Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2878 The Plan Begins

Chapter 2878 The Plan Begins

Hearing this, Yang Fei was not surprised at all.

This is the virtue of little devils, arrest young and strong, work for them, engage in construction and so on.

Not enough to eat and sleep well, the final result is basically starved to death and exhausted to death.

The purpose of these little devils is very simple, which is to consume the vitality and squeeze the maximum value.

As for whether they are alive or not, they don't care. After finishing their work, they should all die.

This is the plan of these little devils.

It is no different from blatantly killing people.

There is no conscience, no humanity!
"Well, as long as you know the place, take me to see this so-called Kojima Saburo tomorrow, and you don't have to worry about the future, I can handle it myself."

After Yang Fei finished speaking confidently, he looked at Yang Dong again.


As for Yang Dong, after feeling Yang Fei's sharp gaze, he shivered all over and drooped his head.

Like a quail, not daring to move.

At this time, he was really afraid of Yang Fei.

I'm afraid that Yang Fei will kill him directly.

"As for the two of you, if you want to survive, just pretend that nothing happened, and do what you usually do, understand?"

Yang Fei warned: "If the little devil sees something abnormal, I believe you will know what the result will be."

Although Yang Fei's voice was not very loud, the coldness in his tone, to Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong's ears, was like the cold wind blowing up from the Nine Nether Hell.

"Yes, yes, I know what to do, sir, don't worry."

Upon hearing Yang Fei's warning, Zhao Yixuan immediately stated that he knew what to do in the next period.

He is not a fool, if he dares to resist at this time, he will die.

Let's wait honestly. As for what will happen in the future, let's talk about it later.

As far as the current situation is concerned, even if he plans ahead now, there is no way to plan.

After Zhao Yixuan finished speaking, Yang Dong on the side, at this moment, nodded like a chicken pecking at millet.

He didn't even dare to have the slightest idea now, and decided in his heart that it was right to follow Zhao Yixuan.

"Yang Dong, especially you, look at your current urination, if you appear in front of the devil, you will definitely reveal your secrets, so, I warn you, do it well in the next time, otherwise, hehe !"

Yang Fei won't say any more unnecessary nonsense.

As far as Yang Hu's virtue is concerned, he is really a loser to the old Yang family.

Anyway, Yang Fei has decided, this Yang Hu is so damn dead that he will never survive, when the matter is over, or when the matter stabilizes, he will kill this Yang Hu and let him do the evil for himself, Atonement.

"Don't worry, don't worry, sir, I know what to do, I really know what to do, don't worry!"

Hearing Yang Fei's warning again, Yang Dong was about to pee in fright, so he quickly promised again.

He thought helplessly and bitterly in his heart: "I'm in front of you, sir, I'm afraid of you, if you're not by my side, I can recover my growth, sir, fuck you, fuck!"

Indeed, Yang Dong was really helpless in his heart.

To get to the bottom of it, Yang Fei almost scared him to the pee.

Yang Fei directly suppressed him in front of him, and he couldn't calm down at all.

It's terrifying.

Didn't notice it when I first saw it.

But, at this moment, he was really afraid of Yang Fei.

Facing Yang Fei was like facing hell, it was really scary.

Under such circumstances, if he could still be calm, then he is not a traitor, he is not the Imperial Association Army, and he has already gone to business.

Unfortunately, he is not.

I can only put my tail between my legs and continue to be a grandson.

"Just be careful."

Yang Fei stopped talking about unnecessary nonsense, he looked at Zhao Yixuan, and continued to instruct: "When you see Saburo Kojima tomorrow, introduce me to him and say that I graduated from a military academy because I have been treated unfairly. , the people in the family also had accidents, so I joined the Imperial Association Army to take revenge, to train the Imperial Association Army, to take revenge, and..."

Yang Fei told Zhao Yixuan about his plan.

After all, the pre-work is ready, and Zhao Yixuan's cooperation is needed for the next time.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to complete it in a short time.

"Well, as you told me, I will definitely take care of it for you. In this way, I will go to Kojima Saburo in the afternoon to get some fresh air first, and then I will take you there tomorrow."

Zhao Yixuan is indeed a smart person, now he knows how to do things for Yang Fei.

Still the same sentence, working with smart people is very easy.

It's very worry-free.

Yang Fei thought about it for a while, this is also good, if you get a vaccination in advance, it won't look obtrusive, so as not to arouse the little devil's suspicion.

It would be bad if it aroused the little devil's suspicion.

"Then you can go this afternoon."

Yang Fei nodded in agreement, and continued to instruct: "Clean up a few rooms, and we will live in your compound first."

"Okay, sir, I'll give you an order right away, don't worry, during this time here, you can just say what you need, and I will serve you as much as I can."

Zhao Yixuan immediately agreed excitedly.

The idea in his heart at this time is also very simple.

As long as Yang Fei can use him, then he will be fine, and so will his people.

If Yang Fei doesn't need him anymore, then he will be finished, waiting for the result of him and his people, only one will be cleaned.

This is not what he wants, he wants to live.

In order to survive, don't pretend to be a grandson now, let alone when!
"As for you, follow Zhao Yixuan to see what to do."

Regarding Yang Dong, Yang Fei didn't want to say anything more.

Anyway, Zhao Yixuan is the most obedient, and Yang Dong, seeing how he is now, doesn't dare to do anything tricky.

They are all a group of things that are afraid of death, and they can't make any climate.

In the following time, Zhao Yixuan took Yang Dong away, and began to prepare the room and everything for Yang Fei and ten recruits.

in the hall.

"Company commander, will those two bastards sell us?"

"That's right, company commander, they are traitors of the Imperial Association Army, they dare to sell even the country, it is possible to sell us!"

"If they sell us, then the devils will come to beat us, company commander, what will we do then?"

"What should I do, explain it here!"


The ten recruits, seeing Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong leaving, immediately started talking to Yang Fei.

In their hearts, there is fear.

After all, Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong are big traitors without the slightest bottom line, so it is very possible to sell them to the devil in a blink of an eye.

Anyway, for these two traitors, they didn't believe at all in their hearts.

"Haha, nothing!"

Yang Fei waved his hand indifferently.

He has this confidence in his heart.

Zhao Yixuan and Yang Dong absolutely dare not tell the kid about them.

He promises!
(End of this chapter)

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