Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3234 This is aggression, this is wrong

Chapter 3234 This is aggression, this is wrong

Although, even if this matter is leaked, there is no problem, as they are all their own people.

But, this is an opportunity and credit, no one is willing to share opportunities and credit with others.

Not to mention, the opportunity and credit this time are so great. Under such circumstances, as long as someone knows about it, no one will refuse this opportunity and credit, and they will definitely share it with the wild lieutenant .

Even, if his squadron leader and major officer knew about it, it would be more likely that he would take the credit and opportunity for himself.

This has completely happened in the past.

So, under such circumstances, this wild lieutenant at this time is so cautious.

He wants to keep it secret, and he can cover it as tightly as he can.

As long as it can be kept secret, it must be kept secret for as long as possible.

So, at this time, after hearing the movement, he was in a hurry, and started to pack up these small books that he had painstakingly recorded as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, once someone sees it, and after the opportunity is taken away, he spent so much time recording this little book, wasted so much time, and didn't sleep well, just to get this little book right It will be snatched by them.

Who made him just a lieutenant officer?

"Katano-kun, are you in Katano-kun?"

At this time, the little devil who knocked on the door outside saw no movement for a long time, and immediately became anxious, and started to shout, he wanted to make sure that Lieutenant Katano was in the room.

In fact, Lieutenant Katano, who was in the room at this time, didn't want to say anything, and let the people outside go straight away.

But, when he thought about it, he didn't do anything shady, at most it was a secret thing, there was no need to do it at all, so he said directly: "Come here, Mr. Tian Gu, I'm here Sleep, wait for me to wake up!"

After packing up his things, Lieutenant Katano took off his shirt and held it in his hands.

What's more, he even took off his shoes, and just stepped on them without even mentioning them, and just walked towards the door like this.

It's a matter of details.

People outside will never doubt him when they see his current appearance.

From this aspect, it can also be seen that Lieutenant Pianye is a very careful guy.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to do these things in such a short period of time.

This is the gap between people.


After opening the door, the chubby Lieutenant Tagani Incheon looked at Lieutenant Hirakatano who was carrying his clothes and sighed and complained.

"Katano-kun, how do you sleep in broad daylight? Sleeping is so boring, yo!"

However, just after saying this sentence, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan immediately froze for a moment, and exclaimed: "You are so tired, what are you going to play? It took so much energy, hehe, hurry up Let me tell you, where did you go to play, or did you find something interesting? The work of the flower girl, isn't it?"

At this moment, Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon's eyes lit up completely.

Combined with his chubby figure and his shining eyes, let alone how wretched he is.

At first glance, he is not a good person, nor is he a good thing.

This look, matched with his figure, is simply not a good guy.

"What are you thinking about?"

Lieutenant Katano yawned, and said tiredly: "I don't know why, just these two days, I just want to sleep and don't want to do anything, besides, we don't have any tasks here, what else can I do? Miss Hua, if there is For Miss Hua, can I not call you? Besides, I never called you before, really!"

Lieutenant Katano pursed his lips, looking very angry.

"Hey, Katano-kun, don't be angry, I'm just guessing, hey, I apologize, I apologize, go, go to my place to drink, good imperial sake, hey, I'm dragging businessmen from other war zones What I got here is authentic imperial sake, let’s go, let’s go!”

Without saying a word, Lieutenant Tian Gu Inchuan pulled up Lieutenant Katano who was not even wearing shoes, and dragged him towards his room.

"Wait, wait, you bastard, didn't you see all my shoes fell off?"

Lieutenant Katano struggled away, went back to pick up the shoes, put them on, and walked towards his room with the smiling Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan.

Soon, the two came to the room.

In the room at this time, a table of side dishes has been prepared, and there are two bottles of sake placed on it.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this, Lieutenant Katano's face suddenly showed a strong smile.

He took off his shoes and knelt down beside the table.

As for Lieutenant Tagani Incheon, you started pouring wine for Lieutenant Katano with a smile.

"Come here, Katano-kun, have a drink first."

Lieutenant Tian Gu Inchuan picked up the wine glass, handed it to Lieutenant Katano, and picked up his own glass, and Lieutenant Katano made a gesture, and drank directly.

"You ah you!"

Lieutenant Katano shook his head with a smile, and also drank the sake in the small wine glass.

Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon, can be said to be his best friend.

Before the two of them, as long as there were good things, they would definitely share them.

Just like eating and drinking in front of you.

Both of them had been courting each other before.

He found it a little comforting to be away from his loved ones.

Even to seize this opportunity in front of him and establish a good relationship with Yang Fei, he also thought about sharing this opportunity with his best friend.

But, after thinking about it, he gave up.

He feels that this opportunity is not the time to share it with others. At the very least, he can't reveal it at will when the Liuyuan Hejia that Yang Fei is pretending to have doesn't open his mouth.

After all, the two had agreed to keep it a secret before, so they kept it secret.

Otherwise, he would violate the confidentiality agreement.

What will happen then, he does not know.

But, he kept it in his heart, he thought, if he had a chance in the future, he would definitely take Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan with him.

It is still confidential and cannot be leaked.

The longer the secrecy, the greater the benefit to him.

As a result, he can only keep this matter a secret now.

no way.

However, Lieutenant Katano performed very well and didn't show it at all. Now drinking with Lieutenant Tagani Incheon is still the same as before.

"Come here, Katano-kun, you can taste this, I personally urged them to make sushi, how about the taste?"

Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon enthusiastically let Lieutenant Katano eat.

And Lieutenant Katano didn't have the slightest politeness, so he ate directly.

This guy, after the two of them came and went, they were immediately immersed in it, and they kept eating.

While eating, Lieutenant Katano also let go of the things in his heart, completely immersed in eating.

After drinking half a bottle of wine, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan's fat face began to turn red.

Even his eyes were slightly blurred. Of course, as a soldier, he was still able to stay awake.

If you continue to drink, then this sobriety and rationality may not be able to be maintained again.

As for the wild lieutenant, there was nothing wrong with it.

Although he also drank half a bottle of wine here.

However, his complexion only had a little, very little redness, not even rosy.

From this point, it can also be seen that Lieutenant Katano's drinking capacity is much, much better than that of Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan.

Otherwise, he wouldn't behave so calmly, as if nothing happened.

But the real situation is like this. It is a fact that Lieutenant Katano has a good drinking capacity. The little devils in Chaosheng area all know this and know this situation.

So, some people who are willing to drink are willing to find Lieutenant Katano to drink.

In fact, Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon asked him to drink, and the two became good friends, and this was the reason.

Wine is the best bridge of communication between the two.

This can be seen from Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan, whose face is flushed and his eyes are a little blurred.

Even Lieutenant Katano at this time knew that in the next time, it was time for this guy to start complaining.

Because in the usual times, this is the case. After this guy drank, he started to complain to him, complaining fiercely, regardless of whether he could say that or offend the officers above, especially their squadron leader Ji Lieutenant Assistant Feng Jiuye, that's what he said.

He complained fiercely just for his own pleasure.

The most important thing is, after this guy sobered up the next day, he didn't remember what he said at all, even if you mentioned it to him, he wouldn't remember at all.

At this point, Lieutenant Katano didn't know whether he did it on purpose or not.

After all, some people only dare to speak big words when they are drunk. When they wake up, they will not admit it. It is useless to have witnesses. Anyway, it is not what I said. If you ask again, it means that you are not with you We drank together.

So, on this point, he didn't know whether Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan was pretending.

Anyway, all he can do is keep his mouth shut.

Especially Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon, after letting him get drunk, it would be fine if he said it alone, and he would drink some wine and eat something.

Anyway, he can't get drunk, and he doesn't get drunk, let alone talk about things.

Because, he knows the truth that misfortune comes from mouth.

Saying too much, once or twice is okay, even ten or eight times is okay, but there are always accidents in this world, once someone really listens to it, you are finished.

Lieutenant Katano has been admonishing himself in his heart, and he has deeply remembered this truth, he must not make mistakes because he is drunk.

No, here's an example.

Lieutenant Katano was drinking, and looked at Lieutenant Tian Gu Inchuan whose eyes were slowly turning red.

"Katano-kun, tell me, why?"

After Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan swallowed a piece of sushi in one gulp, he immediately complained with red eyes.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Lieutenant Katano could only smile wryly and shake his head.

Because, this is similar to what Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan said when he was drinking last time.

He also said this last time.

With his previous experience, at this moment, he couldn't say anything more, he could only listen quietly.

"How are we worse than them?"

"We can also fight and lead troops. Although we are only a small lieutenant officer, we can also lead a small team of imperial soldiers to charge into battle, and even capture cities to continue to open up for the empire. But, What did we get?"

"You see, since we came to the Huaxia battlefield, we have only experienced a few small battles, and the big credits have been swallowed up by their backers. The ranks have been promoted so quickly. As for us, we can only be assigned to this Compared with them, we enjoy it, but we also have credit for it, and we also snatched the resources they need for the battle!"

"As for the credit, it's still not as great as theirs. Could it be that they can get all of this just because of their father's relationship and family network? What are we?"

Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon complained loudly.

Indeed, what he said is also a fact.

Among the little devils, there are also many factions, and the relationship is crushed.

This is a fact and a reality.

More truth.

"Mr. Tian Gu, we have no choice. At the very least, we are comfortable here, can enjoy ourselves, and don't have to go through the danger of war and lose our lives. Although they say that they have made great contributions, but the officers who were killed on the battlefield, There are also many."

The corners of Lieutenant Katano's mouth curled up. He didn't know whether it was disdain, gloating, or what, he continued: "Don't forget, these officers who were killed on the battlefield had very strong background relationships, and in the end, they still died. It's over, it's dead, it's over, what merit, what honor, what, is it useful? Mr. Tian Gu, in my opinion, it's useless, living is the most important thing!"

Lieutenant Katano said what he thought of after receiving the garrison mission.

Of course, he may not really support this point of view, but, the situation he is facing now, is the only thing that can explain it and comfort his heart.

Others, he didn't want to say more, because, ah, it's useless to talk about it.

"I know!"

"I know Katano-kun!"

"But, I'm not reconciled!"

"I'm really not reconciled. What I want is to go to the battlefield, serve the empire, and be promoted to a senior officer, not this kind of life. Even if it is death, I can accept it!"

Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon continued to complain loudly, and he said that for those honors and credits, he could give his life.

However, what he didn't know was that Lieutenant Katano in front of him had another idea in his heart at this moment.

That is, is the so-called holy war in this empire right or wrong?
Is it right or wrong for the empire to establish a political circle?

After such a long time, what I saw, what I saw, what I thought of, and what I thought about in the days after there was no fighting in this Chaosheng area.

He came to a conclusion, that is, the so-called jihad of the empire is the evil side and the unjust side.

The establishment of this pornographic circle is even more of a cover, a fig leaf.

This is their imperial army of the Japanese Empire, who ruthlessly invaded and trampled on China. The purpose of killing is to rob China's vast and fertile land and resources.

That is the purpose, the purpose of sin.

When he thought of this at the time, he was almost frightened to death, and he didn't dare to accept it.

He dared not tell anyone.

But, he knew, this was the answer.

The Great Japanese Empire was wrong, it was an aggression against China, it was a merciless aggression and trampling, it has already been killed.

This is wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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