Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3378 Captain of the 9th Wing

Chapter 3378 Captain of the Ninth Wing

Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu was very fast, and he came directly outside the room where Nabeshima Qihong was resting.


Thinking of this matter, after a happy smile, he stretched out his palm and slapped the door vigorously.

"Bang bang bang!"

The ear-piercing knock on the door directly exploded in this office area.

The other devil officers who were on duty were okay, because they didn't sleep, and after just a glance, they stopped paying attention.

After all, it was their immediate superior, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, who knocked on the door.

They dare not offend.

Besides, the door that was smashed was the door of their co-leader Nabeshima Qihong, and now they dared not participate even more.

It's better to take a look and go back.

As the saying goes, when gods fight, mortals suffer, and this is the truth.

These small officers, don't get involved.

Those two big bosses kept the above in mind, and after the fall, it would be over.


As for Colonel Nabeshima Qihong in the room, she was sleeping soundly.

After all, this time he cooperated with the Independent Brigade and achieved great results against the attack of the [-]th Brigade. He succeeded directly. After the complete completion, this is a great contribution.

Although it was not enough for him to be promoted from a major officer to a major general of the empire.

However, this credit has also shortened the distance between him, the chief officer of the empire, and the major general of the empire.

So, during this time, because of this incident, every time he fell asleep, he slept very fast and slept very soundly.

At this moment, he is in a dream, sitting in his own sweet dream.

Wandering among sweet dreams is also a hard-won enjoyment for Nabeshima Nanakon at this time.

After all, in the past, he was unable to obtain a lot of military exploits due to combat problems, and he suffered from insomnia for a while.

Now, this problem has been solved, and there are still sweet dreams to live in. He likes this feeling.



However, at this moment, in his sweet dream, thunder and lightning suddenly struck him, and he fell into darkness, as if it was the end of the world.


This sudden change caused Nabeshima Nanakon to sit up on the bed in fright, with lingering fear on his face.



He was gasping for breath. After all, the pitch-black, doomsday-like scene before was really too scary, too scary!
But at this time, the darkness in the room brought him a different sense of security.

After all, the darkness of the end of the world is different from the darkness of the real world.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"


At the same time, his door was still being slammed.

"what happened?"

"what's going on?"

"what's going on?"

Hearing such a hasty knock on the door, Colonel Nanajima was not angry at interrupting her dream, but worried that the situation of the battle had changed.

Otherwise, how could there be such a hasty knock on the door.

No, not knocking, but slamming.

If there is no urgent matter, no one in this headquarters would dare to smash his door like this at this time.

"Your Excellency, Captain, urgent information!"

The knock on the door stopped, and the words of Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu came into the room.

In fact, Lieutenant Commander Nagasaki Shibu, who was outside the room at the moment, had a smile on his face, and his heart was even more smug.

After all, he didn't dare to do this before.

Now is a rare opportunity, and he did just that.

Especially when he heard Nabeshima Qihong, the co-leader in the room who woke up in shock, the joy and joy in his heart reached the critical point directly, bursting out.

Of course, he didn't dare to get too far, since Nabeshima Qihong woke up at this moment, and he immediately became honest.

And, truthfully report what will happen immediately.

"Come in!"

With Nabeshima Nanakon's consent, Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant, entered Nabeshima Nanakon's office.

"what's going on?"

Chief Nabeshima Nanakon was wearing clothes, her eyes were a little red, she came out, looked at Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu and asked.

"Your Excellency, Captain, look!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu directly handed the translation paper in his hand to Colonel Nabeshima Nanhong with red eyes respectfully.


After Nabeshima Nanami took over the translation paper, he began to read it.

With this look, all the disturbed gloom on his face was wiped away.

Good thing, this is really a good thing for him at this moment.

The stalemate in the war is meaningless.

Especially for him as the captain of the alliance, there is no benefit.

Now the members of the [-]th Brigade who were broken up and defeated for the encirclement and suppression, all his regiments were scattered, and the troops were scattered. As a result, there was only one brigade at the headquarters.

If this continues, if it takes too long, it will be difficult for the theater command to explain.

After all, quick battles and quick wins are the rules of their imperial army.

Instead of dragging around.

If you procrastinate, there is credit in the first place, but there is no credit for this.

That's what he was worried about before.

Now, the opportunity has come.

This Akihara-kun really gave him face.

Gave him his first military exploits.

This will be given to him to strengthen his military exploits again.

Good, very good.

The plan, he agreed to.

Isn't it just a disguise?

For their Ninth Alliance, it's very simple.

Thinking of this, Nabeshima Nanakon looked at Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant and asked, "Nagasaki-kun, what do you think of this matter?"

After all, he is his confidant and the vice captain, so he still needs to ask his subordinates for their opinions on this matter.

As the saying goes, if you listen to the opinions of the people below, you will get unexpected gains.

"Your Excellency, Captain, this matter is obvious, good thing, good thing!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu said with a smile: "You know, we lack such a plan now. Now that we have it, it will benefit us a lot and save us more time. At that time, we will free up our hands and go Complete other tasks!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu is actually very good at flattering.

This guy, before, was worried.

It's just that, after seeing Nabeshima Nanami who was tempted, he immediately decided not to express his real worries and opinions.

Otherwise, Nabeshima Nanakon will be unhappy, and this will still cause trouble for himself.

So, at this time, he directly agreed, and agreed.

He has no objection, everything is obeyed by the captain Nabeshima Qihong.

Now, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu's obedient and supportive attitude made Nabeshima Nanakon's complexion look even better.

Humans are like this. For their own decisions, they always hope to be supported and supported.

This is especially true for those with status.

Mr. Nabeshima Nanakon likes this.

Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant, did not sing against him, this is good, very good!

"Then I will leave this mission to you. You are fully responsible for what to do. Nagasaki-kun, don't let me down!"

After the decision was made, Nabeshima Nanahong directly handed over the matter to Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu.

As for him, he would not work hard for this matter to do it himself.

Let the people below do it, he controls the overall situation, that's enough.

"Hi Yi!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu immediately took the order: "Your Excellency, Captain, don't worry, I will definitely complete this mission beautifully!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu was also happy.

If the task falls into his hands, it means that after the job is done well, the credit will also fall into his hands, good thing, good thing!

This is his favorite thing to do!
(End of this chapter)

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