Chapter 2876

Zhao Yixuan knew in his heart that if he wanted his family to be safe, he would be fine, no matter what these people in front of him did now, it was right.

They can't have the slightest resistance, otherwise, everything will be over.

Even if they call for someone to arrest or kill the eleven people in front of them, what's the use?
It's useless.

At that time, my family and everything will be finished.

Everyone who cares is finished, what are they doing alive.

So, at this time, Zhao Yixuan didn't dare to resist at all.

As for Yang Dong, this idiot, this idiot, when he has a chance in the future, he must be taken away, and he must not be with such a reckless person.

At the very least, he must be removed from the position of deputy commander of the Imperial Association Army.

Otherwise, he might be the one who ran into the imperial army in the future and lost his life.

Because Yang Dong is his subordinate, if something happens, he has to bear the responsibility.

At this moment, Zhao Yixuan thought about this matter very clearly.

As for Yang Dong who was kicked, he also hated Zhao Yixuan in his heart.

Grandma, I treat you like a big brother, what do you think of me, shit.

Even if it's for my own people, it can't be like this.

Don't forget who we are.




We are the largest imperial association army in Pingnan area.

A commander of the Imperial Association Army and a deputy commander.

Why do you suffer from these little bastards?

At this moment, Yang Dong was going crazy.

However, Zhao Yixuan suppressed him fiercely, and he had no choice.

In desperation, this Yang Dong could only greet people and began to clear the tableware on the table.

As for his face, it really looked like he had been trampled on by something.

Not reconciled, what can I do if I am not reconciled, I can only endure.

Unless it's this time they all want to finish playing.

Bear with it.

Let's talk about it later.

As long as he can survive, he must make these hateful guys in front of him pay the due price.

Soon, they cleaned up the scene.

For this, Yang Fei is very satisfied.

Now he is going to toss these imperial association troops.

Let them start paying the price now.

When the tea was served, Yang Fei took a sip, feeling very comfortable in his mouth.

So, he said: "Your people are very safe with me. You can rest assured about this. Of course, the premise is that you are obedient. You know. If you are not obedient, you know the consequences. Of course, you can also try Try, tell the little devil about it, and see if it can save you, anyway, as long as there is a little trouble in Zhaoyang Town and Pingnan County, then you and your people, hehe, it will be fun."

Yang Fei directly stated the consequences.

In any case, this is also to guard against Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong, so let's jump over the wall in a hurry.

Anyway, Zhao Yixuan, Yang Fei felt, would be obedient.

Because, people who can calculate will always calculate after ensuring their own safety.

Otherwise, it would be useless to calculate again.

At that time, maybe, you will count yourself into it.

So, under such circumstances, Zhao Yixuan might not have any problems.

But this Yang Dong, this reckless man, it's hard to say.

The more reckless he is, the more accidents are likely to happen.

Therefore, at this time, Yang Fei must explain the consequences clearly in advance.

Otherwise, once there is an accident, it will be bad.

"I know, I know!"

Hearing this, Zhao Yixuan finally felt relieved, it's good for his own people to live, it's good to live.

At the very least, there is hope in life.

If you die, it's over.

At that time, it would be meaningless for him, the commander of the Imperial Association Army, to sit still.

"As for you, Yang Dong, I am very clear about your temper. I won't say too much. As long as you dare to leak the news, don't worry, you will be cut into pieces waiting for you. You have to think about it carefully. , that tastes like a thousand cuts!"

When Yang Fei said this, he looked at Yang Dong with cold killing intent.

That look, like that of a wild animal, has no emotion at all.


As for Yang Dong, he didn't care about Yang Fei's threat at first.

However, when he came into contact with Yang Fei's terrifying eyes, and then thought of the threat of a thousand cuts, his back instantly went cold.

Not only his back, but his entire soul, at this moment, seemed to be shrouded in hell-like fear.

There was only one thought in his mind, the man in front of him was a ruthless man who killed a lot of people.

Otherwise, there would not be such a big threat to him.

At this moment, all the luck in Yang Dong's heart was strangled to death by him.

Dare not have the slightest chance.

Death, he is not afraid.

It was just a fluke before, and I just thought that I was awesome, and I was the deputy commander of the Imperial Association Army.

Now, it's over, let's pull it down, what kind of deputy commander of the Imperial Association Army is useless.

The person in front of him can kill him now, and the person who can kill him, what else is he playing.

Be obedient.

"Sir, if you have something to ask, as long as we can do it, we will definitely do it. Even if we can't do it, we will find a way to do it for you!"

Zhao Yixuan was much smarter and said it directly.

As for Yang Hu, he doesn't have such a brain.

"Well, it's pretty good at work!"

Yang Fei nodded in satisfaction, and said: "What about you, what have you done? You are very clear in your heart. Being a traitor, killing your own people, and betraying the country are all trivial. I will kill you right now. , for you, it is all joyful!"


Hearing this, Yang Hu knelt down on the ground, trembling all over, with a look of fear on his face.

He is reckless, but he is most afraid of death.

But I dare not continue to be stubborn.

He thought about such a day, but who knew it would come so early.

It was a fluke before, but now I dare not.

"Sir, we have to, we really have to, you see, we don't want to, but this little devil is too strong, we don't want to die, we want to live."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yixuan immediately begged for mercy.

He was not as unbearable as Yang Dong, but said that the little devil was strong and he didn't want to die.

"Ha ha!"

Regarding this point, Yang Fei just smiled disdainfully: "Okay, I won't talk too much nonsense, what I want to tell you now is to take me to see the devil, and through you, make the devil believe me, and I will also give this Little devil, let's see how it feels, haha, if there are no accidents and you can do it well, you will be considered a meritorious service. At that time, your sins will be reduced, and I may forgive you, you know ?"

When Yang Fei said this, the murderous intent in his eyes slowly subsided.

Now is not the time to kill these beasts.

It's never too late, sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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