Chapter 3381

This is actually the case with the technique of the imperial court, when it should be rewarded by everyone, don't be stingy.

Otherwise, the effect of harvesting people's hearts will be gone.

In fact, it is even more so when it is rewarded individually.

This is the art of imperial servants, only in this way, your subordinates will listen to you even more.

Otherwise, they will not always listen to you unswervingly.

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu has learned this from Colonel Nabeshima Nanhong a long time ago, and he is familiar with it for his own use.

He remembered clearly, Nabeshima Qihong's words at that time, if he wanted to be a high-ranking officer, he must first learn the art of imperial command.

If you can't learn the art of imperial control, there are too many people below, how can you control them?
There is simply no way to control it.

So, under such circumstances, after Nabeshima Qihong told him, he specifically studied this, how to control the officers below.

If he didn't know this, it would be impossible for him to do it.

The technique of the imperial court is very simple to say, but it is actually very difficult to really master it.

Fortunately, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu has studied for so long, and finally has some superficial control over it.

And these officers in front of him are his best test targets.

Anyway, there is still a long time to wait for him to be promoted to an officer.

Under such circumstances, he was able to use this time to practice well in front of these subordinate officers!

Anyway, Nabeshima Nanakon gave it to him, and it doesn't violate the rules at all!
The stronger he becomes and the more proficient he is in the affairs of the Ninth Regiment, the more beneficial it will be for Nabeshima Qihong.

This point is very clear in his heart.

The words of Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu brought these devil officers with tired faces and blackened smoke rings to their senses in their contemplation.

They immediately said to Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Assistant:

"Your Excellency, don't work hard, for the empire!"

"For the Empire!"

"For the alliance!"

"For the empire, for the alliance!"


The devil officers below all stood up to express their opinions like this.

Regardless of whether they are willing or not, at this moment, they must express their willingness.

Otherwise, this would be to offend Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Assistant.

So, they all know what to do to save face.

After all, it is impossible for anyone to be happy if they are not allowed to sleep at night, and they wake up directly in the middle of the night, staying up here to make plans.

Under such circumstances, what kind of thought is in the heart, that is the real one, and everyone who understands it understands it.

Regarding this point, it is impossible for you to say that Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu did not know.

Does he not understand?
He must know what kind of thoughts these people have in their hearts.

But, as the old saying goes, people in sedan chairs carry people.

On the surface, as long as it can pass, it is completely fine.

"Yes, everything is for the empire!"

"For the alliance!"

"It's also for our own future!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu said: "So, under such circumstances, gentlemen, you have to work hard. As long as you can complete the plan this time, the credit will definitely be huge."

"At that time, your contribution to our entire alliance will be unparalleled, understand? Gentlemen!"

Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Assistant is also very good at painting cakes.

Not to mention, the intelligence plan this time is a pie that can be seen, and even grasped.

Under such circumstances, he believed that the people under his command knew what to do.

In terms of benefits, it is obvious that whoever wants it will work hard, use their own skills, and take this benefit into their own hands.

Otherwise, if you don't show your own ability and want to take the benefits and credits, this is just thinking about fart.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, we all know this, don't worry, we will never let you down in the next time!"

"Yes, on top of this plan, we will definitely use as much capability as we can, and we will never hide our clumsiness. After all, this is also related to our own interests!"

"Yes, sir, I..."


In this way, the officers below responded one after another, saying that they would make a good plan for this time and win this mission.

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu was right, the intelligence mission this time was related to their vital interests.

Therefore, for their own personal benefit, they will never do this thing carelessly.

You can only be promoted if you take the benefits and credits into your own hands.

Otherwise, they are lying to themselves.

"Well, it's good that you are clear in your heart!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu nodded, and continued to ask: "How is your plan going? Do you have a clue?"

For these people under his command, he is actually looking forward to making new plans or something.

After all, he knows that there is an old saying in China, that is, three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang.

With more people, there are more ways.

Even, there are many good ways.

"I haven't finished it yet, but I already have a clue, sir, just tidy it up and it will be fine!"

"Yes Your Excellency, I am the same way, my plan is already in my mind, and it is just a matter of time to sort it out!"


Although, they have been thinking for the rest of the night, and they have written and drawn a lot.

But, those are just scattered thoughts and drafts.

So, if you want to really formulate the plan, it still takes a certain amount of time.

"Well, I trust you, you guys should make a good plan, I'll go to eat first."

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu stood up after speaking: "Wait a minute, the food will be delivered to you, just make your plans with peace of mind!"

After finishing speaking, Nagasaki Shibu Nakasa walked towards his office without looking back.

As for the officers of the little devils below, they breathed a sigh of relief, and began to raise their spirits and make plans.

Just now, they were really worried that Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu would let them make a plan first if he didn't give them food.

In that case, although they will work out the plan as quickly as possible.

But, the feeling of being hungry is really uncomfortable.

Anyway, they don't want to endure such a situation.

It is best to have food.

In this way, these officers, while waiting for breakfast, sorted out the mature plans in their hearts on paper.

Even, quite a few officers are thinking, whether they can be promoted this time depends on their hard work this time!
(End of this chapter)

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