Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3380 Sleeping Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki History Department

Chapter 3380 Sleeping Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki History Department

In the meeting room of the Ninth Regiment at this moment, all the devil officers who came were waiting.

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, sitting at the top, has not spoken yet.

He looked at the intelligence plan in his hand and was thinking.

He thought in his heart, where should he start with the arrangement this time.

Or, let the Imperial Army in the Ninth Regiment's garrison directly change their costumes and pretend to be members of the [-]th Brigade?

Before the discussion started, he had already conceived it in his heart.

In his opinion, it would be too abrupt to do so directly.

Even a fool can see that something is wrong.

So, you can't do that directly.

In case there were people from the [-]th Brigade lurking around their Ninth Regiment's station, they would be exposed directly, and there was no chance of success.

So, this idea was directly rejected by Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu.

It won't work.

Once he really made a decision and asked the people below to do so, he would have failed the trust of the captain Nabeshima Qihong in him.

At that time, because of the failure, the angry Nabeshima Nanakon will never let him go.

Don't look at him being personally trained by Nabeshima Nanakon, but once such mistakes and accidents happen, even if he is personally trained, he will not be able to withstand the anger of Nabeshima Nanakon.

At that time, everything about him will be over.

Nabeshima Qihong can train him, give him all help, give him everything.

Then after the accident, Mr. Nabeshima Nanakon was able to take back everything that was given to him at any time.

It's that simple!
He doesn't want this to happen.

So, at this time, before the meeting started, he would conceive and think about it in advance.

He will think up the simplest possible method that may cause an accident, and after the meeting starts, he will be able to directly veto these unreliable methods.

The Lieutenant Commander of the Nagasaki History Department did not speak, and the officers of the Major and Lieutenant Commanders below did not dare to say a word.

Don't look at the fact that there are several lieutenant officers here, who are the same as the lieutenants of Nagasaki Shibu in terms of rank and above.

However, the military rank is also useless, and the status of Lieutenant Commander of Nagasaki Shibu is much higher than them in the Ninth Regiment.

So, at this moment, if Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu doesn't speak, they dare not fart.

You know, at some point, offending the celebrity in front of the captain is more serious than offending the captain.

This is the principle that it is better to offend a gentleman than to offend a villain.


Ten minutes later, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu, who was in deep thought, let out a sigh of relief and came back to his senses.


This time, the devil officers below also immediately regained their spirits, and all sat upright, sitting upright.

Like a primary school student waiting to be lectured.

"This is the intelligence plan for this time, you all have a look!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu handed over the intelligence plan in his hand to a captain next to him.

"After reading it, you each make your own plans, discuss it at the end, and decide what to do. Okay, let's get started!"

After Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu finished speaking, he closed his eyes and began to take a nap.

After all, it was very tiring to have a meeting here in the middle of the night without having time to rest.

So, he also has to hurry up and take advantage of this opportunity to take a good rest.

As for the rest of the little devil officers, they all became curious in their hearts.

Curiosity, at this moment, was completely aroused by this intelligence plan.

They were all thinking about what kind of intelligence plan it was to wake them up in the middle of the night.

It seems that it is very important, otherwise, they will not be called up at this time.

Therefore, at this moment, the middle and minor officers of these devils all looked at the intelligence plan that had been read and looked forward to it in their hearts.


As for the officer who looked at the intelligence plan, his brows were filled with joy, and his face was full of smiles.

It's like seeing something happy.

And the other little devil officers, after seeing this scene, were finally relieved.

Anyway, the officer who saw the intelligence plan smiled, which meant it was a good thing, not a bad thing.

that's enough.

It's a good thing.

As long as it is not a bad thing, not to mention that they have a meeting in the middle of the night, even if it is held for several days and nights in a row, it is not a problem, as long as it is a good thing.

The intelligence plan was circulated not very quickly.

After all, in order to appear authentic, it is difficult to tell the truth from the falsehood in this intelligence plan, but this Major Michun Xiao Mazi has spent a lot of effort on it.

So, if every devil officer wants to read it and write down the most important points, it will take 15 minutes to 10 minutes.

Under such circumstances, time passed in stalemate and waiting.

These little devil officers who were waiting did not dare to sleep yet.

But after reading the intelligence plan, they can't sleep, so they have to start writing the plan and write down their own thoughts.

So, under such circumstances, these little devil officers are very tired.

But Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, who sat at the top, slept soundly.

He was just whistling, sleeping very soundly.

The devil officers watching next to them were itching with hatred.

Of course, under such circumstances, facing Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Lieutenant, they only dared to secretly hate in their hearts, and they did not dare to show it at all.

Otherwise, what awaited them was a thunderous blow from Lieutenant Commander Nagasaki Shibu.

This is not worth the candle.

In such a situation, time flies by.

The second half of the night passed like this.

The eastern sky gradually turned pale.

Starting from this white belly, light bloomed, and began to drive out the dark night covering the whole world, making the whole world full of light.

conference room.

The intelligence plan has been circulated by these little devils.

These little devil officers who saw the content of the intelligence plan were all in their positions, holding pens, writing and drawing.

Write out the thoughts and plans in your heart.



At this moment, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu woke up.

He stretched comfortably.

Opening his eyes, he looked at the officers who were 'scribbling' and nodded in satisfaction.

not bad.

These officers below are not lazy at this time, which is very good.

This means that the people below him still agree and agree with what he said.

Otherwise, there must be someone sleeping.

"Masters, you have worked hard!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu was not stingy with verbal praise.

He won't miss a word of the praise he deserves.

He was very clear in his heart, Your Majesty, this is the way it should be.

Only in this way, the people below are happy, so they can do things for him wholeheartedly!
He learned all these imperial skills from Nabeshima Qihong Dazuo.

For such a long time, he really tried everything without success!

(End of this chapter)

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