Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 297 Kicks off

Chapter 297 Kicks off
LC County Headquarters.

Early this morning, Su Yunuan got up early, and after breakfast, Su Yunuan started strolling around the headquarters again.

Su Yunuan is very happy today, after all, the Wolf Slaughter Project will be completed today.

And the Wolf Warriors of the Eighth Route Army in Lingchuan will also be wiped out today.

Similarly, this county will once again be brought under the rule of the Great RB Empire.

As the creator of the wolf-slaying plan, Su Yunuan is proud. She feels that after the successful completion of the wolf-slaying plan, on the land of the Lingchuan area, the spirits of the warriors of the Yusha Empire can rest in peace.


At this moment, Su Yunuan found three people who came out of the conference room of the headquarters.

Lei Zhan, Zhang Jibing, Yang Xiaojing!

Seeing this, Su Yunuan greeted her with a smile on her face. Today, she is going to follow Lei Zhan every step of the way.

She wants to see with her own eyes, after the explosions in the military camps in Lingchuan, Lei Zhan's expression after hearing the news.

Including Zhang Jibing, anyway, since she came to the county headquarters, she has been very disgusted with Zhang Jibing in her heart.

There was also Yang Xiaojing on the side, seeing that this woman had a prettier face and a better temperament than her, Su Yunuan felt very jealous.

"Captain, what are you doing?"

Su Yunuan came to Lei Zhan and the three, saluted Lei Zhan and Zhang Jibing, and asked with a smile.

"Oh, little Su warrior!"

Seeing Su Yunuan who suddenly appeared in front of him, Lei Zhan smiled and said hello.

"Soldier Xiao Su, don't you have any missions today?"

Zhang Jibing looked at Su Yunuan who suddenly appeared with a smile, and asked with an inexplicable expression on his face.

Yang Xiaojing smiled slightly at Su Yunuan, but did not speak.

Lei Zhan and Zhang Jibing called Su Yunuan "Soldier Xiao Su", not Comrade Xiao Su.

It was because the two felt that using the word comrade for the spy in front of them was an insult to comrades.

You must know that only revolutionary fighters with the same ideals and beliefs can become comrades with each other.

And Su Yunuan in front of her is not qualified at all, because she is a real little devil.

Similarly, seeing Su Yunuan suddenly appearing in front of them, Lei Zhan and Zhang Jibing looked at each other, the expression in their eyes, probably only the two of them could understand.

"We're going to the mountain forest training ground today to see how the recruits are training. Why, Xiaosu fighters are interested?"

Lei Zhan looked at Su Yunuan and said with a smile.

He wished that Su Yunuan would follow. In this case, Lei Zhan would be spared other efforts and just let Su Yunuan see her own wolf-slaying plan.

"Well, I'll go with you too, Captain. After all, I haven't been out of the county since I came to the county."

Su Yunuan looked at Lei Zhan and replied with a smile.

"Okay, let's go, let's go together!"

Lei Zhan directly agreed.

Hearing that Lei Zhan agreed to Su Yunuan's request, Zhang Jibing also had a smile on his face, but behind Zhang Jibing's smile, there was a bigger meaning behind it.

Yang Xiaojing just watched quietly from the side.

Then, under the leadership of Lei Zhan, a group of four people, sitting in a military truck, left the county town and headed for the mountain forest training ground.




Ten minutes later, the truck stopped outside the forest, and Lei Zhan took Zhang Jibing, Su Yunuan, and Yang Xiaojing out of the car.

As soon as they got out of the car, they heard the sound of gunfire in the forest.

"The fighters are practicing shooting drills today."

Zhang Jibing's voice sounded.

"Well, let's go in and have a look!"

After Lei Zhan responded, he walked towards the mountain forest training ground with a serious face.

The three people behind followed closely.

During this period, Su Yunuan's eyes kept looking around, and she remembered all the surrounding terrain in her heart.

After all, after the Wolf Slaughter Project started, the Eighth Route Army soldiers in this forest might go to support various aspects.

Therefore, she must keep the surrounding terrain in mind, and come up with a countermeasure to wipe out all the fighters in the mountain forest training ground here, and not let them go to support.

But what Su Yunuan didn't notice was that Yang Xiaojing behind her had a look of disdain on her pretty face.




In the forest training ground, there are more than 2000 recruits, some of whom are in physical fitness, fighting training, and shooting training.

Looking at it now, after such a long period of training, the recruits in front of them no longer had the decadent appearance they had before.

Now they are very energetic, and their eyes are completely different from before.

That kind of spirit, after people see it, will brighten their eyes.

What does this represent? It means that they have completely bid farewell to the past at this time.


"political commissar!"

"Miss Xiaojing!"

Seeing Lei Zhan coming, the instructors in the training ground hurried over and saluted Lei Zhan, Zhang Jibing and Yang Xiaojing.

As for Su Yunuan, she was put aside at this time, after all, the instructors here didn't know Su Yunuan at all.

Su Yunuan, who was at the side, was taken aback when he heard the soldier address Yang Xiaojing.

She didn't expect that the instructor who led the training of two thousand recruits here would even call Yang Xiaojing "Sister!"

Therefore, at this time, Su Yunuan felt that Yang Xiaojing's identity was not simple.

At the same time, she snorted coldly in her heart. Unexpectedly, with her experience as an agent, Yang Xiaojing's identity was not discovered during the conversation with Yang Xiaojing yesterday. This made her a little angry, and at the same time, she felt a little bit shocked.

"Let's gather, I will arrange a field training plan for you today."

Looking at the instructor in front of him, Lei Zhan immediately gave the order.

"Oh, don't forget, fully armed."

Later, Lei Zhan added another sentence.


The instructor who heard the order showed a hint of excitement in his eyes, turned and left, and began to give orders.

After training for such a long time, is the regiment leader finally going to test, the instructor thought in his heart.

Su Yunuan, who was on the side, was surprised again after hearing Lei Zhan's order.

She didn't understand what Lei Zhan's order meant, field training, but also fully armed, what is this for?
Su Yunuan couldn't figure it out. She felt that after staying in the headquarters for so long, she seemed to have overlooked something.

However, now that I suddenly think so, I can't remember where I neglected it.


Seeing Su Yunuan's puzzled look, Zhang Jibing snorted coldly in his heart.

For the little devil in front of him, he has long disliked it. It just so happened that today he asked her to fight with her, and let her see with her own eyes the fate of the invaders, devils and beasts.

"It's just right, soldier Xiao Su, you should go along with this training!"

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(End of this chapter)

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