Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3243 The discussion of two little devils

Chapter 3243 The discussion of two little devils
For Lieutenant Katano, Lieutenant Tagani Incheon still knows very well.

After all, the two have been together since they were in school, and after they came here, they were assigned to a squadron and stayed together.

Therefore, he didn't have any doubts about what Lieutenant Katano said.

"The opportunity is coming soon. What we have to do now is to be on standby at any time. After the message arrives, we will attack directly. When the time comes, we will capture the person and take the credit. Do you understand, Mr. Tian Gu?"

Lieutenant Katano said with a smile on his face.

Now his heart has completely stabilized, and he no longer has the previous worries.

All he thinks is, the most important thing is who will be brought in next time, into his circle of interests.

As for the credit, after the establishment of the interest circle, the credit he will receive is the greatest, and that is the real big head.

Now this is just a small credit, a small credit for attracting people into his circle of interests.

Similarly, it is also for his good friend, Tian Gu Incheon's stepping stone.


Hearing this, Tian Gu Renchuan felt a little puzzled, and asked, "Who else can be arrested here? There is no fighting here, and we have nothing to do all day, how can we arrest people?"

This is where he was puzzled.

They didn't fight in this tidal area, or even in the Hongling theater.

How to catch people?
In what name are you arresting people?

Catch a spy, or?

You know, these things, they have already handed over to those puppet soldiers and pro-Japanese businessmen to do them.

Do it yourself now?

Thinking of this, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan had some doubts in his heart.

Not reliable!
If he hadn't known that Lieutenant Katano was a man who never lied, he would have refused directly.

"Okay, Mr. Tian Gu, it's not what you think. This time I met our nobleman, and he instructed me to do this. Let's just do it. He has arranged everything else. I just You can say so much, can you understand?"

Lieutenant Katano emphasized again that he understood Tian Gu Renchuan very well. In fact, if he encountered such a situation, he would also be suspicious.

After all, relying solely on imagination is really unreliable.

"Your Majesty?"

Hearing this, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan froze again.

Can you do this?

Met a gentleman?
Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan didn't dare to think too much, and asked tentatively: "Which kind of nobleman? Reliable or not?"

"Hehe, you!"

Lieutenant Katano shook his head with a smile, and said, "It's from the intelligence department!"


Hearing this, Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon immediately became horrified.

The tumbling, tumbling in my heart, at this moment, started to turbulently, like a stormy sea.

One wave after another, the kind that can't calm down at all.

People from the Intelligence Department.

It turned out to be someone from the Imperial Intelligence Service.

What the hell, the people in the Intelligence Department are scary.

This is their Hongling war zone, or even the Chaosheng area. Some people from the empire are being targeted by the intelligence department.

Otherwise, the people in the intelligence department have nothing to do in the Hongling theater where there is no fighting.

Don't tell me, they have come to their tidal region.

At this moment, the word "Intelligence Department" made Tian Gu Renchuan's imagination run wild.

Just because the people in the intelligence department are really scary.

Otherwise, he wouldn't think so much.

"Katano-kun, are you really from the Intelligence Department? Don't be fooled?"

Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon reconfirmed.

After all, the people in the intelligence department, in their opinion, were unattainable in the past. How could they meet Lieutenant Katano at this time.

This is a bit unscientific and abnormal.

However, he didn't think too much about it anymore, but reconfirmed, after all, no matter what, this was indeed their best chance now.

If you want to stand up and change the current situation, you must have a chance.

Don't care if it's true or not, anyway, they are the imperial army, so let's try the game first.

Besides, in this Hongling war zone, who would dare to provoke their imperial army members.

that's enough.

Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan at this time has this confidence!
"Haha, Mr. Tian Gu, you think I'm a fool."

Lieutenant Katano took out a cigarette, threw one to Tian Gu Renchuan, lit it himself and took a puff, exhaled a puff of smoke as if intoxicated, and said: "I have seen his certificate, it is not fake at all, besides , the special intelligence personnel of the Third Intelligence Department of the Empire, do you think that outsiders can forge such a certificate, and outsiders don’t even know the Third Intelligence Department, how to forge it, only the military officers of our empire know that there are such documents The special existence of the Third Intelligence Division, Mr. Tian Gu, tell me, is this real or fake?"

At this moment, Lieutenant Katano could only say so far, and what he said would involve things that should not be said.

In his opinion, at this time, it is completely enough to say these things.

"It turned out to be someone from the Third Intelligence Department of the Empire!"


"Since they are from there, there will be absolutely no fake ones!"

"Hey, ahaha, special intelligence personnel from the Empire's Third Intelligence Service!"

"Kitano-kun, our chance has come, our chance has come, haha!"


At this moment, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan, who was determined in his heart, roared excitedly, as if he was a melon.

"Katano-kun, do you know what his mission is? How did you meet him so lucky?"

At this time, Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon was full of curiosity, and had an extremely strong desire, which prompted him to solve this mystery.

He thought in his heart, why is Katano-kun so lucky?

Lieutenant Katano also laughed at this time.

He said: "It's just a coincidence. You should know that I went to other cottages to enjoy myself a lot before. No, this time I met him in the cottage. Tell me, does this count as mine?" good luck!"

At this moment, Lieutenant Katano said this, and he is also very proud.

After all, luck is also strength at certain times.

"Indeed, if you hadn't done this, the good luck this time would not have come to your head, Katano-kun, this is really great."

Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan also said with emotion at this time.

This kind of luck is not something ordinary people can encounter.

"He is Mr. Liu Yuan. His mission here this time is to find out who is connected with the Imperial Association Army, the Security Corps, and even pro-Japanese businessmen and landlords, etc., who want to cause trouble and overthrow I am in the Red Ridge War Zone."

Lieutenant Katano said with an extremely serious expression: "You probably have heard about the Jinchuan theater by now. They want to overthrow our Hongling theater just like they overthrew the Jinchuan theater."

It was his guess, but it felt like it was, and it was true.

Otherwise, the people from the Third Intelligence Service of the Empire would send people to them to investigate what they were doing.

"So it is!"

When Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan heard this, he immediately understood, and a murderous intent flashed in his heart, and said: "If this is the case, Katano-kun and the two of us must perform well, and help this Liu Yuan-kun complete his task, and at the same time we must get Enough benefits, promotion of status, etc., after all, the personnel of the Imperial Intelligence Service, their power and background, are very big!"

Speaking of this, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan became excited.

No matter what you say, nothing is as important and enjoyable as benefits.

The people from the intelligence department came here, that was their opportunity, so they had to seize this opportunity, as long as they could seize this opportunity, they could be promoted step by step.

"Mr. Tian Gu, Mr. Liu Yuan came here this time in secret. I met him by coincidence. He doesn't have many people available under his command. To accomplish this matter, secret investigation requires manpower. Under such circumstances, we have become necessary, so we must perform well in the next time."

Lieutenant Katano said with a serious face.

"That's a must!"

Lieutenant Tian Gu Incheon thought so too.

When there is no opportunity, they complain that there is no opportunity. Now that the opportunity comes, they must seize this opportunity.

Otherwise, once this opportunity passes and escapes, they will probably never encounter such a good opportunity again in the next time.

"Another point."

Lieutenant Katano said: "When I went to see Liu Yuan-kun today, I asked Liu Yuan-kun if I need to form a small group to serve him and help him investigate some things."

"How about it, did Liuyuan-kun agree?"

Before Lieutenant Katano finished speaking, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan asked anxiously.

He is not a fool, this is also very important, extremely important.

There is a group and there is no group together, they are not at the same level at all, and the gap is very big.

So, at this time, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan was so anxious.

With the formation of a small team, he and Lieutenant Katano are the pioneers, and the benefits they can obtain must be several times more than those who joined later.

It's no wonder he wasn't excited right now.

"Liuyuan-kun agrees!"

Seeing the excited and excited Lieutenant Tian Gu Inchuan and Lieutenant Katano at this time, it was like seeing himself at that time.

I was also excited at the time, and the excitement in my heart was overwhelming.

"Great, haha!"



At this moment, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan jumped up excitedly.

He was so happy.

Opportunity, this is the real opportunity, an opportunity that cannot be missed at all.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Tian Gu, calm down, this matter is not so easy to do!"

Lieutenant Katano waved his hand at Lieutenant Tian Gu Inchuan, signaling him to calm down first.

Don't be so excited.

Otherwise, things haven't been done well yet, and if the excitement is broken, then it's bad food.


"I know, Katano-kun."

"At this time, I really should calm down!"

"I have to calm down first, otherwise, it will definitely affect my thinking, and thus affect our affairs!"



Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan also knew this, so he began to urge himself to calm down.

That's how it should be done.

You can't do things after being affected by your emotions, otherwise, the results of things will definitely not be good.

Therefore, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan, who knew this very well, calmed down quickly.

All the excitement and other emotions in my heart were expelled.

Lieutenant Katano just smoked and waited. After watching Lieutenant Tagani Incheon calm down quickly, he nodded in satisfaction.

As expected of his good friend, in terms of personality and handling of emotions, he is also so similar to him.

"Katano-kun, what do you say, after all, this matter is your chance, your luck, I listen to you!"

Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan, at this time, quickly adjusted his position.

In this matter, he is not in charge, but his best friend Lieutenant Katano is leading him.

So, under such circumstances, he had to straighten out his position.

Otherwise, if he oversteps, there is a chance that they will break up unhappy.

This was not the result he wanted.

So, at this moment, he knew what he should do.


Lieutenant Katano nodded and said: "Let's take the lead in this matter, but I also need your opinions and suggestions. As long as your opinions and suggestions are useful, there is nothing to say. Let's adopt them immediately. You see How about this?"

After seeing Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan knowing how to advance and retreat, his psychological satisfaction also skyrocketed.

He also expressed his plan.

He knows that if one person is poor in skills, only when there are many people can he do greater things.


This time, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan didn't say anything, just nodded and laughed.

"In this way, we will be the two of us for the time being. After we have done something and completed our first promotion plan, then we can start recruiting other imperial officers into our interest groups. !"

Lieutenant Katano continued: "Under such circumstances, when we start pulling people, we must also pay attention. If the imperial officers are not valued, the most important thing is that their status cannot be higher than ours. Once this matter is exposed, it will no longer be dominated by us, understand?"

That's actually what worries him the most.

Once in the process of development, under such circumstances, they are known by people with higher status, and they are truly passive.

This must be avoided.

Negotiations must be started now, and the risk can be avoided at this time.

Otherwise, if it happened suddenly in the future, the passive result would be that they might be kicked out.

Such an example, they have seen before.

Credit, especially great credit, even their immediate superiors, these big officers, can't bear this temptation, and will take away this big credit, or even take away more than half of it directly of.

It's extremely disgusting that this kind of thing happened.

No, at this time, they decided to make a decision first, and absolutely no one with a higher status than them.

In this way, the risk can be avoided to the minimum.

(End of this chapter)

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