they can just kill them directly. Why didn't they even leave their bodies behind?"

Yang Dong had completely calmed down at this time, he looked at Zhao Yixuan, and expressed his doubts.


Now, upon hearing Yang Dong's words, Zhao Yixuan was also taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized it.

Yes, the purpose of these people must be revenge.

However, in terms of revenge, you just kill the person and it's over, why take the person away.

"Is it because the two of us are not at home, they didn't kill people, but took people away, trying to threaten us!"

Zhao Yixuan thought of this.

Although, the two of them are dogs in front of the little devil.

But, that is also in front of the little devil, and in front of others, he is also a big shot.


Because the two of them are the commander and deputy commander of the Imperial Association Army in the Pingnan area.

With this status, it is also difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong were undoubtedly relieved.

As long as the family members are not killed, it means there is still talk.

This is also before, the two made a decision not to say anything.

Otherwise, once these people who are hiding in the dark are angered, it will really be over.

"Then what is in front of the two of us now, for the safety of our family, we have to keep quiet and wait!"

Yang Hu nodded, sat on the chair, took out his cigarette and started smoking.

"That's the only way, wait and see!"

Zhao Yixuan didn't have any good solution at this time.

The only thing he could think of was to keep quiet and resolutely not to make a big deal out of it.

Otherwise, the family members would be in danger, and it would be hard to explain if the imperial army found out.

Regarding this point, the two of them understood very well in their hearts.


At this moment, Yang Dong, who had just sat down to smoke, instantly stood up with horror on his face, and his body trembled a little.

At this time, he was terrified in his heart, and based on the things in front of him, he thought of what happened a few days ago.

"What's the matter, surprised?"

Zhao Yixuan was taken aback by Yang Dong's sudden movement, and asked with a frown.

"You forgot what happened a few days ago. The two artillery towers and one stronghold outside Pingnan Mountain, the imperial army and the imperial association army, all disappeared, without leaving any clues. We checked so For a long time, there is no clue left, those imperial army and imperial association army, they still don't know if they are dead or alive, you forgot, my big brother!"

When Yang Dong said this, the fear in his heart was even more difficult to suppress.

Originally, when this incident happened, he was always worried in his heart that the imperial army was not an opponent, and they all disappeared frankly. If they were targeted at them, then they would be finished faster.

Who would have thought that in just a few days, it would really fall on me.

What the hell, fear, fear!

"You mean, it's a group of people who did this thing, and this group of people is already eyeing us!"

Zhao Yixuan's complexion at this time also became cloudy and uncertain.

As for the heart, it must be extremely fearful.

It's just that he is a bit older than Yang Dong, and his concentration is not bad, it's not so obvious.

He thought in his heart, if this is really the case, it will be the real trouble.

As for the imperial army and imperial association army that disappeared before, in his opinion, they are definitely dead.

Otherwise, it has been such a long time, how could there be no news yet.

He also didn't know what the Major Saburo Ono was thinking, why he didn't decide on this matter, and started to investigate vigorously.

He felt that if people from the villages outside Pingnan Mountain, the artillery building where the accident happened, and the villages near the stronghold were worn and tortured, they would definitely be able to know the truth.

He really couldn't figure out, what was Saburo Kojima who was decisive in killing before, what was he thinking, what was hesitating.

"In my opinion, this is the truth, otherwise, how could such a thing happen."

At this time, Yang Dong had already made up his mind about this matter.

"First the imperial army had an accident, and then the two of us had an accident. Don't forget, if an accident happened to the two of us, how happy it would be for those pariahs who hate us to the bone. I think , This is what they did, otherwise, how could such a thing happen?"

At this time, Yang Dong was analyzing clearly and logically.


Now, even Zhao Yixuan had to believe it.

However, there is no other way.

"Oh, wait!"

In desperation, Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong could only make this decision.

As for arranging people to be vigilant, no need.

It's useless.

They are so capable, if they really want to kill them, it would be useless to send someone.

Not to mention, what kind of virtues and fighting power the Imperial Association Army under them has, they are very clear in their hearts, it is useless!

Report to the Royal Army.

That would not work, it would only make them appear even more incompetent and without status in front of the imperial army.


(End of this chapter)

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