Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3379 Calling order in the middle of the night

Chapter 3379 Calling order in the middle of the night

If he had done something else, he might have considered it.

However, this incident is different, and it deserves a lot of credit.

Under such circumstances, how could he give up.


According to the intelligence plan mentioned above, as long as the arrangement is completed, the time it takes for them to destroy the [-]th Brigade can be greatly improved.

In this case, this credit cannot escape him.

More importantly, they can save time for other tasks.

If you have time to complete other tasks, you will get more military merits.

"Well, Nagasaki-kun, I leave this matter to you!"

Nabeshima Qihong nodded and said: "On this matter, you must do your best and don't slack off, otherwise, if there is an accident, it will be a huge loss for us!"

"Before, we had no way to deal with the situation in front of us!"

"There is no way, I can only use the previous plan, I can't increase the speed and so on!"

"It's different now. With a new plan, there must be no mistakes, otherwise, it will be our loss."

"Even if this matter is reported to the theater command, it will be a mistake for us, and it is still a big mistake, understand?"

This is a very typical question.

When there is no other way, it can only be dealt with according to the situation of no other way.

Even if there is an accident, if it fails, there is no way to do it.

No way after all.

It is useless to say anything.

But now, that is completely different.

If you have a way, then you have to do it according to the way you have a way.

Now that there is a way, there can be no mistakes, and things must be done well.

If there is a way to do things worse, then it is the responsibility.

At this time, Nabeshima Qihong Dazuo meant exactly this.

"Well, yes, Your Excellency, Captain!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu responded directly: "I understand this. From the beginning of the battle to the present, we have been delayed for a long time. Now that we have this method, you just look at it. I will solve it in the shortest time. Among them, the early preparations and early camouflage are done!"

"This time, we must end the battle of the [-]th Brigade at the fastest speed and achieve a real victory!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu immediately guaranteed.

In addition, he can't guarantee that, as far as the plan on the intelligence plan is concerned, according to his ability, there will be no problem in completing it.

It's just a waste of thought and means.

Besides, you don't need to consume these things to do anything, you need them all.

"Well, that's good, Nagasaki-kun, I cultivated you with my own hands, I'm still very relieved when you do things, haha!"

Speaking of this, Nabeshima Qihong immediately burst out laughing.

There was nothing outstanding about his military career.

In addition to the power of his family before the war started, they ran out of money to get him a position as the captain of the Nagasaki Army, and the rest was to train the Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant by himself.

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu is very smart.

When he noticed this guy, he was just a lieutenant officer.

Afterwards, through his guidance, teaching and help, he was promoted to the squadron leader.

Became his hardcore confidant.

Still the kind of capable hardcore confidant.

This is what he is most proud of.

In Nabeshima Nanakon's view, a person's lifetime achievements are very limited.

Even, some people have no achievements in their lives.

Under such circumstances, he was able to train a lieutenant officer second only to him, who was still capable, which really made him proud and happy.

He even felt that with such a capable subordinate, in the next period of time, as long as there were no major accidents, he would develop step by step, and it would only be a matter of time before he was promoted to the major general of the empire.

As long as he can be promoted to the major general of the empire, then his position in the army department of the empire will be truly stable.

When the war is over and he returns to the mainland, he will be able to live the life of a real ruler.

Thinking of this, the smile on Nabeshima Nanakon's face and the longing in his eyes became even more serious.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, Captain, it is Nagasaki's honor to serve you."

"Similarly, Nagasaki also feels that it is Nagasaki's honor to work under your subordinates. It is a rare opportunity in Nagasaki's words."

I have to say that Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Assistant is very good at flattering.

Every time I speak, I can speak to the heart of Chief Nabeshima Qihong.

Of course, this is also related to Nabeshima Qihong's training.

Speaking well, there are laws for whoever raises what kind of dog.

Just like, rats beget rats, and it is a truth that they are born to make holes.

Otherwise, if you give birth to a dog and let the dog dig a hole like a mouse, it is simply impossible.

If Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu hadn't been trained by Nabeshima Qihong, how could his character be like this?Can you get to this point?
Obviously it's impossible.

"Haha, okay, okay, Nagasaki-kun, I know your determination, you go to work!"

Chief Nabeshima Nanami nodded contentedly.

"Hey, Your Excellency, Captain, you continue to rest, and I will leave this matter to me!"

The obedient Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant, after bowing his head and nodding his head, he turned around and walked out of the office without wasting the rest time of Nabeshima Nanakon.

"Hehe, this time, I can sleep well again, haha, good thing, good thing!"

As for Nabeshima Nanakon, she smiled, returned to the bed full of excitement, and fell asleep beautifully.

He likes to sleep in this state the most.

The dream he longed for the most in his heart was born under the situation and state in front of him!


After returning to his office, Lieutenant Commander Nagasaki Shibu immediately called and asked the squadron commander and commander-level officers in the headquarters to get up immediately and come to the conference room of the headquarters for a meeting.

There is a solution to this matter.

However, they still need to hold a meeting and discuss what to do specifically.

If you don't hold a meeting to discuss it, just do it directly like this, that is fooling around.

According to the things in the intelligence plan, they, the officers, should think about it carefully, and express their own opinions, take the essence and discard the dross, and formulate the most perfect plan.

Otherwise, once accidents and mistakes occur, he cannot bear the responsibility.

"Tap Tap!"

"Tap Tap!"


In this way, under a phone order from the Lieutenant Commander of the Nagasaki History Department, all the officers in the command headquarters, the major and above, put on their clothes as quickly as possible, and rushed towards the headquarters office area.

Don't dare to waste any time.

After all, if there is a meeting at this point in time, there will be no small things.

These officers stationed at the headquarters did not dare to delay.

Two or 10 minutes later, in the meeting room, all the officers who were notified arrived.

Seeing Lieutenant Commander Nagasaki Shibu, who was sitting at the top with a serious face, these devil officers all thought anxiously in their hearts, what happened?

At this point in time, there must be something wrong with calling them here?

(End of this chapter)

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