Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3204 new method and sudden telegram

Chapter 3204 new method and sudden telegram

At this moment, Colonel Matsubara Nori also thought of Liuyuan Hejia's intentional or unintentional hint at that time.

It's a pity that they didn't take this seriously at all at the time.

Thinking of this now, it's too late to regret.

I really answered that sentence, if I knew this earlier, why bother.

It's true now, even if you regret it, it's too late.

Sorry for the first time.

"Mr. Matsubara, to be honest, I also regret it now, but I forced myself to calm down and analyze this at this time."

Kitano Eji continued to Matsubara Nori and said: "If I don't force myself to calm down, then I will definitely make a bigger mistake. At this time, I can only do this. You know Matsubara Jun, we are human, so we all make mistakes. What we can do is, after making a mistake, we should not make the same mistake again and again, but analyze why we made the mistake and correct it. Do you understand? Matsubara-kun?"

The strength of Kitano Jiangji lies in this place.

He won't complain about anything, and even if he fails, he won't immediately be immersed in the anger of failure. The first thing he has to do is to analyze why he failed?What is the reason for the failure?How to find out the reason?After correcting this point, you will not make such mistakes in the future, so ah, this is where the strength of Kitano Eji Dazuo lies.

On the contrary, Colonel Matsuhara Nori did not have this ability.

He is the kind who vents out directly after he has anger.

In other words, not much heart.

"Kitano-kun, if I'm wrong, I think it should be the one I said before. Our plan was leaked, or they saw it, and made a countermeasure directly based on our plan. Lishan has pretended to be a heavy artillery brigade, deliberately waiting for us to go, and the result now, our huge loss, should be what they want!"

Chief Matsubara Nori smiled bitterly: "Our previous deployment and plan obviously directly penetrated into the circle set up by others, but we didn't find anything, so we went in directly and planted each other Ambush!"

He felt that their mistake was that the other party saw their intentions and plans, and made a deployment specifically for them, that's why this happened.

This time, they really suffered a disadvantage.

At this moment, Chief Matsubara felt ashamed. He really felt his own powerlessness. The plan on his side was to walk according to the pace he had planned. Unexpectedly, it was because of a mistake in his own mind. , let yourself lose so much.

"Mr. Songyuan, we all know what you said, but our plan this time really made a mistake. Otherwise, it would be impossible to fail. Our plan is linked together, and Our plan is still flawless, but it was cracked by the other party unexpectedly, we really lost completely this time!"

At this time, Chief Kitano Jiangji sighed.

After listening to Kitano Eji's words, Chief Matsubara's face became more and more ugly, yes, it is indeed like this now.

Their plan this time was really perfect, but it was because he was too proud and complacent that he made the biggest mistake, and this mistake was seen through by the other party.

He is already doubting his judgment ability, but it is too late to regret it now.Colonel Matsuhara Nori is also a smart man.

Thinking about it now, he also understands why it became like this. In fact, he should have thought of it a long time ago. Their plan is so perfect, why did the other party find out.

And they didn't do anything wrong, why did the other party still see it? All of this is actually because the other party has extraordinary powers of observation. Their tricks are perfect in their eyes, but the other party still has a glance. Just found out, he really didn't know what else they could say, he really couldn't figure it out.

"Kitano-kun, I regret it now, why didn't I take a good look at our plans at that time, if I had taken a closer look at the beginning, such a thing would not have happened, I feel that our plan failed this time because We didn't do it well, we didn't grasp it well. We were indeed too careless."

Colonel Matsuhara Nori said with emotion.

He is regretting it now, he is indeed regretting it, but there is nothing he can do.

Colonel Kitano Jiangji nodded, and then said: "Yes, we are indeed careless, but we can't be blamed for this, who would have thought that our plan would be seen by the other party, and it's still so We quickly found a breakthrough, and in this case, we will be in a state of being beaten passively, so it is normal for our plan to fail."

Chief Matsuhara smiled bitterly and said, "Yeah, I understand that what you said is correct, and I regret it to death now. What should we do now?"

Colonel Kitano Jiangji shook his head and said: "Since we know what is wrong, we can just prescribe the right medicine in the next time and continue to deal with it. I don't believe that the heavy artillery brigade will not show its feet."

Matsubara Matsubara said distressedly: "Kitano-kun, what plans do we have now? We have failed now, and the defeat has been a complete mess. What plans do we have?"

Chief Kitano Jiangji smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Matsubara, we still have a chance to make a comeback, and there is a very good chance to make a comeback!"

When Colonel Matsuhara heard what he said, he immediately got excited and asked: "Kitano-kun, what is your plan, please tell me quickly, I want to know, I want to know our plan, What effect can it have? If our plan is feasible, then, next, we will have a chance to turn around."

Chief Kitano Jiangji smiled slightly, and then said: "Mr. Matsubara, do you feel regretful now, and I also feel regretful, but I have nothing to do. Now, we still need your help, and this matter The key person in the matter is you."

Hearing what Kitano Eji said, Chief Matsubara immediately said, "Kitano-kun, you've really upset me by saying that. How can I help you? This time, I'm also responsible for the failure of our plan, so I said , you can just tell me what to do, I won’t delay.”

"Okay, if that's the case, then let's not waste any more time. Matsubara-kun, our plan is like this."

Chief Kitano Eji leaned close to Chief Matsubara's ear and whispered his plan.

After hearing the plan of Chief Kitano Eji, Chief Matsubara couldn't help being excited, because he really didn't expect that this time's plan would be so subtle and beautiful, it was so perfect that it couldn't be perfect , and their plan can be said to be playing with each other between applause.

Thinking of this, he was very excited, and very excited.

He is really happy now. Although the plan failed this time, the opponent may not always have the advantage, because the opponent is just a heavy artillery brigade, and this heavy artillery brigade is simply impossible. It was their opponent of the Imperial Army of the Japanese Empire.

This also means that they can still have a chance in the future, it depends on whether the method this time can be successful, and if it can be successful, there is absolutely no problem.

This is what Colonel Matsubara wants to see most now, so now Colonel Matsubara is really excited, wishing to go back immediately and implement this plan, but he can't do this, so he can only be patient It's been a while, and then I'm planning for the next step.

What he has to do now is to stabilize the other party first and make them think that he is really frightened by them, so they dare not act rashly. In that case, they can continue with his next plan.

I have to say that Colonel Matsubara's idea is really good and very suitable.

After listening to Chief Kitano Eji's plan, Colonel Matsuhara Nori nodded and said, "Kitano-kun, I support your plan very much."

Chief Kitano Jiangji smiled and said, "I think so too. Anyway, the goals of the two of us are still the same. We can still carry out my plan."

After Matsubara Nori and Kitano Eji finished their discussions, he left, and he immediately made arrangements for the people below to start implementing the plan immediately.As for Colonel Matsuhara Nori and Colonel Kitano Eji, this time they were really cruel, not only to deal with the Heavy Artillery Brigade, but also the 73rd Division.

No matter what, they will not let go even with the 73 division.

Don't look at them losing so much now, but they are still sure to continue to make a comeback.

Although they failed in this plan, it doesn't mean that they really have no chance of winning. Moreover, they still have a chance now, so their new plan this time is still hopeful. of.

As long as there are no accidents, the victory will definitely belong to their imperial army.

Regarding this point, at this time, the two officers, Matsuhara Nori and Kitano Eji, were thinking very well.

If you find the mistake, correct it, and make a new plan, then this time the action will definitely not fail again.

Chief Kitano Eji and Chief Matsubara Nori believed that as long as the plan started this time, the heavy artillery brigade would never discover this situation.

Don't forget, their people are in the liaison office of the Heavy Artillery Brigade.

Second Lieutenant Xiaoqiang is like a nail stuck in the liaison office of the Heavy Artillery Brigade.

As long as Second Lieutenant Xiaoqiang was in the liaison office of the Heavy Artillery Brigade, the first move would be theirs.

At this time, Kitano Eji and Matsubara Nori both believed that their luck would not always be so bad.

Otherwise, the two of them just find a place to crash and kill each other.

However, Chief Kitano Eji and Chief Matsubara Nori had a good idea.

It's a pity that things often don't develop in the way people think.

The two of them just calmed down their anger and thought of a new way.

And Feng Changxin's telegram was sent to the communication office of Chief Matsubara Nori through Second Lieutenant Xiaoqiang.

The devil officer in the communications department sent the telegram to Colonel Matsubara Nori and Colonel Kitano Eji as quickly as possible.

The original text of the telegram reads:
"Kitano, Matsubara, we have received the gift you sent us. We have cooperated very well and enjoyed it before, but I did not expect that you would give us such a good and big gift. Here, thank you in advance up.

In addition, here I tell you, welcome to do it, we will always like such gifts from you, and what's more, I want to tell you, if you do this again, I hope you will think about it carefully, and what else, In the future, you have to follow us to do things and obey our arrangements, do you understand?If you are not obedient, I will tell you what you have done during this period of time, the so-called commander-in-chief of the theater, Ishi Yoshitaro.

So, stop playing tricks, although I really like this kind of gift, but it really wiped out all of you, and all our previous deployments were wasted, do you know?

Also, be obedient, do things well, do what you are told to do, otherwise, you will all be finished, I believe you don't want such a result either.

Whether you believe it or not, these are my original words, if you work hard for us in the future, there may be a way out, otherwise, you will only have one result, that is, a dead end!
Goodbye, bye! "

To be honest, no matter who saw Feng Changxin's telegram, he would be half-deadly angry.

As for it, it was placed in front of Da Zuo Kitano Eji and Da Zuo Matsuhara Nori.

Seeing this telegram, Colonel Kitano Jiangji's complexion became completely gloomy.

Even, there is panic in the eyes, and the fear in the heart is even greater.

He couldn't believe the consequences represented by this telegram.

If this is the case, then he will be in hell, if he is really finished.

"Bagaya Road!"

As for Colonel Matsubara Nori, who managed to suppress the anger in his heart, seeing this telegram, the anger in his heart burned up again.

Once, like a volcanic eruption, he became furious.


Yes, Colonel Matsubara saw nothing but surrender in this telegram.

Handle, provocation and surrender.

Yes, that's it.

How could this be possible, he was the commanding officer of the Imperial Japanese Army, how could he surrender.

How can it be?

So, at this time, he was so angry.

Transactions are possible, surrender is impossible.

However, Colonel Kitano Jiangji at the side trembled in his heart and really lost his mind for a while.

He was really afraid that this matter would be picked up by Feng Changxin.

Once the truth of the matter really falls to Major General Shi Yitaro, the commander of the theater, no matter what the truth is, both of them are finished.

The deadly cool kind is over!

The more he thought about it, the more terrified Master Kitano Eji felt in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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