Chapter 2877
Yang Fei is still satisfied with Zhao Yixuan's attitude.

This is a smart person who knows when and what to do.

Reckless, it is useless.

At this time, if you choose to continue reckless, there is only one result waiting for you, which is death.

If this guy named Yang Dong still chooses to continue being reckless, then Yang Fei will let him know what real recklessness is.

If he is reckless, Yang Fei will do it too. When he becomes reckless, it will be even more terrifying!


Hearing that Yang Fei wanted to work for the Imperial Army, and also wanted to become the Imperial Army, this greatly exceeded Zhao Yixuan's expectations.

In Zhao Yixuan's cognition, people like Yang Fei in front of him absolutely want to kill traitors and devils.

So, it is impossible to become one with them.

And Yang Fei's purpose for doing this, now it seems, is only one.

That is, it is to engage the imperial army. As for them, the imperial association army, they are just eliminated by the way.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yixuan finally felt genuine fear.

In his heart, there was still luck before.

After all, if he fulfilled Yang Fei's entrustment, if he could survive, so could his own people.

Looking at it now, the possibility is not very great.

If Yang Fei messed with the imperial army, even if he was let go in the end, the imperial army who came after that would definitely not let him go and would kill him.

He knew too well about these imperial troops.

The imperial army is really too powerful.

As for Yang Fei, he is even more courageous.

He actually wanted to sneak into the interior and engage in the imperial army.

At this time, Zhao Yixuan's heart was full of bitterness.

Even though he knew the serious consequences, at this moment, does he have a choice?
Obviously, there is no choice.

There is no choice at all.

You can only do what you are told.

As for the result, it is up to fate, there is no way.

Yang Dong on the side was also dumbfounded at this moment.

In his heart, there was more fear than Zhao Yixuan.

What he is afraid of now is not the little devil, but Yang Fei, whether he will kill him.

He can kill even devils, let alone a traitor like him.

Don't look at him as the deputy commander of the Imperial Association Army.

However, at this time, farts are useless.

It's okay to scare ordinary people, but it's completely nonsense to scare a ruthless person like Yang Fei!

Deputy Commander of the Pingnan Imperial Association Army.

Fork it.


Ordinary people saw the detour.

Even small merchants and landlords have to beg for mercy if they are offended.

However, he is a traitor.

Yes, traitors.


This one is enough.

The identity that can deter ordinary people is a target for those who specialize in killing devils and traitors.

That's the prey.

And he, Yang Dong, was the prey at this time.

This is also the reason why Yang Dong is afraid.

I don't have the slightest confidence anymore.

Seeing his body like sifting through chaff, Yang Fei didn't bother to pay attention.

Things that bully the soft and fear the hard.

Even the recruits looked at Yang Dong with disdain.

I was very stubborn before, but now, I urinate in an instant, what is it!
"Sir, is this too dangerous?"

Zhao Yixuan's complexion also turned pale at this moment.

Of course, the danger he mentioned was not aimed at him, but at all of them.

They are discussing to engage the little devil here, and let him go to tie the knot. What the hell, if it is not done well, it will all be in the hands of the little devil in the end.

At this time, Zhao Yixuan really wanted to pull out his gun, point it at Yang Fei's head, and ask, are you an idiot or not.

How powerful the little devil is, we are just overthinking what we can do in this way.

Unfortunately, he didn't dare.

In front of Yang Fei, he didn't even dare to show any resistance.

To engage in little devils is to die later.

Of course, it is possible.

But if Yang Fei is angered now, he will die immediately.

How to choose, this Zhao Yixuan is not a fool, he knows how to choose.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Zhao Yixuan's performance, Yang Fei said disdainfully: "What are you afraid of, I am willing to kill devils, we are willing to kill devils, anyway, I have clearly told you now, our purpose is this, you have no choice, no If you are obedient, I will kill you now, and I will kill your own people when I go back. At that time, you will be done, and I can do it myself. It is just a waste of time to contact the little devil in person, do you understand?"

This is indeed the case, Yang Fei can find a chance, an accident happens, and kill Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong.

At that time, he will be able to pretend to be the Imperial Association Army, contact the little devil, and achieve his goal.

But, it's a bit of a waste of time.

But what Yang Fei wants most now is not to waste time.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be here, talking to the traitors of the Imperial Association Army, he would have killed them long ago.


Zhao Yixuan understood that he had no choice, so he agreed: "You tell me how to do it. In addition, our people, please don't hurt them."

At this time, Zhao Yixuan pretended to be an innocent person.

He never thought of those hateful scenes when he, as a big traitor and traitor, led his family to kill and oppress ordinary people.

What a beast they were at that time.

Now, it's time to pretend.

It can only be said that it is really not a thing.

"Ha ha!"

Yang Fei disdained again: "I told you before, if you are obedient, you may survive, but if you are not obedient, I guarantee that none of you will survive, understand? If you want to live, it depends on your presence The performance in the next time, as long as you work hard during the time of contacting the little devils, I can guarantee your safety."

That's what Yang Fei thinks. If Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong really make meritorious service, he can let the smallest roots of the Zhao family and Yang family stay.

Although, this smallest root is not a good thing.

However, at a young age, it can still be corrected.

The best thing is to follow them to kill the devils, and slowly correct it, and it can be regarded as atonement for their parents who are big traitors.

"Okay, thank you sir, thank you sir!"

Zhao Yixuan breathed a sigh of relief and thanked directly.

As for Yang Dong, he was relieved to hear that Yang Fei didn't kill them.

Anyway, it’s not the same to follow and do things.

Besides, it wasn't obvious, but it was hidden from the little devil, so he can survive now.

that's enough.

"There are several places in Pingnan where young and strong laborers are detained. You are very clear in your heart. Tell me, how many places like this are there?"

The traitor leaders must know about these situations, and they captured the people, so it would be strange if they didn't know.

Hearing Yang Fei's question, Zhao Yixuan immediately replied: "Yes, yes, there are five places where they are detained, namely Dayang Village, Zhaohegou, Jiangjiamiao, Mazhuangkou, and Liujiazhuang."

The five detention places were all established by their Imperial Association Army.

"How many young adults are detained in each place?"

Yang Fei continued to ask.

This is what he cares most about. How many people are imprisoned is related to how many soldiers he can train.

After all, these places are all in the Pingnan area, and these villages are young and strong.

These people are seeds and hope.

This is why Yang Fei is determined not to give up on them.

"In terms of the number of people, at least 300 people are detained in each place, and there are places with more than 500 people."

Zhao Yixuan replied directly: "I heard that these people may be sent away after a while!"

"Send it away, where to send it?"

Regarding this point, Yang Fei was very puzzled and asked directly.

What the hell, it's a good thing he's here, otherwise, once he's sent away, it's over.

"Send it to another place, to build a stronghold of a gun tower or something. Anyway, it's just to work. As for where to send it, I don't know. I just heard it from Kojima Saburo, but I don't know the exact time. Woolen cloth."

As for the details, Zhao Yixuan didn't know either.

(End of this chapter)

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