Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 296 The Wolf Slaughter Plan Begins

Chapter 296 The Wolf Slaughter Plan Begins
Zhao Shaojun and Qian Xuguang planned very well. The two of them waited for the completion of the wolf slaughter plan, and after the Eighth Route Army in the county was wiped out, they went to the county.

The two of them thought this way, after everything calmed down, they would go back to the county seat and officially enjoy their blessings, becoming masters under the imperial army.

Today, not only the landlords and wealthy households in various villages in Lingchuan took action.

At this time, Colonel Takamori who was far away in Gaoping also got up early today, and he arrived at the school grounds.

Yesterday afternoon, he had already issued an order to cooperate with the Wolf Slaughter Plan to attack LC County to completely wipe out the Eighth Route Army Wolf Warriors in LC County, as well as the Eighth Route Army's Chinese soldiers in Lingchuan area.

For today's battle, Takashi Takamori vowed to wash away the previous shame and completely restore his previous prestige of the Takamori United.

On the school field today, a large number of little devils have gathered. It seems that there are more than a thousand people.

"The card is mine!"

Seeing the arrival of Colonel Takamori Takamori, the little devils on the school field immediately saluted neatly.

The hearts of these little devils are excited today, because they have heard about the wolf slaughter plan, and today they will enter the Lingchuan area, kill all the Eighth Route Army in the Lingchuan area, and regain the command of LC County right.

"Warriors, you are the sun rising in the east. You are brave. His Majesty the Emperor is watching you. Go forth, my warriors!"

Takamori Takashi shouted loudly, he was boosting the morale of the warriors of the empire.

"Eagle Forest United!"

"Eagle Forest United!"


Hearing Mr. Takamori's encouragement, the morale of the little devils was completely raised, and they started shouting heart-piercingly on the school field.

"Haha, attack, wait outside the Lingchuan area, wait for the explosion, after the explosion is over, officially march into Lingchuan, and completely wipe out the eight roads in Lingchuan, I will let the Lingchuan area be included in my big RB empire again Within the territory, kill the chicken, warriors!"

Following Takamori Takashi's order, and under the leadership of Nakazuo Aoba Sanwen, the little devils set off.

"Ha ha!"

Colonel Takamori was extremely excited at this moment. After all, he had also seen the entire wolf slaughter plan, and deduced it on the map. As long as there was an explosion, their imperial warriors would be facing the remnants of the Eighth Route Army. .

At that time, under the charge of the imperial tiger and wolf division, the entire Lingchuan will soon return to the embrace of the empire.

"Lei Zhan, accept the move, mine will turn your wolf group into a group of dead wolves!"

Takamori murmured with fierce eyes.

This time, it was imperative for him to take Lingchuan into his hands.



What Colonel Takamori didn't notice was that beside a corner behind the school yard, Koi Sosaka, who was leaning on crutches, suddenly had a strange smile on his face.

Afterwards, Koi Sokakasa left here and walked behind.


Jiangwangzhuang, Sanlian's resident.

"Haha, thank you, folks, you have worked hard."

Three consecutive long Jiao Sanye looked at the common people pouring into the barracks with joy, and thanked them constantly.

"You're welcome, you're welcome, we military and civilian families are close."

Among the more than 20 ordinary youths, one took the lead and quickly said with a smile.

"Come on, brothers, quickly send these vegetables and food in."

The leading young people walked into the barracks with more than 20 young people, pushing a cart, carrying a basket, and carrying food.

"Good, good, good!"

Seeing this scene, the commander of the third company, Jiao Sanye, suddenly laughed and started talking.

"Ha ha!"


The soldiers next to Company Commander Jiao Sanye also laughed happily.

"Hmph, idiots, I'll let you know how powerful it is in a while."

The young man in the lead looked at the laughing Eighth Route Army, and immediately cursed in his heart with disdain. Thinking of the bombs in the car, in the basket, and in the sack, his heart became even more excited.

Anyway, after today, these dirt roads in front of him will be finished, and after completing the task, he will receive a big reward after returning.

The thoughts in the hearts of the rest of the young people are similar to those of the leading youth.

"Hehe! Brothers, let's go to training, don't disappoint the wishes of the common people, we have to defend our home and country!"

Looking at the civilians walking into the barracks, Jiao Sanye smiled again and said.

However, the last few words of his sentence can be said when he gritted his teeth.

"Let's go."

"Go to training!"


After hearing the company commander's order, the company soldiers behind them turned around and walked towards the training ground outside the barracks.




At this time, on the training ground, the recruits and soldiers are training.

Jiao Sanye, who came to the training ground, finally showed a gratified smile on his face when he saw the recruits in front of him.

The smile on his face now is completely different from the smile he had in the camp before.

"What a good fighter, if you blow up to death, then our Wolf Warriors will become a joke, hum!"

After Jiao Sanye snorted in a low voice, he glanced at the camp with disdain, got up and walked towards the recruits who were training.

But Jiao Sanye's veterans who had been following him just now had suddenly disappeared, not knowing what they were doing.


This kind of people entering the army camp to deliver things happened in the Lingchuan area, in the army camps stationed by companies and platoons.

They seem to have negotiated well.

The people in charge of each camp welcomed the people into the barracks with great enthusiasm, and finally asked the people to send the things they sent into the kitchen.

And these principals, the battalion, company and platoon leaders, walked out of the barracks and continued to guide the recruits in training.

Give them, enough space, to play!


"Ha ha!"


At this time, the landlords in Jiangwangzhuang were laughing with Zhao Shaojun and Qian Xuguang.

They knew in their hearts that as long as today passed, they would truly become masters in the Lingchuan area.

Their background will be extremely tough. It can be said that they can really run rampant in the Lingchuan area!
"Orchid flower, oil flower flower, ah... yah ha...!"

In the mountains and forests of Jiangwangzhuang, there was a strange singing sound at this time.

Looking around, I saw a red and dirty young man coming out of it.

The young man walked out while singing, and his steps were lame.

When I walked in, I saw that the young man's face was pale, and the red clothes on his body were stained red with blood.

"Ahaha, mother Huahua, little girl..."

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(End of this chapter)

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