Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3377 Excited Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant

Chapter 3377 Excited Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant

"Drip drip!"

"Drip drip!"


In the confidential office of the Ninth Wing, the sound of the radio was beeping non-stop.


At this moment, a devil radio soldier on duty in the innermost suite suddenly became serious.

And, he took the translation paper and pen next to him as quickly as possible, and started writing.

Time passed by minute by minute.

A long telegram was translated by the devil radio soldier.

"You just keep an eye on me, I'll go to the headquarters office!"

The devil's radio soldier looked serious, and said to another radio soldier beside him.

"it is good!"

The devil radio soldier next to him nodded his head and agreed.


After the devil's radio soldier thanked him, he took the translated paper and headed for the headquarters office.

Of course, the office he went to was not Colonel Nabeshima Qihong, the captain of the Ninth Regiment.

Instead, he went to the office of Lieutenant Commander Nagasaki Shibu, who was on duty tonight, the deputy captain.

Their co-leader, Nabeshima Qihong, is not in the office every night.

Went to rest in the evening.

Those who are on duty are the deputy captain and several captains who are on duty in the office.

This is also the case in normal situations. Where is the need for the highest commander to be on duty?

Not required.

The supreme commander is only responsible for commanding, and the rest are done by the people below.

Just like that, the devil's radio soldier rushed to the office of Lieutenant Commander Nagasaki Shibu, the deputy captain, as quickly as possible.

"Boom boom boom!"

The devil radio soldier immediately knocked on the door.

However, although the lights were on in the office, there was no movement.

The radio soldier devil knew that Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu was asleep.

"Boom boom boom!"

Thinking of the importance of the telegram in his hand, he couldn't help but increase the strength in his hand, and knocked on the offices again.


Sure enough, after this vigorous knock on the door, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu woke up.


The confused voice of Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu came.

"Your Excellency, Zhong Zuo, there is important information coming from the Liude theater!"

The devil's radio soldier outside the door immediately replied.

"Independence Brigade?"

Hearing this, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu was still very puzzled.

After all, the two parties had already discussed it before.

After the plan for the [-]th Brigade was formulated, it would be fine to divide their respective theaters according to the plan and manage their respective theaters.

Now, the independent brigade has sent them an urgent telegram. What is this going to do?
You know, their Ninth Wing is very afraid of the independent brigade in the Liude theater.

First of all, in terms of strength, the strength of this independent brigade is not much less than that of their wing.

Moreover, they are all battle squadrons, and some of them are almost catching up with their least basic brigade.

So, under such circumstances, their Ninth Wing is very afraid of this.

Another point is to compile the above.

Don't look at them as an alliance formation.

But, it's just a middle-level alliance.

As for the independent brigade, it is strong in the word independent.

For the theater headquarters, the importance of the Independent Brigade is much greater than that of their Ninth Wing.

Therefore, their Ninth Wing is afraid of this.

In particular, their Nabeshima Qihong Commander has said before that he is worried that when they work together, a message from the independent brigade will be sent to the theater headquarters, and the theater headquarters will send their Ninth Wing, To be included in the independent brigade, so that the independent brigade can be promoted to the top alliance.

It's not just their co-leader Nabeshima Qihong who is worried.

He was also worried about this in his heart.

At this time, this urgent message made him nervous and suspicious again.

Anyway, he couldn't figure out what to do when the Independent Brigade sent them an emergency message at this time.

Of course, when the matter has reached this point, it needs to be faced immediately, and it cannot be delayed.

"come in!"

Just like that, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, who was awake, immediately ordered to the outside of the office door.

No matter what, let's call in first and see what's going on.

After all, if you guess like this, you can't guess what's going on.

Let's see what the information is first, shall we?


Just like that, outside the office door, the devil radio soldier who heard the order opened the door and walked in.

"His Excellency, please take a look!"

Without the slightest hesitation, the radio soldier directly handed the translation paper in his hand to Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu respectfully.


After Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu took over the translated paper, he began to read it.


However, when he saw the content on the translation paper, he was instantly surprised, and even his eyes widened.


Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu really did not expect that this would be the case.

"The independent brigade can have such a kind heart, and this fellow Akihara Yoshie, Zhongzuo, can have such a kind heart!"

Thinking of this, Lieutenant General Nagasaki Shibu suddenly laughed.

This matter is interesting.


After all, before their Ninth Wing, no matter what, they still cooperated with the Independent Brigade.

This cooperation with the [-]th Brigade is a good example.

Looking at the plan on the translated electronic paper in front of me, this is another new cooperation.

If they can, then they can indeed save a lot of time.

good thing.

This is a good thing.

"Okay, you go, I know about this!"

Thinking of this, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu immediately waved his hand to the electric order soldier waiting in front of him.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, then I will go back to duty!"

After the devil radio soldier finished speaking, he turned and left immediately.

For the radio soldiers, sending a message at this time is considered to have completed the task.

It's just that, because the content of the intelligence this time is important, he stayed here for a while longer to see if Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu had any further orders.

In this case, if he goes to help Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu with his work, he can also get some credit or something.

Looking at it now, since there is no one, he will go back to duty.


Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu nodded, and once again set his eyes on the translated paper in his hand.

According to the content above, he knew that it would be very easy for their Ninth Wing to complete this task.

It's just a waste of time.

But, once they are successful, what they get is even more.

Moreover, they can save most of their time in this plan for the [-]th Brigade.

This is a good thing.

"Let's discuss it with Your Excellency the Alliance Captain!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu made this decision immediately.

As for whether the captain Nabeshima Qihong has a rest at the moment, this is not in his consideration.

After all, the consistent purpose of the empire above the military is that intelligence is above everything else.

Thinking of this, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu took the translation paper, left the office, and walked quickly towards the place where Nabeshima Nanhong was resting!
Even, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu thought in his heart, at this time, Nabeshima Nanakon should be asleep, so that he can also be scared.

Normally, he wouldn't dare, and he didn't have this opportunity, but now, with this information, he has a chance.

Thinking of this, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu's mouth twitched again.

(End of this chapter)

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