Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3244 Scared Tian Gu Incheon

Chapter 3244 Scared Tian Gu Incheon
Avoiding risks is what every sensible person and smart person will do.

Otherwise, once the risk comes, if there is no plan and preparation for taking the risk, then it is really over.

This guy, Lieutenant Katano, did a good job in this matter, and he completely avoided it from the very beginning.

They will not find anyone who is better than them, at least, all the ranks are lieutenant officers.

For junior officers, we have to wait until when they are promoted to junior officers before talking about junior officers.

"Yeah, Katano-kun, this must be taken care of. The rest of the imperial officers, especially the junior officers, have greedy hearts, ha ha!"

Speaking of this, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan's mouth.

Of course, the meaning contained in his disdainful smile is basically ridicule.

To ridicule the greed of those rank and file officers, as long as they know something, they can grasp and eat something, they will never let it go, and they will grasp everything in their own hands.

For example, the opportunity in front of him, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan knew very well that as long as their squadron leader, Major Ji Feng, knew about it, he would never give up, and would definitely seize this opportunity in his own hands, so that Well, as the capital for his promotion to the Zhongzuo officer.

As for them, there is only one result, which is to be robbed of the opportunity and kicked out.

Even, it will attract the hostility of the chief, and then they will not have any good end.

Similarly, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan felt very bitter in his heart.

It has always been robbed, and there is no chance to rob the superior officer.

This time, he and Lieutenant Katano worked together to win this opportunity and be promoted to a junior officer.

When the time comes, he wants to see what those classmates who looked down on them before will think of them.

What's wrong with the hard background?
It's not impossible for them to miss the opportunity all the time. When they catch the opportunity, they can also overtake in a corner at this time.

directly beyond.

"Secrecy work must be done well!"

Lieutenant Katano continued: "Let's do it first, the two of us, and do well what Liuyuan-kun entrusted to us. Of course, the most important thing now is that the two of us have completed the promotion first. According to Liuyuan-kun's The most important thing to arrange now is to promote our military rank. The first is the rank of captain. According to the captain's previous credits, there is no need to waste any time. The most important thing is that the captain is promoted to the rank of major officer. The credit required is not ordinary. At least, it will be extremely difficult for us to be promoted to major officer when there is no fighting in the Red Ridge theater."

"This step is very difficult. Among the officers of the empire, the most important thing is the officer of the captain level. They are all stuck on the threshold of being promoted to the rank of major officer!"

This is the current reality in the Little Devil Army.

As a major officer, as long as he is promoted, he can serve as the squadron leader.

However, where are there so many squadron leaders for them to serve.

There are no dead people on the front line, and many of these captain officers cannot be promoted.

Otherwise, you can only serve as a captain officer, that is, as a staff officer of the squadron, go to fight on the battlefield, continue to accumulate military merits, and be promoted at that time.

Anyway, it is very difficult.

In the past, they had no hope of promotion, so they didn't worry about it.

Now, there is hope for promotion, and I have to start worrying about this.

However, when Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan heard this, a fierce look flashed in his eyes, and a strong murderous intent burst out, and he looked at Lieutenant Katano.

As for Lieutenant Katano, he was also taken aback by Lieutenant Tagani Incheon's eyes.

Lieutenant Wadaya Incheon has known each other for so long, he has never seen this guy with such a terrifying look in his eyes.

Not to mention anything else, just this look, if it is aimed at ordinary people, it can also scare the ordinary people.

Lieutenant Katano thought in his heart, fortunately he is not an ordinary person.

Afterwards, he asked, "Mr. Tian Gu, what did you think of?"

He knew that Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan must have thought of something at this time, otherwise, he would never have such a performance at this moment in front of him.

So, he wanted to know the answer.


Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan exhaled vigorously, as if he wanted to spit out all the air in his body.

"Katano-kun, I thought of a way, but..."

Having said that, he closed his mouth, looked at Lieutenant Katano, and asked with serious eyes: "Lieutenant Katano, I trust you, so I told you this method, I hope you can listen to it, and enter your heart. Rumors."


Lieutenant Katano was stunned when he heard this, and his face also became serious.

He knew that Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan was so serious at this time, it was really important and important, otherwise, he would not have such an expression.

This time, his heart beat even more.

He didn't know what this guy was thinking of and what he was going to do.

I always feel that this guy's behavior at this time seems to be about to cause trouble.

Of course, he just thought about it, and then he seriously promised: "Don't you believe me, tell me, no matter how amazing your idea is, I promise that there will be no third person in the conversation between the two of us." I know, let's do it!"

After speaking, Lieutenant Katano looked at Lieutenant Tagani Incheon and looked forward to it.

He also wants to know what the answer is?
Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan took a deep breath, leaned against Lieutenant Katano's ear, and said in a low voice: "If you kill Major Ji Feng, our chance will come."

After he finished speaking, he straightened up, but his eyes were still fixed on Lieutenant Katano.

He is also afraid now, afraid that Lieutenant Katano will go to Gaomi.

Although he knew he wouldn't, but, there are always accidents in this world, isn't it?

"Ha ha!"

Unexpectedly, Lieutenant Katano at this time, after hearing this, immediately laughed out loud.

This moment frightened Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan in an instant.

He originally thought that the lieutenant in this field would be frightened by his words.

Who knew it could be so?
After hearing his words, he laughed outright.

This is really, really abnormal.

Lieutenant Katano's performance made Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan feel frightened at this time.

"Katano-kun, stop smiling, okay?"

In desperation, Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan could only stop Lieutenant Katano.

At this time, he really didn't want to hear laughter.

Because, this is not the time to laugh at all.


What a joke.

Don't laugh, okay?

"Ha ha!"


"Tian Gu-jun, let me laugh first, hahaha!"

However, Lieutenant Katano did not stop, but was still laughing.

No one knows better than him that at this moment, he is really very happy.

Although Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan looked confused, but at this moment, he could clearly see that something was wrong.

It seems that things are not as he thought.

It should be him who was wrong.

"Mr. Tian Gu, I, I really didn't expect that at this moment, you also made this choice, and you have this idea in your heart, it just coincides with my idea."

Lieutenant Katano laughed and said, "You don't know. In fact, I already had this idea in my heart before."

"Since those guys are suppressing us, then we have a chance now, and we don't have to be polite at all, just do it!"

"Damn, you don't know how hard I have endured during this period, but I have no chance and no helper. Although you complain every time after drinking, you didn't show it. I dare not tell you what your real thoughts are, but now that you have said it, there is no need for me to hide it, let me tell you, our two thoughts are the same, exactly the same!"

At this time, Lieutenant Katano was really happy in his heart. No one knew how he thought about this matter in the past.

After thinking of this idea, he didn't dare to say it in his heart, no one dared to say it, even his best friend in front of him, he wanted to say it several times to show his heart.

However, because of reason, he still didn't speak out the worries and fears in his heart.

He's just scared.

After all, the human heart is the worst thing to guess.

One moment, you drink with the person you are closest to, the person with the best relationship, and the next moment, this guy may give you a knife.

So, under such circumstances, it is impossible for him to talk about this matter.

And at this time, he didn't even expect that Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan also had this idea.

From the looks of it, it wasn't a day or two since he had this thought in his mind.

That's great.

Originally, the bond between the two of them was very strong, but now that they both have this idea at the same time, it will make their future cooperation and interest circle even more unbreakable.

This is a good thing, and it is also the reason why Lieutenant Katano is so excited at this time.

Anyway, starting today, in this tide-ridden area, he is no longer fighting alone, he has a companion, and more importantly, he has a backer behind him.

This is why he is happy and excited.


As for Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan, he was even more stunned at this time.

He also did not expect this.

He thought, the idea in his heart is already awesome enough, if most people know it, they will be terrified.

If his squadron leader, Major Ji Feng, knew about it, he would not end well.

Now, his good friend, this guy actually has this idea, which really surprised him, and even horrified him.

Of course, after that, the thought in his mind was to be happy.

I am as happy as Lieutenant Katano.

The idea is the same, the goal is the same, now their relationship can be closer, very good, very good!
"Katano-kun, I really didn't expect it. This is really great. The two of us, with this opportunity, will definitely be able to do a great job this time, haha!"

Lieutenant Tian Gu Renchuan also laughed, and began to vent his excitement wantonly.

(End of this chapter)

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