Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3235 Lieutenant Katano wants the answer

Chapter 3235 Lieutenant Katano wants the answer

This matter is wrong, but how many people in the empire, especially the officers of the empire, can admit this.

Lieutenant Katano thought to himself, there are almost no people who are willing to admit this.

Because, invading China and forcibly occupying China's land resources, this is a lot of credit for these imperial officers.

It is the food for the promotion of imperial officers.

And these resources are necessary for the development of the empire.

Lieutenant Katano has already recognized this in his heart.

However, even at this moment, he understood what the truth was, and he was unwilling to admit it.

Because, he also thinks the same way, and wants to rely on these accumulated military achievements to raise his rank to the highest rank of lieutenant, junior officer, or even an officer at the general level that is simply out of reach.

this is the truth.

It is very difficult to realize what the facts are and want to admit it. It is still an interest to get to the bottom of it.

Just like himself, after seeing hope in Yang Fei's disguised Liuyuan Hejia, he wanted to hold this hope completely in his hands.

This is the law of true fragrance.

No matter what the truth is, what you get is the most important thing.

He also wants to be promoted and become a junior officer. You know, the treatment of junior officers is much, much better than that of lieutenant officers.

So, he is also such a person.

He also knew in his heart that this was wrong, and it was wrong to invade China.

However, he cannot violate the decision of the Great Japanese Empire, he can only follow along.

As for him, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan had a different idea.

What Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan thought was that he could go to the battlefield to accumulate military merits like those officers with background, and he was not afraid of dying on the battlefield.

But he didn't think so, how did he come here safely, it's too dangerous to go to the battlefield, it's better to guard here, collect resources for the empire, and accumulate such military exploits.

He deeply understands that when he dies, everything is gone.

To be alive is to have everything.

Even if his military exploits are small, that means he can survive.

He and Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon are not the same kind of people.

One is adventure.

One is conservative.

There are pros and cons to each.

The harvest is also very different.

If the adventure succeeds, the harvest will be much.

As for the conservative one, although it is safe, the reward is definitely much smaller than the risky one.

From the time he was sensible to the present, his persistence has been like this, and his choices have always been conservative rather than adventurous.

"Yes, we have no choice, but I just don't want to be reconciled, Katano-kun, tell me, compared with them, where is my difference?"

Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon continued to complain: "You know, we are not bad at anything, even our skills are greater than theirs, military skills, etc. When we were in school, many of them were not as good as us. , let's go, we can do it too."

What Tian Gu Inchuan said was indeed true. When he was in school, those guys' military skills were no match for theirs.

Even the instructors of the Imperial Military Academy think so.

"It's not the same, Mr. Tian Gu, I can tell you clearly, under the same circumstances, let us go, we are really not as good as them, this is a fact!"

Lieutenant Katano put down the wine glass in his hand, stared at Lieutenant Incheon Tagani seriously and said.


"It's impossible!"

"It's not the situation you said at all!"

"Under the same circumstances, how could we not be able to compare with their group of young masters!"



Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon just didn't believe this, and yelled directly.

He just didn't believe it.

It is also the most unacceptable idea.

Why not?

Why not?

This is impossible!

He just doesn't agree with this point, even if someone told him this before, he still doesn't agree with it, he doesn't agree with it, he doesn't agree with it, he always insists on his own ability, under the same level, it is definitely not downstream, but upstream A class of lieutenant officers.

This point, but even the instructors in the school said so.

So, under such circumstances, how could he agree with this point? It is absolutely impossible to agree.

"Tian Gu-jun, I analyzed it for you once before."

Lieutenant Katano shook his head helplessly, thinking that this is coming again.

"I told you before that under the same fighting conditions, they have someone to help them. What about us?"

When Lieutenant Katano said this, his emotions were also affected a little, because this is the most unfair place.

It's also the thing he hates the most, but it's the truth, and it's something he can't compare to at all. In the end, he looked away and didn't think about these things, because it's useless to think about them, and it just increases troubles. .

"Mr. Tian Gu, you have to know that on the battlefield, they not only have imperial soldiers under their command, but also their relationship background, the imperial soldiers arranged for them, those people are experienced guys, they The only task is to bring out these guys who are at the same level as us. Even, in bigger battles, they have a stronger imperial army than theirs to help them, do you understand? This is something we will never be able to compare to, my Lord Tian Gu!"

At this time, Lieutenant Katano spoke the truth again.

Although, he didn't say it once.

Under Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan's venting and complaints, he said it out again and again.

It can be regarded as continuing advice.

Otherwise, he knew that Tian Gu Renchuan was going on and on.

Last time, after he finished speaking like this, this guy stopped talking.

Because, this is the fact, that they are incomparable in any way.

Compare with what?
No, in comparison, they have no qualifications.

The reality is cruel, you have to accept it.

Regardless of whether you can accept it or not, the facts are in front of you, if you don’t accept it, you can’t look away, you don’t understand, the result can only be that you will be hit again and again, and finally you will be hit crazy, or even go crazy.

Of course, there is another result, that is depression, and finally completely finished.

Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon is his friend, that's why Lieutenant Katano would accompany him to drink again and again, telling him so much, he just didn't want this guy to be really hit and sink, completely depressed.

He didn't want to see this scene.

This is the fact he faced.


But at this time, when this point was mentioned again, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan, who was really hit, burst into tears like a child.

"Ha ha!"


As for Lieutenant Katano who witnessed this scene, he could only shake his head and sigh after wryly smiling.

At this time, the truth was in front of him, and what he was trying to persuade was useless.

It just depends on whether he can accept this.

If you can't accept it, then continue the cycle like this.

If he can accept it, then in the next time, he will see if he can take Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan with him after completing the task of Yang Fei's disguised Liuyuan Hejia.

Give him a hand if you can.

At the very least, the two of them can still help each other when they get back together.

Not to mention, with one more person and more strength, he will be able to do things better for Yang Fei, and the task assigned by Yang Fei will be completed even better.

After all, his strength alone is really too small in the current situation.


At this time, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan was still curled up in place, crying with his head in his arms.

In fact, for Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan at this time, this was his only way to vent his dissatisfaction.

The remaining option is to accept it all.

But this is exactly what he cannot accept.

But this time, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan, who was crying with his head in his arms, felt relieved.

He thought, maybe it would be easier to choose the same choice as the lieutenant in this field.

Perhaps, this is really what Katano-kun said, it can really be better, better.

"Tsk tsk!"

After drinking sake, Lieutenant Katano was still eating.

For him at this time, he had already accepted this point, and now that he said it, he had said everything that should be said, and had persuaded everything that should be persuaded.

Under such circumstances, he should eat and drink first before talking.

Eating and drinking to the stomach, that is the most real, the most real thing.

Everything else is secondary at this point.

Time passed, Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon, who was crying, stopped crying, sat up, and knelt down in front of the table again.

At this time, he seemed to have sobered up because of this crying.

Of course, just a little sober.

It is impossible to completely sober up after crying.

"Sorry, Katano-kun, I made you laugh again."

Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon smiled wryly, and picked up a glass of wine himself: "I'll punish myself first!"

Indeed, after he cried, he felt much better in his heart.

Otherwise, after holding it in for such a long time, if he continues to hold it in, he will really not hold it back.

Fortunately, he has his good friend Katano-kun to accompany him.

"Mr. Tian Gu, I understand your feelings very well. After all, your situation, what you are facing, is the same as mine, so, you can talk to me about something, but, I persuade you, you are You must listen to it, only in this way can the two of us get what we want by helping each other, I say that, do you understand?"

Lieutenant Katano looked at Lieutenant Tian Gu Inchuan who was full of tears, and said very seriously: "Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared! Remember my words, Mr. Tian Gu, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared!"

Lieutenant Katano said so at this time, which already means that he wants to pull Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan.

The two jointly seized the opportunity of Yang Fei's disguise of this Liuyuan Hejia.

Helping and supporting each other, they grasp this opportunity thoroughly, and hold it firmly in their own hands without being exposed.

This is the most important thing.

So, at this moment, Lieutenant Katano made a decision in his heart.

Otherwise, he would never have said that at this time.

"Opportunity, hehe!"

However, at this time Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan laughed after hearing these two words.

"Katano-kun, do we still have a chance?"

Anyway, in his opinion, they have come to this point at this time, and there is no chance at all.

Otherwise, you can get to this point.

If there is a chance, I have already had it.

It is definitely not at such a time, after they have fallen into such a situation, that opportunities will appear.

Will not!
"There will be!"

Lieutenant Katano said lightly.

Although his voice was soft, there was a sense of confidence in it.

"Ha ha!"

After Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan heard this, he just smiled and didn't say much.

Chances, maybe there really are!

I don't know why, at this moment, the wild lieutenant suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Yes, very suddenly, or it can be said that after a flash of inspiration, he suddenly thought of a possibility, and he asked: "Mr. Tian Gu, if it is possible, I mean if, in order to achieve the goal and result we want If so, will you do something that betrays the empire?"

This question also suddenly appeared in Lieutenant Pian Ye's mind.

Because, he wanted to see if an officer who had been hit by the empire's network and background reality would go against his original intention and betray the empire in order to get what he wanted.

In fact, he was also asking for himself.

Because, before meeting Yang Fei's disguised Liuyuan Hejia, he himself was trying to find a way to change this situation, but in the end he still didn't have the courage to take this crucial step.

Anyway, if he was asked to say the answer, the answer would be yes.

If it is said that he can change his current situation when he can get what he directly wants, even if he betrays the empire, he will do it.

Because, the empire is selfish and invades China.

And he, for his own benefit and purpose, why can't he be selfish.

Anyway, no one knows.

At this time, he wanted to hear Lieutenant Tian Gu Inchuan's answer.

If Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon and his answer are the same, it means that the two of them are of the same kind, and they can cooperate and become real helpers.

This can be regarded as a trial.

If the answer is the same, the most ideal state.

If it's not the same answer, then it's okay, just help the higher-ups to be smaller, and it's fine if you don't confide in your heart.

It's also safe.

At the same time, Lieutenant Katano also decided that when he saw Liuyuan Hejia next time, he must ask if he needed a reliable and trustworthy helper.

Tian Gu Incheon could be pulled in if need be.

Lieutenant Katano believed that such a battered junior officer was full of complaints to many high-level officials in the empire. If he were to become an intelligence officer, that would definitely be the thing he would most like to do.


After Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan heard this, he stared blankly.

He just stared at Lieutenant Katano.

Neither speak.

Just staring at it like this, as if there was an answer on Lieutenant Katano's face at this time.


As for Lieutenant Katano, being stared at by Lieutenant Tagani Incheon like this at this time, I feel a little nervous.

Some penetration.

However, he was still able to remain calm at this time.

He only needs one answer!
He hoped that Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan in front of him could give him an answer!
(End of this chapter)

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