Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3203 Incomparably Bitter

Chapter 3203 Incomparably Bitter

He really can't calm down now.

Only anger, even rage.

Because the loss is too great, the gap is too great.

What was on his mind before?
Take this huge harvest into your bag completely, and completely turn it into your own military merits, and become the food for the imperial chief officer to be promoted to a major general officer.

Now, it's gone!

Not only are they gone, none of the imperial soldiers who went to Zhongli Mountain to participate in the siege before came back, and they all confessed that they were there.

This is not a small number of troops, but several brigades.

That's it.

You know, there are quite a few brigades, but the troops he just added in just now are gone again.

All previous efforts were in vain.

How could he accept it.

I have the heart to die, but I still accept it, it's just accepting a fart.

He was fine, he didn't directly lift the table.

If he followed his previous temper, he would definitely turn the table over.

Of course, the words of Colonel Kitano Eji are not useless.

At the very least, let Colonel Matsubara, who was in anger, interrupt his savings of anger points.

Otherwise, the subsequent outburst of anger will be even more serious.

Colonel Matsuhara Nori is likely to completely lose his mind in the outbreak.

At that time, the result will be truly terrible.

If there is anger and anger, just pierce it and vent it. If you roar for a while, you must not accumulate it, otherwise, the final volcanic eruption will be truly terrifying.

Regarding this, Colonel Kitano Eji knew very well, so at this time, he directly pointed out to Colonel Matsubara Nori, which could be regarded as puncturing the brewing volcano in advance and erupting in advance.

Anyway, after the outbreak now, if you want to explode in the future, it will be difficult.

Things are sometimes as simple as that.

Master Kitano Eji, who is proficient in calculations, is very clear about this.

Although his proficiency in calculations is not very proficient, but he is more snatched than this Matsuhara Nori.

At this time, in fact, only he himself dared to do this, and the rest of the officers did not dare to do it at all.

Officers who are younger than Colonel Matsubara are likely to be shot dead directly by Colonel Matsubara in anger.

There is only him, and no one dares to do this at this time.

Anyway, Colonel Song Yuanye didn't dare to kill him.

Regarding his yelling, Colonel Kitano Eji just looked at him calmly.

He had to wait until Colonel Matsuhara suppressed the anger in his heart and calmed down.

As for himself, he was actually very angry.

It's just that his control ability is relatively strong.

Otherwise, he would have lost his temper by now.




Sure enough, Colonel Matsubara, who had been roaring for a while, gradually calmed down.

He gasped heavily, and the redness in his eyes had slowly dissipated.

Although his heart is still painful, but, judging by his performance at this time, he has also begun to control his emotions.

He's not a fool, and a fool can't take the position of chief.

Soon, Colonel Matsubara calmed down and his face returned to calm.

"Kitano-kun, I'm sorry, I just laughed, I really can't accept this result, I feel like I really failed!"

Chief Song Yuanye had a wry smile on his face, all the previous hard work was in vain after going through this one time.

There is nothing left, and everything is lost.

He is not the same as Chief Kitano Jiangji, this guy has three brigades under his command.

Now, he has less than two brigades under him.

The loss is too heavy.

This is why he is angry, even violent.

"Mr. Matsubara, calm down. Since we failed, what we need to do now is to see how we failed and analyze the reasons for our failure. Only in this way can we succeed again. We must not be immersed in anger." Among them."

Grand Master Kitano Eji earnestly persuaded Grand Master Matsuhara Nori.

He is now eager to know the reason for this failure.

Otherwise, he would not even be able to eat.

So, now, he has to let Colonel Matsuhara Nori calm down first.

"I know, Kitano-kun, tell me first."

At this point, Colonel Matsuhara Nori was also aware of this, so he calmed down first, and let Colonel Kitano Eji speak first.

"Mr. Matsubara, I feel that all this is really a coincidence, just like what you said before, it is too coincidental."

Chief Kitano Jiangji said directly: "Before, I thought it was not the case, but now with this result, I can basically confirm that this is really not a coincidence, but a fact!"

Before, he didn't take this matter into his heart. After all, they were the first to attack. Such a sudden attack by such a few brigades would definitely be successful.

But in the end, it failed.

In this way, it is enough to explain the problem.

So, at this moment, he can confirm in his heart that this matter is not a coincidence, but a fact.

They were counted in.

Now it can be completely confirmed, that's it, he is calculating others, and others are calculating them.

Even, he was more skilled than him, and directly counted them into it, completely losing his wife and losing his army.

At this moment, Colonel Kitano Eji felt a serious sense of defeat in his heart.

Before, he calculated this and you calculated that very neatly.

Now, he was finally pecked in the eye by a wild goose.


Upon hearing this, Colonel Matsubara didn't say much.

He now feels that this incident is not a coincidence, and now, he can confirm it.

It's too much of a coincidence, it's a fact.

"Kitano-kun, if you say that, the other party has seen through our strategy, and based on our strategy, they backhanded us once."

Chief Matsubara smiled wryly, "But I still think our plan is very good, look at it now, ha ha!"

His smile was full of bitterness.

This feeling, to be honest, is really uncomfortable.

"No way, we didn't listen to Liu Yuan-kun's words at that time."

At this time, Chief Kitano Jiangji thought of the Liuyuan Hejia disguised by Yang Fei.

At that time, Yang Fei reminded them that things cannot be done, and they cannot be calculated too deeply.

Now, judging from the results, it is completely that they have reaped the consequences of themselves.


Colonel Matsuhara Nori sighed again: "Looking at it now, Liu Yuan-kun knows that the other party is not easy to deal with. There is no problem with a simple transaction. The transaction can be successful when both parties are beneficial, but if you want to eat the other party, it is really difficult. It's too difficult, the other party is too calculating, alas, this time we really fell, fell!"

At this point, there is really no way.

(End of this chapter)

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