Chapter 3382
time flies.

Half a day passed like this.

At noon, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu, who had rested, returned to the meeting room.

He gave the following people a whole morning.

He felt that regardless of the method, one morning was enough.

So, he came to the meeting room after lunch.

And in the conference room at this time, there were already quite a few little devil officers lying on the table and falling asleep.

After all, without sleep in the middle of the night, and with such high-intensity mental activities, it is really strange that these officers can bear it under such circumstances.

You must know that the physical fitness of these little devil officers is simply not comparable to that of their soldiers.

If it was a devil soldier, he could still bear this level of staying up all night.

However, these military officers in the office simply cannot do this.

Of course, the most important thing is that these devil officers who are sleeping on their stomachs have already completed the formulation of the plan, so they will have time to rest at this time.

Otherwise, for officers like Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant, if they went to sleep without making a plan, they would be courting death properly.

So, the minds of these little devil officers are very clear.

None of them are fools.

Besides, if they were really fools, they would not be able to get to the present step at this time.

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, who saw this scene, just smiled.

Didn't make a big fuss.

Because, in his heart, he is also very clear about this point.

So, at this moment, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu sat in the first place with a smile on his face.

During the period, even if there was a devil officer who wanted to stand up and salute him, he waved his hand to signal not to salute so much.

And the devil officers who saw this scene, at this moment, woke up the sleeping officers beside them one after another.

After all, the Lord had already come, and there would be no reason for them to continue sleeping.

If you don't wake up these guys, who knows if the Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant will settle accounts after the fall in the following time.

Therefore, these devil officers who are awake understand this very well, and wake up the sleeping companions around them as quickly as possible,


"what happened?"

"Is it dawn?"



I have to say, at this moment, between half asleep and half awake, anything can happen.

Although these officers who were awakened from their sleep did not make any big jokes, they still said a lot of funny words in a daze.

Regarding this, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu just smiled.

And the officer who was awake beside them immediately reminded:
"Your Excellency has arrived, don't sleep, wake up quickly, cheer up!"


Under the situation of being reminded like this, these little devil officers who had just been awakened shivered instantly and woke up.

It's not okay to be unconscious, but they remember very clearly that the officer who offended Nagasaki's Shibu Lieutenant before did not end well.

They don't want to touch this brow at this time.

"Your Mightiness!"

"Your Mightiness!"


In this way, the devil officers who were awakened stood up one after another, and said to Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu that they were rude and fell asleep.

"Okay, okay, sit down!"

The Lieutenant Assistant of the Nagasaki Shibu, however, looked as if he didn't blame him, and said: "I know you are tired, it's okay."

Hearing Nagasaki Shibu's lieutenant officer say this, these little devil officers who were awakened felt a big stone fall in their hearts.

As long as there is no accountability.

Otherwise, even if they survived in the hands of Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, they would still have to retreat a little.

At this moment, the devil officers who sat down were all relieved.

"The plans are all made, right?"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu looked at the officers below and asked.

That's the most important thing, that's the point.

For other things, he doesn't have time to take care of them now, and he doesn't want to waste this time on these chores.

"Hey, Your Excellency, the plan is ready!"

"Mine too, you can check it out now!"


The little devil officers below, upon hearing this, said that their plans had already been made.

"Well, that's good, let's close the plan."

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu nodded in satisfaction and gave orders.

Immediately, relying on his two nearest lieutenant officers, he immediately stood up and collected the plans in the hands of the following officers.

And, it was respectfully placed in front of Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu.


After the Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant nodded, he immediately began to immerse his mind in these plans.

Now, in his eyes, these plans are the real treasures.

Maybe, he will be able to find the most perfect plan among these plans.

At that time, his contribution to Nabeshima Qihong will be even greater.

This is what he wants.

Everything else is secondary.

In normal times, he would punish these guys for these small things.

Now, it is simply impossible.

Which is more important, he is clear.

At this time, we still have to focus on this time's credit plan.

Everything else is secondary.

Even if it is to settle accounts after the autumn, it is necessary to wait until the future is free.

Even, at this moment, he was thinking in his heart, it would be even better if their Ninth Regiment was promoted to the Ninth Brigade because of the credit this time.

At that time, he will definitely be able to be promoted to an officer at the rank of Colonel.

At that time, he didn't care about these things now.

Soon, after clearing the messy thoughts in his mind, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu immersed all his mind in the plans in front of him.

As for the devil officers sitting below, they didn't dare to leave.

Even, at this moment, they dare not even make a big noise.

Without the order of Lieutenant Commander Nagasaki Shibu, they could not leave.

In case this guy has something he doesn't understand from the plan, if he asks directly, if he is not present, then the plan maker will be in big trouble.

time flies.

It was very quiet in the conference room.

There was only the sound of plans being flipped.

At this moment, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, the smile on his face became stronger and stronger.

Among these plans, he found some very good methods.

As long as he extracts the essence of it and integrates it, that's a very good way.

Even if it is not perfect, it is still at the level of excellence.

This is also the reason why the smile on Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu's face became stronger and stronger.

And the other devil officers who saw this scene were completely relieved.

What they were afraid of was that Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu's face would be frosty after seeing their plan.

If there is frost on their faces, then their unlucky time will come soon.

At this time, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu was smiling, and the smile became stronger and stronger.

That means that their plan is possible, otherwise, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu would not have such a smile on his face.

These devil officers are completely relieved at this moment, and they waited with anticipation in their hearts.

You know, at this time, if the Lieutenant Assistant of Nagasaki Shibu can choose whose plan, then he will get a credit for it.

Don't worry about participating in the future or not participating in it, you will directly get a point of credit.

Moreover, it is still a great credit.

This is the kind that will not be involved in the follow-up.

Once you participate in the later stage, it will be another situation. At that time, once you succeed again, you will be able to get another battle credit.

So, under such circumstances, these little devil officers are looking forward to it.

They are extremely looking forward to, their plan will be selected by Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Assistant.

"Well, not bad!"

"This one is very good!"

"Ha ha!"

"This one is also good!"


In the final time, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu selected several good proposals and put them on the desk.

"Gentlemen, your plans are all very good, and all of them are remarkable. This time, I will choose the most outstanding ones."

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu quickly made a choice.

This time, the officers below immediately waited in anticipation, mixed with apprehension.

At this moment, it was like being sentenced by fate.

It is also understandable that for them, the more military achievements, the better.

If you can choose yourself, that is the best result.




In this way, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu read out several names in succession.

Now, the devil officer whose name was pronounced immediately became excited.

As for the others whose names were not pronounced, there was only envy and jealousy deep in their hearts.

"Okay, those people whose names I have read can stay, gentlemen, go to rest, you just wait for the arrangement in the next time!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu gave the order again.

"Hi, Your Excellency!"

"Hi Yi!"



Regarding the orders of Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, they did not dare to disobey at all, they could only accept the orders, get up and leave.

Full of disappointment.

Of course, another piece of luck they can ask for now is that the battle plan falls on them.

Only in this way can they once again get a share of the next planned action and gain a piece of military merit!
(End of this chapter)

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